This guy's got guts! Give'em hell Nigel!
This is the NWO farce. This is your life under the NWO farce. Any questions?
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
-- French economist Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)
"It would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be."
--Brookings Institute (Which Path to Persia?)False Flag and NWO Related
The cat and mouse game continues (thanks for your insight here Peter)
- British companies raping investors and tax payers in Britain and India
- Prolific paedophilia activity exists in this country
- Who Carried Out the Terrorist Car Bombings in India, Thailand and Georgia? Iran … Or Someone Else? U.S. and Israel Point Towards Iran … But Did They Do It?
NWO related
- CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny
- FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time
- American Freedom Radio (Project Camelot interview that goes with above article)
- Fulford Interview related to the above lawsuit
"American Ambassador Susan Rice told the Security Council following the vote that the US was 'disgusted' at Russia and China’s decision to go against the resolution. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also warned that more blood would be shed in Syria if a resolution was not reached soon." (Russia Today, "Russia Points to 'Armed Groups' in Syria, Vetoes UN Security Council Draft Resolution," Global Research , 4 February 2012. Web. 5 February 2012)
No hypocrisy here. Not from the neoCon Clinton or the goodwill
- US Treasury is raiding federal employee pension funds to help cover its debts.
- Mitt Romney's top 3 donors are banks, including Goldman Sachs. All of them have received billions of bailout money from taxpayers
Ok, you little 9/11 trolls can go find another living now. The WMD are in government and sitting on the thrones of the elite. Like being a pawn? Like being a bird that shits in its own nest? With all the radiation floating around the planet, you're right on target, and guess who the target is...
That's right and...
![]() |
cannabilists grant no quarter |
Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order
(note what this old neoCon banana fart says at the 41 sec point)
Engineering the Eurozone Collapse - F. William Engdahl
“The safety of this Nation was not in its fleets, its armies, or its forts, but in the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere.”--Abraham LincolnWARS
“Military force is justified only in self-defense; naked aggression is the province of dictators and rogue states. This is the danger of a new “preemptive strike doctrine.”---Ron Paul 9/4/02
Next False Flag: Israel Bombs US Navy Ship + WW3
(good chronology on Israel and presentation of the NWO agenda)
Senior politicians and the highly censored BBC are painting the wrong picture
- Exposed: The Arab Agenda in Syria
Project Camelot: Bill Brockbrader aka Wood follow up interview Feb 4 2012
(another interview with the Navy seal Brockbrader)
- BREAKING NEWS: The Pentagon to Send US Troops to Israel. Iran is the Unspoken Target Blacked-out news story in America...
Rick Santorum would be a very dangerous option for world peace
Another nutcase we don't need in government
“He has the blood of peaceful civilians on his hands, and he can’t live without the kind of disgusting, repulsive scenes like the killing of Qadhafi.”--Vladimir Putin remarking on Sen. John McCain
Foreclosure related:
"Lost Lightning" An Excellent Film About Nicola Tesla's "Missing Secrets"
Flying Motorcycles (This is cool!)
Love this!
- Microwaves
- Fluoride
Alternative News Sources
Voltaire Network
Dr. Michael Hudson
RT America
Press TV
Eyre International
Unfiltered News
Coup Media Group
The Daily Bell
The Excavator
Land Destroyer Report
My Catbird Seat
Project Camelot
(There are a lot of excellent interviews on here,
but, as with all news, one needs to use discernment,
as the people at Proj. Cam. are very good at providing
open access to info but letting others discern)
Tom Heneghan's Intelligence Briefing Blog
The Waterman Files
Dr. Michael Hudson
RT America
Press TV
Eyre International
Unfiltered News
Coup Media Group
The Daily Bell
The Excavator
Land Destroyer Report
My Catbird Seat
Project Camelot
(There are a lot of excellent interviews on here,
but, as with all news, one needs to use discernment,
as the people at Proj. Cam. are very good at providing
open access to info but letting others discern)
Tom Heneghan's Intelligence Briefing Blog
The Waterman Files