Friday, November 30, 2012

What’s missing from education

I happened across this article and found the response that had (at the time I read it) no votes, the one that scored the most points with me for its address of many issues gone wrong with our educational system.

What’s missing from STEM education

By | November 24, 2012, 9:46 AM PST
Worth quoting:
“I think there is something missing from our high school though post secondary STEM [science, technology, education, math] programs. Something that would better prepare our students for the competitive global economy. I think they also need to be equipped with the skills that can bring it all together for them–entrepreneurship. So lets reboot it, and for those of you who look for the next acronym, we can call it STEEM. STEEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Math. With innovative entrepreneurial curriculum in the mix, we can get to work on developing the best equipped generation to help lead the next phase of growth of our innovation economy.”

- Dean DeBiase, chairman and CEO of, co-founder of and Innovation Excellence, and a co-author of The Big Moo.

JM: Given the nature of our hypercompetitive global economy and the lack of incentive, opportunities and innovation in the moribund wage-and-salary system, it makes sense to introduce a more expansive Silicon Valley mindset early and often. And STEEM makes STEM a whole lot more interesting to more students.

Response by dduggerbiocepts:
Wrong E - wrong direction.
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) is a typical "education" pseudo-scientific buzz word desperately looking for a meaningful (federally fundable) acronym. First of all it reveals the true ignorance of educational administrators and politicians because it's a redundant concept. Technology and engineering are already subdivisions included under the colleges of science and math.

The idea of adding "entrepreneurship" as a teachable single topic just shows how intellectually crippled our society has become. However, if you want to increase the level of successful entrepreneurship, then we will necessarily have to increase the higher education focus on economics - and not just the fiscal "book keeping/CPA" type that pops into the average person's mind. Entrepreneurship success also needs physical economics already taught under heading of Physics - creating an awareness of mass transfer and mass balance processes and analysis and their relationship to fiscal economics - and how profits are really created scientifically and not by luck. Without a basic understanding of mass balance and transfer functions you end up with scientifically illiterate political/corporate leadership and private investors spending billions of dollars on dead end alternative energy programs (like biofuels, cold fusion, etc.). All the while not preparing for the end of cheap critical commodities like oil and phosphates - that produce cheap food.

Our understanding of the transfer of knowledge is fine and growing - but not being scientifically employed in our "one size fits all" educational system. What we need is a major re-organization of our entire political cronyism driven, greed motivated educational system. We need to take out political and economic motivation and return education to those with demonstrated teaching skills and an informational transfer process based on real science - reflecting the many different types of human learning processes and not the warm and fuzzy psycho/social pseudo science that is pervasive in the current dysfunctional ed. system. We also need to accept the finite economic limitations of our old rural school based education system concepts and embrace the far more efficient online course education process for the majority of students. Like it or not - online education is currently in the process of economically gutting the traditional classroom course system. High quality online courses are far preferred to over-crowded classroom courses. Good professors who teach both classroom and online courses see the overwhelming preference by students for well taught online courses - as do the college administrators. Unfortunately, the administrators are faced with tasks of filling the bricks and mortar facilities that they and their political allies coerced the public into paying for - which is allowing for-profit online institutions to grow by leaps and bounds over the past decade. STEM is simplistic solution for a complex problem proffered by those who demonstrably have no clear understanding the of the problem.

Posted by dduggerbiocepts
4 days ago 
Source: Smart Planet

David E Martin Interview

I've only listened to this first of three interviews, but wow(!) what a sock rocker! Dr. Martin talks about how corporations long ago put out patents for innovations and alternative energy technology to keep them from coming into the light of day in order to maintain their financial empires.

Things are changing though, and Dr. Martin is helping that. He is really an interesting man to listen to.

