Thursday, April 17, 2014

More on the Bundy Affair and Agenda 21

--lot of important topics covered here...

The taking of American land under the guise of sustainability or helping species while intending it only for corporate profit.

The dissolution of police forces that have become security services with too much responsibility.

The militia and the growing anger of the public with the caveat that the co-opters are waiting in the wings with the intent to use this to their advantage to take the current government out and put in what they want, but the replacement won't be good for the people either.

...these are among some of the topics brought out by Susanne who does a remarkable job of research on a variety topics and whose website is

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Bundy Affair and the Human Spirit

Some good vids on the Bundy affair

If indeed the Bundy's lost their case to be able to continue to use the land for cattle grazing, if the government doesn't really give a rat's behind about the desert tortoise--and that's pretty obvious they don't--and given the government's history of taking from others--from the Native Americans to the present day--if all of this is so, it would appear the government is flexing its muscle, seeing how much resistance will come of it and will eventually end their reconnaisance with a strong arm tactic. 

Reid's right--it ain't over--and unfortunately for probably the majority of people it won't end well. From JFK to Waco to OKC to 911 the sociopath in its proxy wars will continue to game and encroach. 

What everyone must understand is that if you fight, you fight for what is important to the human spirit, not for the material exclusively--that is the province of the unhuman sociopath. That is the province of that which controls creativity and growth. From patents and inventions that free us (from utilities and dinosaur energy usage) to healthcare modalities that leave people cured and more endowed both in health and wealth to the independence of self-directed lives free of usury, the stomping ground of the controller is laden with heavy bootprints.

Understanding that our energy, time, and resource is being frequently misdirected is waking up from the somnabulence that the human race has been placed in. And when all has been said and done, more has been done to hold the human race down then done to allow it to go forth. I stand on the side of the militia, the independent thinkers, and those who have declared enough. The manipulators may not want a civil war in their controlled demonstations of force, but before long, it seems inevitable. How long can you hold down a growing force that grows greater with each encroachment?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Range War: Bundy's: 1 Govt: 0

The following video was made before the BLM got told to get their asses out of the Bundy ranch affair. Why the human race drives toward a cliff is precisely because of these people who won't stop to ask over their paychecks and their jackboots "Why the hell am I doing this?" "Why am I following orders while abrogating not only the rights of those who would be harmed in the cross-fire today but my own when Johnnie comes calling with another government branch of hired thugs."

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Iceland-Arrest of Rothschild Bankers

Iceland Dismantles the Corrupt - Then Arrests Ten Rothschild Bankers

"The truth of the matter is… No one, except the Icelanders, have to been the only culture on the planet to carry out this successfully. Not only have they been successful, at overthrowing the corrupt Gov’t, they’ve drafted a Constitution, that will stop this from happening ever again.

"That’s not the best part… The best part, is that they have arrested ALL Rothschild/Rockefeller banking puppets, responsible for the Country’s economic Chaos and meltdown. Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is changing the country’s direction..." 

"...Pressure from Icelandic citizens’ has managed not only to bring down a government, but also begin the drafting of a new constitution (in process) and is seeking to put in jail those bankers responsible for the financial crisis in the country."

"Sigurdur Einarsson, former chairman of the defunct Icelandic bank Kaupthing, was arrested in London at 5:30 this morning along with the bank’s biggest customer, Robert Tchenguiz, and five others in a joint operation by the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the Office of the Special Prosecutor in Iceland."

Source: Daily Paul
Original source: American Kabuki