Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Resistance

 "There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's  speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press"    ---Mark Twain

Does it take a politician who's a martial artist to tell the world about the NWO? One can only hope more of the world continues to listen and grow in alliance against a wrong-headed agenda...

My dear Putin, you have more diplomacy toward my country than I will in this lifetime ever be able to muster for it, but you have my ears. 

So I had a dream this morning about Putin. He was a teacher.

Human beings are "one of the most vulnerable creatures on earth, barraged by disease, disaster, and criminality." 
                                                                                 --Vladimir Putin

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Restructuring

"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles by it."    --Margaret Fuller

Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

This is good...and funny...  
The old power structure is disassembling.
Including, hopefully, some of the religious powerbrokers.
Private jets, 13 mansions and a $100,000 mobile home just for the dogs: Televangelists 'defrauded tens of millions of dollars from Christian network'

I've read some of the kingpins of the Illuminati can be found among the Goldman Sachs clan...

Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs (former VP's expose)

I've also read that after the dust settles there will only be about 4 major banks, and their main competition will be credit unions. 



JP Morgan-MF Global-Euro Gate Escalates



World Bank Resignations 
BRICS prepares world banking revolution 

Ahead Of SCO Summit: China, Russia To Bolster Strategic Partnership

The wars will no doubt continue on this planet for some time, but there is a definite restructuring of alliances and greater will for a change in how financial houses conduct business and this an inevitable fallout from the greed that always destroys itself in some measure. Being that this is a planetary issue, that measure will not be small.

Putin, you really need to lose the company of that NWO fart Kissinger. A hen may as well ask a fox not to eat her.

Russia and the changing world

Remember when there once was a scare about Russia in the U.S.? Well, I'd say it's not Russia we need to be so concerned with when it comes to spying, but our own idiots...

NSA Building Largest Spy Center Ever

One must reckon with persistence in the face of all logic. Such is the state the Illuminati would and does bring the world to. It is incumbent upon all of us to enlighten the world to this fact.



The lies uncovered by the real reporters:



More reasons for countries outside of NATO to form alliances against the NWO menace...  

Pentagon Launches Desperate Damage Control Over Shocking Panetta Testimony   

Alex Jones: “This represents absolute 100 per cent proof that the military industrial complex which runs the United States is under the control of foreign central banks who are imposing a military dictatorship.”

   Albert Camus: Where war lives. The reign of beasts has begun

The world is sick of you Israel...sick of you

Hacker group Anonymous crashes AIPAC's website

Much of the world is growing tired...tired of war, tired of the waste of our potential, tired of the inability to have more efficient lives devoid of the lies that are all around us in our financial, religious, healthcare, educational, and dinosaur energy institutions. This was evident when the multitudes of people came out to support that war buffoon O_bomb_a believing that he would be change only to see once again that we can't put faith in politicians. Screw 'em. They're given too much belief, while we've in turn given too little to ourselves. But we see this changing in multiple ways on this planet. We see it with intentional communities, with prolific writers that unmask the disinfo, and with people in (and out of) various occupations who are having to rethink how they do things and view the world. We see it with inventors putting out devices and transport capabilities that are rending the illusions asunder and moving us toward a better future.  And we see it at the national level as countries form alliances against a menace that always seeks to take more than it gives.

At all levels of life we see the dark and the light on this planet. But one must consider that a total takeover by the dark would have to supersede not only intelligence and ability but intent. It would have to be able to destroy the premise, intent, and priority of the many people who will not sacrifice honor for the material. Shall I talk about starseeds? This is not a winning battle for the dark, but it's sad how many more people will have to suffer before the dark will see that reality.

Having said this, we have to reckon with people who think like this (and perhaps don’t know any better)…

Whistleblower Sues IRS for Non-Payment

This is the sort of reasoning that provides weak links in our social order and an inability to fight a menace that works in the dark like cockroaches to get us to eventually believe that what is is what is supposed to be.

A guy works for a bank. Bank is not paying its share of taxes and is telling others how to avoid doing so as well. Guy (Insinga) reports bank to IRS expecting a payoff. Doesn’t get payoff. Gets pissed off. Sues IRS.

Ok, let’s step back and look at this from the beginning. The IRS (Irascible Rathole Service) is a collection arm for the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve is about as federal as Federal Plumbing and let’s not even mention that our taxes help fund these bogus wars or the massive corruption the Fed’s been engaging in lately or all the “quantitative easing” that really isn’t.

So we have people who think on this level. Some person or company is not paying taxes and someone feels they should report them as though the country is being robbed, but then they want a reward, so who is doing the robbing and what do they think the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and most banks (engaging in usury) are doing? Wake the hell up everyone if you still believe the IRS is a rightful entity and the Federal Reserve has a useful (and lawful) presence in our country. And if you insist on thinking so, do yourself and everyone an enormous favor and watch a master at work telling you the truth…
America: Freedom to Fascism
You might think, well, we need taxes to fund various projects and that may be so. However, we need an infrastructure that knows what to do with all that money in the first place and one that follows its own laws about taxing corporations, like the bank in the article yes, but then also using the money responsibly. That infrastructure currently engages in too much legalized pilfery. It's past time to stop sniping at each other and acknowledge the target.

This is the kind of action I love to see...fight or be defeated

Caucus Coup: Ron Paul Mob Overthrows Seattle GOP For 21 Delegates

I'd say they're awake in Seattle.   They understand the shenanigans and the illusions those that have no integrity engage in, like the IRS, the unFed Reserve, the religious institutions, the political powerbrokers, and a host of other groups in our society. If we are to defeat a manipulating menace, we must first understand they play a game without rules. They make laws for you to follow but for them to break. You break the back of that structure by not giving in, rolling over, or saying this is the way its always been and always will be. It won't; too many people are sick of things.


This is an absolutely riveting video about a doctor who fought the establishment—big Pharma, the National Cancer Institute, and the FDA. This doctor has guts, because he has integrity unlike the people who tried numerous times to discredit him...AND FAILED. Please pass this video on to everyone you know who has been affected by cancer, or better yet, everyone you know. It is an eye-opening, gut wrenching account of ethics on trial and the ethics in question were the ones of those who brought the whole affair before a court--needlessly.

      Alternative Ways of Thinking/Energy

      Bearden: How to Neutralize Nuclear Waste in 9.1 minutes

      Alternative News Sources 
      Finchey! One of the great British actors I grew up with.
      He said these words more than 30 years ago, and
      they're still as true today as they were then.
      (There are a lot of excellent interviews on here, 
      but, as with all news, one needs to use discernment, 
      as the people at Proj. Cam. are very good at providing 
      open access to info but letting others discern)
      American Freedom Radio
      The Waterman Files