Project Camelot also did an interview with him that can be found here:

Whistle Blower Radio - Kerry Cassidy - Guest - David E. Martin

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fossil Fuel Student Referendum

I hate to say it, and I hope it's not so, but this looks like another co-opted effort under the guise of a well-intentioned movement. These students are asking to move away from endowments granted by fossil fuel interests, but I don't see any referendums to move away from a usury endowed education that has the ongoing effect of ratcheting up the cost of education until nearly no one but the rich in this country are going to be able to afford one. 

In addition, the question brought before the students was posed thusly, "do you support Harvard divesting its endowment from the fossil fuel industry in order to avert further environment and human rights crises due to climate change?" Indeed, one who has taken the campaign on the road, trumpets the dangers of climate change. Besides the fact that the issue of fossil fuels is well beyond any climate change, there is the issue of not allowing enough emphasis to be given to alternative energy education AND output from our schools. There are plenty of smart kids and smart ideas that could be put into production, but do we see these things on a mass scale?

The issue for me often comes back to priorities. Do we need fitness centers on every campus? Do we need really expensive edifices filled with expensive furniture? Do we need "teachers" who talk but don't adequately address the subject, if indeed they address it at all? These and escalating costs are all important issues that need to be addressed right now in our schools, NOT how much more and from whom can we get further funding. When the priorities are skewed, we get what we've gotten from government--self-centered agendas at the expense of those that are supposed to be serviced.

Harvard Students Vote To Divest From Fossil Fuels

By Andrew Cameron


Students at Harvard have voted in favour of divesting the school's $30.7bn endowment from fossil fuel related assets and in doing so have made their university the first in the US to pass a student fossil fuel divestment referendum. 

A statement released Monday by announced that 72% of voters chose yes on referendum 1 which asked "do you support Harvard divesting its endowment from the fossil fuel industry in order to avert further environment and human rights crises due to climate change?". 

The referendum was the result of the Divest Harvard campaign led by the Harvard chapter of Students for a Just and Stable Future, and supported by, and is the first time in six years that a student group has secured the number of signatures necessary for a referendum question to be included in student body elections. 

The overwhelming support for divestment occurred despite a recent editorial in The Crimson, Harvard's daily newspaper, which argued that "calling for universities like Harvard to divest in companies involved in the extraction or processing (of) fossil fuels goes too far".
Similar comments were also recently made by Drew Faust, President of Harvard, who, during a recent student forum claimed that divestment at Harvard occurrs "only in the most extreme of circumstances", a reference to divestment actions that were taken in response to apartheid South Africa. 

In spite of the opposition, students rejoiced at the referendum result. 

“In 1990, 52% of voting students supported complete divestment from apartheid South Africa. Today 72% of voting students are raising their voices for fossil divestment, telling Harvard to stop investing in companies that are threatening our future", said Chloe Mamin, a co-coordinator for Divest Harvard. 

Bill McKibbon, Harvard alumnus and founder of, a grassroots climate action movement, also expressed excitement at the outcome of the referendum. 

"Nothing has made me prouder to be a Harvard alum than the news that its students are leading the country in standing up to coal and gas and oil,” McKibben said. 

In a recent and now widely discussed Rolling Stone article McKibbon, who is currently on the road as part of the "Do The Math Tour" (which Evolver is helping to sponsor), gave a prescient warning of the dangers of climate change claiming that despite an increasing global awareness of the detrimental effects of increasing carbon emissions there are plans to burn "five times as much oil and coal and gas as climate scientists think is safe". 

Over 50 schools across the US have launched fossil fuel divestment campaigns with Harvard being the wealthiest to so far join the movement.

Source: Reality Sandwich

Image by thebadastronomer


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

An Owl Visitor

It was a little after 2 in the morning, and I’d been working on my computer while munching on grapes. An owl began to hoot outside and was doing so rather forcefully, so I couldn’t help but notice. I turned down the music and tried to listen. I have often thought that when I hear an owl nearby that I’m being brought a message of something about to happen—something not good.

