They call me one of the dark angels
courting me with the fusion of triangles
I gain favor through men’s desires
And with the illusion of a separate peace,
I know the shallowness of what aspires
and how its appetite will never cease
I was there when Romans destroyed the Druid culture
And Alexander sent many to a sepulcher
I was there as Knights slayed Muslim, Christian, and Jew
And when Caesar’s legions reduced a growing sinew
I was there when Columbus tortured, plundered, and killed
and when white men destroyed native people better skilled
I took the idea for the city on a hill
As another venue to carry out my will
I watched as psychics were burned alive
And a noble gesture became another conquer and divide
And as the colonies grew, my Masons were ready
And as cannons blew, my gaze remained far and steady
A revolution against the dreaded King George
But little did the populace know what ties I had forged
Little did they know I would leave my stamp in full view
and do so on their monuments, money, blood, and sinew
Dead men are telling you more than a tale,
but your soldiers hear to no avail
They glance over the bloody battleground
as they pummel it with bombs, fury, and ignoble sound
They create a war on terror,
while minions who proclaimed it, believe they are spared
Failed attempts at central banks and focused usury
merely strengthened my resolve
Other plans given a review all too cursory,
paved the way for what could never be absolved
I was there when Rothschild made his proclamation
“Let me issue and control a country’s money…”
And guess who now controls its legislation,
not to mention its milk and honey?
The legions of hell are among you
We’ve conquered your means of exchange
And left you with a distorted view,
since we also determine your media’s news range
When we need to, we use technology
and by such, affect a desired seismology
and flood the lands with torrential rain
Then we move to procure damaged farm land,
so we may control food and provide for other plan
As the hourglass runs down,
each harkens to a distant sound
and based on one’s reckoning
there is in the future’s beckoning
the lament of mere survival
or a soulful alliance of a Gideon’s revival
Wonder who is the Wizard of Oz
and what lies behind the curtain?
Look at those who suffer not your laws
and know of what you can be certain:
The time is now at hand when one of us will prevail
and so police, weather mods, and false flags provide travail
I send before you the followers of my dominion
to weaken your resolve , resource, and opinion
I am Lucifer, leader of the dark realm
I subjugate, deceive, and create overwhelm
Say of me what you will,
but as you fiddle, I continue to kill
To kill your laws, people, and good sense
and know unless you coalesce, there won’t soon be recompense
Not by your hand alone anyway
But others have joined the fray
Many are hidden from your view,
and subscribe to other than my leadership
Your skies are filled with their silver hue,
and alternative news provides their readership
You show division on this issue too,
and what government will deny, entertainment will readily woo
Yet both may create the illusion
that your fate awaits evil intrusion,
while the intrusion is among your own,
and there we seek to quell the fires of insurrection sown
We assault your spirit and sense of resolution
Lest you gain a foothold and a burgeoning restitution
Many among you understand battle and go with sword drawn
into this, the quickening, as it heralds a new dawn
Disclaimer: Just so no one misunderstands, I’m NOT a devil worshipper
Day of Reckoning
As more resources fall to oil-stained hands
And drones expire parts of truth over bloodied lands,
the government pushes yet more lies,
whilst the truth splinters out by its former spies
And as wingnuts flying on the loose
fashion yet another government noose,
greed presents its dead-end plan,
while a world wakes from a slumber in the sand
Let’s all join hands ‘round this proxy war of Israel
Russia may yet define for them what is truly miserable
It’s hard to reckon with the shame of one’s country
It’s hard to beckon the blind from their unspeakable hegemony
Wars won and wars lost?
Or just efforts at immeasurable cost?
Shall we speak of corporate coffers
Or their government proffers
that cause the slave to sweat for a dime,
while unreported goes another white collar crime
And of course the banks won’t be undone
in their efforts to maintain the feudal son
We can wish them all well
in a collective sigh from hell
or watch the occupier’s land grow with furor,
as the war scenario becomes more than mere rumor
The corporation, the government, and the media
feed the dragons enshrined in Wikipedia
The presstitudes, the warmongers, and the thieves
gnaw the boat from which the shark retrieves
My country for someone’s kingdom
And it’s the NWO stupid, not a mere lord’s fiefdom
Honor among thieves equals temporary reprieves
Honor is indeed what has staged Earth’s embattlement
And the soldiers are the wealthy, the waffler, and the grunt
Who may have yet to see what men have never gotten ‘round:
the karmic law that sets the stage for another proving ground
And somewhere plays a requiem for another wealthy thief of power,
And it’s matched by one tin soldier’s taps at his comrades’ final hour
My country ‘tis of thee,
An anguished land losing its liberty
It feeds not its poor or huddled masses
Thanks to the ones at the golf club with the bottom-up glasses
They think they drove a hole in one
And that they’ll rally ‘round the rising sun
But greed must capitulate
To the spirit of the slave
As it broaches the power once given to the king’s knave
We ask ourselves not what our country can do for us
But how we can purge a country of its ill-begotten lust
Banker, bullet, bomb, and bust
The newest lawyers the world will turn to dust
For the day of reckoning is upon us all
And take care, lest your next role not be quite so tall
As a Roaring Lion
And the lambs did quake
As the earth did shake
And Japan stood stricken
By a cabal induced lickin’
And so did Haiti and Chile endure
A punishment for what someone couldn’t procure
And the Navy stood by at the cabal’s will
Ready to land, after the earthquake drill
They say it’s a global economy
And HAARP ain’t about astronomy
And you must come along quietly to their NWO
Or they’ll squelch your self-direction and ability to grow
From the stamping hooves of the knights Templar
To the megalomania of the modern banker
The footprints track for millennia back
And always are they crimson hued
In the lands of the damned and the subdued
A genuflection to the cross
Another blood soaked venture lost
The Templars in their blind obedience
Had their swords felled by expedience
This kingdom come yet returned?
The soulless eyes that deadly burn
On schoolhouse planet Earth
Where a banker's bounty, is the beggar's dearth
Perhaps we will deal the fatal blow
Against the dark hand that lends a global show
The world grows wary of debauchery and reprise
As yet more sharks roll their cunning eyes
On a people, on a government, on another prize
There’s a tango in the Congress over a debt impasse
And bankers fiddle, whilst the flag flies half mast
Taxes dwindling and the coffers for the war as well
The military industrial complex funds its own hell
Damn the terrorists, it’s against them that we fight
‘Tis it so? ‘tis it so? The mirror will set you right
In God we trust, or so it says
By God we deceive and so agrees the prez
I tax your labor and give you guns
So you can take another country’s sons
I teach you submission and the chain of command
And make you a pawn in a resourceful land
I take your allegiance and twist to plan
The cards you can’t see for the bomb in your hand
God forbid you should all wake up and wreck this show
Our grand design, our hastened path to an NWO
Our grand idea, it has its flaws
And lest you wake, we draw you now with lion’s claws
And as the lion roars and seeks yet to devour
We shall see, we shall see, who is standing on the final hour!
A World Upside Down
Through the churches and the schools
Through peer pressure and social rules
Through the boob tube and its mindless tools,
you fashion a Stepford society
whose machinations lay hidden for lack of notoriety
Through a toothless and controlled press,
you keep the people from knowing the true measure of duress
This is how you keep a people in line
By instilling beliefs to which they will incline
As a thief in the night
Something this way comes
Another fiendish plight
Another beating of the war drums
From the days of youthful indoctrination,
many have known religious abomination
From the time of Christ, there arose a “council of one”
who subjugated the people and sought to have him undone
Lest the people come to understand who they truly could be,
they dismissed the one who really could see
that as in heaven, so also could Earth be
This fractured the people’s ability to fight the dark force
Whilst the resolve grew along the light’s course
Amidst this fractal state was born,
the Illuminati’s Christ thorn
whom rich and poor alike
thought to be other than tithing tripe
and rendering the proclaimed fee
sought to procure a heavenly destiny
But this subtle ruse
soon gave way to a tighter noose
And the people were soon dispossessed of their gold and land
As a church exposed itself while mimicking a government’s hand
It then drew about a militia to protect its stolen gain
And the battle lines were drawn for those who weren’t entrained
From thence was granted the horde,
the priests and the nuns of vital discord
who were fain to wish us well,
if we would accept their savior, lest he send us each to hell
Requiring vows of celibacy,
their minds were shackled with indelicacy
And as the Vatican sought to posture credulity,
soothsayer’s glimpsed the future and extracted a contiguity
A sovereign state unto itself,
it stands among the top institutions of wealth
Rich in gold and fiat currency,
pray tell, when will they see an emergency?
They promulgated the lies of Eden as the start of man
and the rib of a male as presaging a woman
They enshrined the pineal gland, the seat of the soul,
but would you likely hear that from a Vatican troll?
Long ago, even before the Vatican and recorded time,
the Earth’s people were herded to enact more Illuminati crime
The bloodlines that once were pure
were diluted among the people to be sure
To blend the races with a dark agenda
that always maintains itself with propaganda
But pockets remained within the hamlets and villages
This, the resistance, the dark still rages against and pillages
Their cries to end the war machine and arrogant government
Are met with ostracism or other malevolent intent
And the dark brotherhood has long known
That whispers may be seeds with doubt and fear sown
And so is greater the enemy within the gates
Since his lies may not betray his sociopathic traits
And yet more evidence of the dark hand,
is fluoridated water over our land,
drugs on both sides of a legal frame,
Terminator seeds and neurotoxins in our foods
Is it any wonder there’s elevated moods?
And we can’t forget that through it all,
the police do aid and abet a country’s fall
And still more deeds of modern day
that have nonetheless left a fatal virus to man
that produces mutated insects and arid land
amidst flammable chemicals on buildings and dry sand
They’ve destroyed life in the seas
while rotting wood on healthy trees
and they’ve removed oxygen from the clouds
while raising a people’s voice over white shrouds
If all this wasn’t enough, the gene fiddlers have had a day
with their attempts to remove logic, compassion, and free say
Atlantis rising haunts us now
But this planet will go as avowed
For the Earth celebrates a quiet revolution,
No invisible halos above the head
Just a repudiation of the walking dead
Much work is yet to be done
before we see our future kingdom come,
but the Illuminati have exposed their worth
to a people who will rise again on mother Earth