Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Government Casino

I reproduced this article here mainly because I hate casinos and not so much for the info on what government is. Though both effect the populace negatively, the casino seems to do so with rapidity at the community level. The funneling of mafia money to the Indians isn't really helping the image of the Indians, who have become like the greedy white man and the devastation to lives is immeasurable. In any event, people need to wake up to their own false hope and the reality that odds are not in their favor when they choose to gamble with a machine that long ago fixed them.

By Clint Richardson

I used to deal blackjack in South Lake Tahoe. It was a good job – good benefits, really good tips, and I got to live in the beautiful and clean mountains of Tahoe. But as with everything else in life, once the initial excitement of a new job is absorbed, and the realization of the reality of what it is you are actually doing in your job and how it either benefits or harms the people who are your customers, the whole thing falls apart.

I learned many things in that job… not the least of which was the application of statistics and the law of averages and odds to take advantage of the average person who likes to gamble (sheep without a clue). And unfortunately, I learned that most businesses out there that deal with the making of money by usury, gambling, and investments are indeed a cancer on humanity, and are slowly destroying the fabric of our freedom and replacing it with destitution and debt.

On that note… I’d like to compare our corporate government and the stock markets to a casino, and see if there is any distinguishable difference between the two…

I’d like to mention this one thing before I start, since I think it is relevant to this comparison. The feeling I used to get when i walked into a casino and layed my money on the table – the anxiety of risk mixed with the illogical emotional orgasm at the prospects of winning a fortune  – was the same feeling I used to get when I would buy shares in a stock from a company that really, in hind sight, I knew nothing about. Gambling is gambling, whether you call it investing or insist is is just a game.

First of all, as we enter into the casino, we have to exchange our money for chips. Similar to buying a piece of paper (called a stock certificate) representing the purchasing of a stock, the casino sells chips in exchange for your hard earned cash, and without hesitation I might add, considering the prospects of you actually building wealth from those chips. So in essence, the casino sells you a worthless clay or plastic chip that represents the value of the money you exchanged for it, knowing that the only place you can spend that chip (in-house money) is in their casino. As with a stock certificate, the chip is simply a tool used for gambling – a talisman which mimics wealth but is actually worthless paper, clay, or plastic that can be traded and bet for other similar but worthless talismans.

The only way that chip has any value is if you cash it back in for its monetary equivalent. The same goes for a stock certificate. If a stock goes down in value, or your chips become less than what you started with, your losses are only realized when you actually cash these objects in for their current value. So, the only way you lose money on your gambling (investment) is to cash in your talisman after it has lost value. Of course no one wants to do that, and so most of us will hold on to the chips or papers that represent our money, and watch it slowly dwindle due to forces that are mostly outside of our control, or from an addiction to this obsurd excitement we get from the thought of our luck turning around and still reaping huge rewards.

But if that casino goes out of business or declares bankruptcy, and you are still holding that chip or piece of paper, the casino or company that these talismans represent have no obligation to pay you the value on their face. In this way, their value is best defined as “conditionally” worthless – the condition being that you aren’t educated or knowledgeable enough about how the casino or the company and the market it trades through works to know when the right time to trade them back in will be.

And we must remember that when we loose a chip to a hot dealer or we lose a dollar on a bad stock pick, that dollar doesn’t just get lost and disappear off of the market and out of the monetary system, and instead it goes into someone elese’s account. The stock gets lower in value, and someone behind the scenes gets richer. One dollar lost by you is another dollar gained by someone else. And by someone else I generally mean the government, it’s investment owned corporations, and the wealthy elite – who became wealthy by manipulating the markets into making you lose your wealth in thier shell game they call “the stock market”.

Now, the casino goes out of its way to entertain, wine, and dine you so that you will come back for more. It makes sure that there are no clocks or windows for you to see outside, so that the comprehension of time and of day and night are virtually non-existent. It places flashy lights, clever advertising, winning bells, and half naked cocktail waitresses all around you to add to your distraction. It pumps specific mood altering vibrational sound and music at low levels to keep you docile and in a trance-like state for the duration of your stay. And it has complete control over the odds, knowing that it will always come out financially ahead over most of its gamblers in the long run.

Does this sound like the government and the stock market to you? Let’s see…

The government owned television networks keep you entertained and give you reality shows and “to-be-continued” sitcoms so that you will continuously come back for more. The television holds you in a trance-like flash induced state as it pumps specific mood enhancing and mind-altering programing and sound into your living room. It bombards you with flashing lights and advertising. The news and financial “entertainment” shows give you false information about stocks and what is a good investment, similar to the mth propegated by casinos about your odds of winning against them. Billboards, radio, and other media outlets purposefully expose you to more than 3000 distracting advertisements a day, wherever you go. Sex is the weapon of choice in this advertising, and you are sold purely nonsexual products like milk and coffee by beautiful and scantily clad male and female models and Hollywood stars. And the very products and services that are being sold to you, completely distract you from what is really happening…

What is happening?