The owl continued to hoot some but not as much, and a little while later I stopped hearing it altogether. I turned the music back up and went back to doing what I’d been doing including munching more grapes. It was a cold night in the 20s, and I was more tired than usual at that hour and decided to turn in. A couple of hours after hitting the sack, and after tossing and turning from a mixture of cramps in the stomach and an occasional desire to barf, my system said it wasn’t going to take this offensive agent I’d put into it any longer, and I got up to take care of things in the can.

About 15-20 minutes later, I emerged feeling about 80 percent better and looking forward to going back to a warm bed and getting some rest. It wasn’t to happen though. The cramps returned and eventually the desire to wretch again. This time a trip to the can resulted in a purge even more forceful than the first, and I emerged from the bathroom about 90 percent better but exhausted.

It took some time to finally fall asleep and indeed an experience like this induces a sense of reflection and appreciation for the things we take for granted. It also seemed to induce a royal invocation to pay the hell attention to things that the universe is telling me. I believe we are being brought messages more often than we realize, and indeed the Native Americans believe that birds are messengers.

After a synchronicity like I just experienced this morning with an owl right outside my backdoor and a bag of “Pristine” grapes, I believe so too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gwenyth Todd Interview

This was a very interesting interview with a former above top clearance government operative who attempted to keep the U.S. from going to war in Iran and who later became a whistleblower. The topics include the fable of 911, Petraeus, Obama, Netanyahu and Israel, predictive software, proceedings and conversations behind government doors, a wealthy friend of Todd's who is killed a couple of days after helping her with legal fees regarding her seeking to find out what the government was trying to do to her (why they wanted to kill her), and other political issues. Her story is like a modern-day ongoing spy story.

An interesting side note is that I had a dream about Gwenyth yesterday. She was enjoying herself skydiving. She is a risk taker! (and a lightworker)


Gwyneth Todd was from a long line of American diplomats, bankers, spies and scholars going back to Revolutionary times.

Her first 17 years had been spent following her father, Kenneth Thompson, a career diplomat, and mother, Eve Tyler, granddaughter of a renowned art collector, through embassies in Malta, Turkey, West Africa, England and Spain.

Summers were spent at the family chateau in France, where the bloodline led back to Napoleon.

But Washington was home. Her maternal grandfather, William Royall Tyler, had been an assistant secretary of state in the Kennedy administration and director of Dumbarton Oaks, the estate and center for Byzantine and pre-Columbian art studies.

The estate’s original owners, Robert and Mildred Bliss, were intimate friends of her family. “When we weren’t overseas, I spent much of my time as a child playing in the gardens,” Todd said during one of several interviews in the past year.

She graduated Phi Beta Kappa in Near and Middle Eastern studies from the University of California at Berkeley, then earned a master’s in Arabic and international affairs in 1990 at Georgetown University.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Charles Hall and The Tall Whites

This was an interesting talk which Charles Hall, who worked with the Tall Whites when he was in the Air Force years ago, gave. I had heard of the Tall Whites before, but I learned a lot more about them by listening to this talk.

He talks about the differences and similarities between humans and them. The ones that are not much taller than us are said to be able to blend in pretty well with us in a crowd. Ways in which they are different include that they have a higher vibrational frequency which allows them to process information faster than we do, but they have a tendency to focus only on one thing at a time. They apparently don't suffer from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) as humans do. They in fact have a higher than human abilty to focus. They are also able to read minds and have a very strong family sense.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dreaming and Mental Illness

Lucid Dreaming and Mental Illness


I found this article by Ryan Hurd both interesting and surprising. Surprising for the lucid demonstration of logic this young man displays in it regarding a subject that is still pretty taboo in our society—mental illness.

In an attempt to dispense with the idea of lucid dreaming being related to schizophrenia, simply because the media might play it up that way due to Ryan’s getting an email many months ago from Jared Loughner asking about lucid dreaming, Ryan conveys what takes both a demonstration in logic and courage. He understands that we as a society can create what the psychologists call a milieu by stigmatizing a person and ostracizing them. This can have the effect of not only making it difficult for them to become more “normal” but help create a person we may initially falsely perceive them as. This is an oversimplification in regard to most violent offenders I would say, but you understand you don’t heal someone, whether it be a prison, a mental health institute, or a society, if you address or regard them as though they can’t be treated or  induce a sense of false reputation by innuendo.

An example of how people are treated based on how they are viewed was when Frank Abignale, author of Catch Me if You Can, who I don’t consider to be mentally aberrant, was kept initially in a French prison in which he stayed in an non-airconditioned cubicle in which he had no lighting, no ability to stand up straight, and no bedding most of the time. In addition, he was given a bare means of sustenance and by his account, many at the prison died under sentence. He came out of this prison (with double pneumonia) and went straight to a Swedish prison in which he was treated with respect, allowed to shower, live in a regular room, and attend school, as well as work at the prison. Abignale’s take on this was that he still has nightmares of the French prison but regarded the lower recidivism rate of France with respect. However, he survived through the use of his imagination. It was all he had. Time had flown out the window, since he thought he’d been in there for a year, and it had only been 6 months. The time in the Swedish prison--another 6 months--went by very quickly.

In regards to people not in prison or mental wards, we still often see people who are regarded as different and don’t quite fit into certain cliques and out of this we see a divided society--a society that seeks a sense of belonging but on limited terms—often superficially  limited.

This fallacy does not stop with the laymen population. Indeed, I have counterpointed at least one American Psychological Association paper regarding a celebrated author, who was both wrongfully billed as being mentally ill and given the wrong diagnosis (based on one of his papers) altogether. I received a high commendation for this paper from the instructor who taught honors classes in English.

The subject of differences among us is interesting from the perspective of how it fosters a sense of separation among us and how it divides us as a society. This is not to say that there are not differences among people regarded as normal and those regarded as ill. It is an issue of rhetoric and attitude that I’m getting at, as attitudes often get fostered by beliefs and beliefs often come from hearsay. Out of this, come the accepted practices of how we address these situations. When these practices get bricked and carved in stone in a society, they become accepted whether they work or not. From this, unfortunately, whole institutions get founded—prisons to handle law offenders, mental hospitals to handle aberrant personalities, financial institutions to handle our money, educational ones which to some extent keep this cycle going, and military ones that do that as well. On the subject of education, we don't even have schools teaching us about dreaming--lucid or otherwise--and we perpetuate the separation of our society by raising generations to not question nor demonstrate critical thinking and to accept practices that have long demonstrated their lack of efficacy in a society long in need of rebuilding.

To question, does not take a rocket scientist. It takes a society willing to enable its own sense of individuation for the benefit of the whole. The Greeks understood this I think.

When one looks at how some look at others and refer to them as mentally deranged, we seem also to forget that we live in a social, political, and economic climate that fosters that route as well. I wrote more on this under the post entitled Intentional Insanity.

When will we define something else? When the environment has forced the issue and enough of us can no longer turn away from our true selves. At that point, (assuming a lack of psychic intrusion)  we will be closer to realizing that neither lucid dreaming nor any other form is what induces mental illness, but more likely, that dreaming and remembering our dreams is likely to induce the opposite. I give thanks to the dream teachers that help herald this society.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Dr. William Davis Interview

Not to put a damper on the festivities, but this is a must hear interview! Among the topics (to just name a few of the health issues) are what wheat causes--acid reflux, inflammatory conditions, joint problems, gastrointestinal issues, diabetes, and obesity, and mental issues like anxiety and rage. 

Modern wheat is a highly hybridized version of what our grandparents may have eaten, and it is causing all sorts of problems that people don't realize are related to it. The glycemic reading for consuming 2 pieces of whole wheat is in the stratosphere. Its worse than several tablespoons of sugar. Listen, I was raised on all the propaganda everyone else was--whole grains are good for you. We get this from the American Heart Association, the American Dietetic Association, and the American Medical Association. Well, we don't get it from the gone rogue Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist. He reminds me of Dr. Robert Nara, a retired dentist, who used to tell his patients the truth about bacteria and how addressing it would address a variety of issues that people go to the dentist for.

Ok, back to wheat...
When you have an agricultural industry that weighs in with a $10 billion "budget" to lobby the government with in order to keep GMO labeling off our foods, you can see the wheels turning the machine. If you're a conspiracy theorist/realist like me, you don't have a problem believing something's going on here and that something's definitely afoul of the laws of human nature--from a health perspective anyway.

The medical industry makes big bucks treating not curing (and having more patients from modified consumables), farmers have greater yields, and  at the top of the pyramid, well, let's just say their efforts to reduce the population might fall along these lines.

Let me mention something else. There is an entire industry related to gluten-free foods. The problem is these foods may contain rice, tapioca, potato, or corn starch, all of which send the blood sugar higher than wheat! That's something I had to think about when I looked at a can of Stax or Pringles. One can has a huge number of calories too. Unfortunately, nearly everything you look at these days, from cereal to bread, muffins, cookies, pies, cakes, and even licorice, seems to contain wheat.

Ok, so what are the alternatives? For that I would recommend Dr. Davis Wheat Belly blog and the advice regarding food and recipes you can find there, but he mentions in the interview basic foods like veggies, fish, meat, eggs, cheese, and olive oil being good for us. One thing he mentions in this interview that I disagree with and I just emailed him on is the use of Stevia in lieu of sugar. I had serious foot pain from consuming that stuff until I stopped taking it. This is apparently the reaction that a number of other people have had. Others have had delayed reactions, but serious ones. I would not recommend that stuff.

In addition to the interview, I would strongly recommend his book Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight.  You will get an amazing education on food and health!

If you think you don't have time to read it, you might want to take a look at my previous postings related to wheat:

Thank you Dr. Davis!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Matthew Ward's Latest Message

 "Prayer is not reciting familiar words in church or personal messages to God, by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe. Prayer is the energy sent forth by your every thought, feeling and deed..." --Matthew Ward

For those unfamiliar with who Matthew Ward is, this page provides some background on him: The Matthew Books.
I've read several of these books. They're very good.

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are physically and emotionally feeling the effects of energy surges more so than seeing their remarkable results. We are feeling and seeing the grand forward thrusts the surges have given the planet and most of its residents: Gaia, Earth's soul, is joyous about her planetary body's nearness to the threshold of fourth density; hope for better times is being restored within people whose living circumstances are desperate; and newly awakened souls are sparkling all over Earth.
A world full of other marvelous happenings is on the way, but in the days at hand, the in-pouring of high vibrations also is having some unwelcome effects, like the roiling intensity at the negative end of duality's spectrum. Perhaps at this moment it is most noticeable in the tense Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. We hasten to assure you, the time for a full blown new war is past, today's enemies will evolve into peaceful, cooperative relationships, and any country waging war against another will be unthinkable.
On a different front but also due to increasingly high vibrations, many are experiencing conditions such as weakness, disorientation, forgetfulness, fatigue, sudden mood swings and other uncustomary sensations. In healthy bodies that have absorbed light, the anomalies are few and brief as these bodies' crystalline cells adjust more easily to energy fluctuations than can the carbon-based cells of bodies with less light.
Please do not use any of those symptoms as a barometer for assessing how much light is within you! Chronic maladies and forms of mental illness still affect bodies in Earth's atmosphere, and souls who are radiant with light may continue to experience those discomforts until they're well within fourth density's strong healing vibrations.
To lessen the severity and duration of the temporary anomalies, get sufficient sleep, avoid stressful encounters, drink a lot of water, have solitary serene time as often as possible and eat wisely. Vegetables and fruits are especially beneficial and less meat, sugar, starchy foods and fats in the diet also will help to lift energy levels, reduce fatigue and stabilize a positive outlook.
We strongly suggest that you not resort to antidepressants or other prescription drugs or the many that are lining store shelves. Particularly in the prevailing energies, the chemicals in drugs can suppress or destroy bodies' own healing mechanisms. If you are on a medically-prescribed regimen, consult with your healthcare giver about safely reducing dosage.
Another effect of Earth's proximity to fourth density is that linear time is passing more and more swiftly. If you are reaching day's end feeling frustrated because there was no time to handle all responsibilities, set your priorities and please don't fret about foregoing what could not be fit in.
The prevailing vibratory levels contributed substantially to quite a different kind of matter, too. The Illuminati, who thought that not only could they cling to their remnants of control, but rebuild their former worldwide power base, now know that their situation is hopeless. They had pinned their hopes and put their money on Mr. Romney winning the US presidency.
That country's people and the rest of the world see President Obama's re-election as the voters' choice. It was that indeed, but his victory is more than the vote count—it is a manifestation of science, a reflection of the energetic flow of the universe. The president's vision of a peaceful world restored to its former health and beauty and his goals to achieve this are aligned with Earth's vibratory field. The goals of Mr. Romney are to keep the world's resources and vast fortunes in the same few hands, and this is not in alignment with Earth's vibratory field.
Like all other sources of negativity, the low vibrations of greed and control are incompatible with the high vibrations of love that are flowing ever more abundantly throughout the world and bringing Earth back into a healthful state of balance. The energy within balance is love-light, and nothing with low vibrations can coexist with this most powerful of all energies in the universe.
The fact that the election outcome was in consonance with the universal flow, as the Golden Age master planners long ago knew it would be, did not diminish one iota the free will choices of the United States citizens. Each voted in accordance with his or her reaction to the energy emanating from the candidates.
Please understand that this is neither criticism nor judgment of the voters or the candidates—it is explaining the election result in the context of laws that govern life in this universe. The same holds true for the congressional elections in that country and all elections in every other country where the citizenry have a choice of candidates for leadership roles.
The laws are affecting not only national governments and governing bodies from village level on up—wherever negativity still has a foothold, high vibrations are causing shake-ups to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to say. This can be as close to home as family, neighbors and co-workers and as seemingly remote as multinational corporations, the United Nations, military forces, religions, education, law and justice systems, and information outlets around the globe.
High vibrations are overpowering the low vibrations of everything that has adversely affected life in your world. This had to happen so Earth could regain her balance after almost dying from long ages of imbalance due to humankind's brutality to each other, animals and the planet itself. The massive infusion of light from far distant sources seventy-some years ago enabled Earth to embark upon a journey back to life-sustaining balance—you know this journey as ascension.
This is an appropriate place to address an email that recently was sent to my mother: "I just found your site but I've known about Disclosure for quite a while. What are we supposed to do until our ET family gets here, just continue to wait patiently and hope they really will come? Can they decide not to? If so, would that mean that it is our responsibility to end all wars and other violence, repair the environment and fix everything else that is wrong in the world? Doing that without any help from advanced civilizations seems like an impossibility."
There is so much to say about this, it is hard to know where to begin.
Perhaps it is best to start with the universal law that no civilization has the responsibility—much less the right—to go into another world and make changes as they see fit even when it would immensely benefit that world's inhabitants. Civilizations with a core of darkness have violated this law and destroyed other peoples and their homelands, but this never has happened to Earth and only lighted civilizations are anywhere near your solar system.
So yes, it is the responsibility of a civilization to right its own wrongs, but there is a loop hole there, you could say. Conditions in your world from severely damaged environment to the state of perpetual warring and unconscionably lopsided distribution of resources are products of your civilization's successive generations' bellicosity, brutality, greed, corruption, deception, negligence and abuse. Righting all of those wrongs is indeed a formidable undertaking, and to any third density civilization, it surely would seem an impossible task.
No doubt that is why God authorizes assistance to civilizations that request it. Gaia asked for help so her planetary body could survive, and the response was what we mentioned above, the infusion of lifesaving light from many civilizations. But it is not only by Gaia's request that assistance is being lovingly given. The desire in your collective consciousness to live in a world at peace and in harmony with Nature is your request for help to accomplish this.
From the first moment of intensive light-beaming, many years ago, civilizations that the majority on Earth don't know even exist have been helping Earth and you in numerous vital ways. Thus clearly their assistance is not dependent upon "Disclosure," your governments' public acknowledgement of extraterrestrial presence.
In accordance with universal laws and as part of the Golden Age master plan—prior to birth, everyone in your world knew the plan's details and clamored to participate—all of our universal family who have been helping you are way-showers, not over-takers.
Many thousands are living right there with you, working alongside you. They have adapted an appearance that looks no different from you, and their superior intelligence and highly developed skills have given them entry into fields where darkness held sway.
Some work quietly researching and documenting the truth that the darkness has kept hidden from you, and others—you call them whistleblowers—tell the truth to the world.
Others are initiating or influencing reforms in such diverse areas as governing, economic and legal systems, energy, transportation, healthcare, sports, education, mining, logging, agriculture, computer technology, species preservation, the media, scientific research and metallurgy.
A few are in the entertainment field, and even though you regard them as such, their feats that amaze you stir thoughts about what underlies their extraordinary abilities. They exemplify what you, too, can do when you expand spiritual and conscious awareness.
Many brothers and sisters came from other worlds to befriend, enlighten, guide and inspire the individuals who share with them the same ancestry civilizations.
The protection of invisibility by "cloaking" or an impenetrable shield of Christed light is given to people whose lives are at risk at the hands of Illuminati henchmen.
None of the highly publicized "feared" pandemics occurred because family members working in your laboratories neutralized the toxins in vaccines that were designed to cause illness and death.
The damage that has been done to Earth is much too severe for you to manage yourselves. Even when technologies long-controlled by the Illuminati are released, they are not sufficient to speedily handle the extensive restorative aid the planet requires, and technologies in nearby spacecrafts, some of which is mind-powered, do have that capability.
While passengers and crews have been waiting to land and work with you on site, all along they have been helping from the skies. Foremost is preventing more than a dozen attempts by the Illuminati to use nuclear warheads in terrorist acts that would have caused more deaths and destruction than "9/11."
Radioactive releases from Japan's damaged nuclear facility would have killed or sickened millions if the crews had not dramatically reduced the lethal levels.
No marine life within miles of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico would have survived if the crews had not kept clearing away the gushing oil's toxic components.
They also have been reducing the toxicity in weaponry, industrial waste, stored nuclear waste, chemtrails, and other pollutants in inland and ocean waters.
Crews far and near disintegrate or deflect the course of celestial bodies and manmade debris in space that could cause serious damage if they hit the planet.
By laying an electromagnetic grid above Earth, they reduce the effects of earthquakes insofar as death toll and destruction, yet permit the same amount of negativity release.
They steer severe storms away from land unless the target areas need the cleansing and purifying that water imparts.
And those vast, powerful, far distant civilizations will continue to direct intensive light to Earth until she is securely within fourth density.
Can you imagine the state of your world and all who live there if none of those measures had been undertaken by countless numbers within our universal community?
This brings us to a point we wish to emphasize about "just continue to wait patiently" for Disclosure. Beloved souls, you are not just waiting! Innately you know that the responsibility for cleaning up the mess is yours because it is your homeland, and in one way or another, all of you have contributed to its condition. That's why many millions of you have been serving for years to bring about benevolent changes that are generating light and uplifting your world.
Let us give you some examples. Local and international rallies and meditation services for peace. Participation in a variety of environmental conservation measures. Monetary support to organizations that are providing life essentials to refugees and others in impoverished circumstances. Community and individual efforts to assist those who are most needy. Demands for justice and humane treatment where those are being denied. