Sunday, February 5, 2012

Russia in the Balance

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.      
How to watch Press TV in the UK

The current events taking place in Syria and the UN, with Russia standing in the way, remind me of another time in history when Russia also stood in the way. When the U.S. had a civil war that nearly divided the country, the French and British were all too ready to take a piece and divide us asunder. The Russian czar at the time (Alexander II) saw these two as enemies of Russia and made a chess move. He stationed the Russian Navy on both coasts. Russia proceeded to show an open and friendly relation to the U.S. which sent a message out that anyone messing with the U.S. was going to have to take on Russia.

It's interesting to see how now we have the U.S. pitted against Russia, but once again Russia stands in the way of a nefarious plan. The U.S. government has become enemies with Russia at this time because the U.S. has been taken over by illuminatists and sociopathic warmongers and myopic cannibalists who would not only sell their own country for a power position or the worthless dollar, they'd do so in exchange for the blood that spills on the next resourceful land of the neoCon driven agenda. What price the God almighty dollar? 

Hang in there Russia (those of you that haven't sold your soul to Washington)...the world's in the balance and these Illuminati nutballs are as persistent as ticks and deadly as hungry lions.