You are trading in your money for worthless stuff you don’t need and gambling the rest of your money away investing in the stocks that the government and its investment owned corporations have complete control over (the odds are fixed!). The market is manipulated on a constant basis, completely controlled by the people in power. Think of it this way… if all Fortune 500 companies are collectively owned through government investments by the over 174,000 individual governments around the United States (collectively as one conglomerate individual government body – The U.S. government corporation) then it is natural and logical to assume that the value of these corporations on the open market are also in the control of the government who owns and reinvests in their majority shares as well as the monetary system that they thrive in. The price of Haliburton stock, for instance, goes up when the government “invests” in the destruction of the once beautiful country of Iraq. Nation building and re-building is huge business. And market shares soar when that corporations services are sudenly needed to rebuild the nation that our corporate government decides to destroy, and awards outragous no bid contracts to its own investment-owned company.

Translation: nothing happens randomly in the stock market, and corporations rise and fall (and are repurchased for pennies and conglomerated) at the whim of our corporate government!

OK, back to the casino…

The games that are provided for us to play in the casinos are specifically invented to assure that the odds are always in the favor of the house (the casino). The illusion and legends of being able to beat the casino are propagated to the extreme to the general public, while the men who have lost small fortunes – and in the process their businesses, homes, families, and lives – go unmentioned. (And yes, I saw small fortunes go through my hands as a dealer, enough to feed a small country. And I couldn’t believe it when cutomers were still in the same seat 24 hours later with a slumped over, dazed, exhausted look on thier faces… and yet still the glimmer of hope in thier eyes.)

And as soon as the money dries up, the casino perks, free rooms, food, and entertainment dry up as well.

Comparatively, once the sheep-like American investors lose thier savings and investment wealth in the stock market, thier perks dry up as well. Many end up homeless on the street, broke and hungary, while the money they lost is reinvested back into the governments crime syndiccate called the UNITED STATES.

What are the chances of winning at blackjack?

The “odds” that everyone seems to cling to as they sit on the losing side of the table go something like this: the house has a slight advantage (about 54% chance of winning). But these odds are in reality based on a computer model simulating randomly generated blackjack hands, where a computer player and a computer dealer play the same way by a specific set of rules in a perfect uninterupted simulation for millions of hands. Strangely, these are the odds by which most players play the game. But these odds change dramatically when other variables are included into the equation. For instance, new players don’t know the rules, and therefore will play differently than the computer model and the experienced gamblers. This of course changes the odds, as more or less cards are played in each individual hand. Interestingly, the new players often win on thier first blackjack session, simply because they don’t follow a specific set of rules. They think about thier options, and make amatur but somewhat educated guesses. And when they don’t follow the advice of the other players, they often come out ahead. Amusingly, this is refered to as beginers luck!

As for the “experienced” players, they quite easily fit into Einstein’s definition of insanity, which states:

“Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

And the look of frustration and anger on thier faces as they blame the dealer and the new player at the table is a good indication that this is a true description. Loosing is never the gambler’s fault, just as alcoholics and smokers could quit… if they thought they had a problem, and if they wanted to!

But the actual “odds” at wining at blackjack are all over the spectrem of opinion and hope. And the word winning must also be defined here. The odds at “winning” one hand are different than winning five hands, which are different than winning ten. The average player plays tens or hundreds of hands in a single trip, and thousands of hands in his lifetime. So winning on one gambling trip doesn’t mean that person is ahead on their life totals. But I guarentee that the last remodel or expansion on your favorite casino was instituted with part of yours and others total losses!

According to Ion Saliu’s Paradox: random generation does not generate all possible combination’s, as the odds that a hand will repeat before all possible hands are dealt are a sure thing. So, to consider the odds, random generation is not an accurate source. If there are 334,490,044 total possible complete hands in blackjack, and we randomly generate 334,490,044 hands, the statistics show that approximately 63% will be unique and 37% will be repeats. (

And the point is… if you can show me a person (besides Rain Man) who can sit down and play that many hands, with no outside influences, with no burned cards, with no change of dealers or bathroom breaks, with no dealer mistakes, and with no sleep… then I will except the odds you come up with.

In other words, whenever you hear someone quote the odds and tell you the right way to play blackjack, they are talking out of their butt – which is where you should tell them to stick their advice! Likewise, if you take advice from a stock broker (who makes money from your wins and your losses regardless) or from the government (who’s investment owned corporations are on the other side of your trade, and who wins your losses) you are a fool, and are playing into the trap of legalized embezzlement through stock market gambling.

In much the same way that you have no way of knowing which card will come out of the blackjack deck next (52 cards means about a 1:52 chance of guessing, or 1:13 on its numerical value), you have no way of knowing what planned or seemingly random events will come out of the world economy that will effect the price index and value of your stock investment. And you have no way of knowing the plans of the elitist money changers (bankers) who control these events and can crash the market at any time through planned events like 9/11 – when unprecidented short positions were put on airline stocks just days before the event (which destroyed the values of airline stocks). The very fact that shorts, derivatives, and other hedges and gambling bets are allowed to be made on stocks should be a huge red flag for who controls and influences the markets.

A “short” is simply placing a bet that a stock will, in a certain amount of time, go down in value. Who in their right mind would want to make a bet like this, without some inside information to support the bet? I see this as no different than being best friends with Don King, and taking his advice on which boxer to bet on as a K.O. in the third round!

So why would you, as a simple working man or woman with none of this foreknowledge, gamble on these things called stocks? Probably the same reason that despite the fact that the odds are totally against you, you willingly and hopefully lay your money down in that little circle on the blackjack table, so that a dealer like I used to be can snatch it up with a look of false surprise, disappointment, empathy and remorse.

The last aspect of this conundrum is this: while you may set your loss limit at $1000 for your gambling trip, the casino has no such limits. It has more money in its coffers than most local banks have in their vaults. Actually, casinos are banks… complete with their own vaults, the highest of high-tec security, and armed guards that collect the money from each table’s drop-box two or three times a day. They even make loans, called markers, to high profile club members whose financial information is on account with the casino. And you must understand that with an unlimited money supply and the odds completely in their favor, the casino is always going to win.

Likewise the government, with it’s unlimited amounts of money – hidden in these investments – has no limit to what it can accomplish to ensure that the odds are in its favor, and that you are distracted through entertainment, and unenlightened by purposefully creating one of the worst education systems in the world. Remember, they can create money anytime they want to. You cannot. The odds are that eventually you will lose enough of your wealth by gambling it in their fixed system (the casino-like stock market) to eliminate any threat you might impose by your insignifigant wealth.

Oh, you’re a millionaire, you say? Well the government has many multiple trillions. A trillion is a million-million. So the government is a millionaire of a whole differant sort. Get over yourself, and fast!

And for the final nail in the coffin…?

If you do somehow get ahead and make a scene, the casino (government) can send in the cleaner – the dealer who can stack the deck and deal from the bottom of it. In other words, the odds we have talked about in this essay are not real, for they are manipulatable just like everything else. And they will never be manipulated in your favor unless you are being set up for a big loss later.

The moral of this story is simply this: invest your money in your home, in your family, and in your community. Charity is now a lost concept, and the thought of giving freely without anything in return has been killed by corporate greed and usury. Imagine if you will, actually giving instead of investing, without a tax write-off or of any expectations of repayment with gains or interest. Imagine building a church, a school, or a public meeting house without gaining anything but the admiration and love of the people around you, and in seeing the benefit it gives to them, and in turn to you. Imagine buying land and putting it into a trust that ensures that it will be in the peoples control and use, and never usurped by government and its corporate interests, and for the next thousand years seeing that community come together and use that land for a community garden to feed everyone in the area.

Reinvestment into the people and communities is the only way to fix what damage has been done to our once great country.

And seperation of the community churches and real charities from corporate interests, ownership, and control is a necesary step in this process.

The power is in the people, despite where the money lies. But only if we use our power and declare this corporation we call our government unlawful, unconstitutional, and downright evil.

And, in one last plea for sanity, if I may be so bold… The only solution I have seen brought forward by any of us to change the country and the world in a complete and lawful way is through Walter Burien’s “Tax Retirement Fund” (TRF). We can talk and anylize and discuss till we are blue in the face, but until this mans efforts are supported, and until Mr. Burien gets some charity of his own by true patriots who stop reveling in the usury and gambling in the corrupt and hopeless markets and banking and profitting from these thieves in government, instead of giving freely and annonomysly, without expectation or financial attachment to men like Walter Burien, our world will just go deeper and deeper into this endless spiral of depression and pestulence through corporate government’s takeover of the world markets and of our very lives.

Go to: – and – to learn more.

Clint Richardson (
Monday, March 8, 2010

Source: Reality Blog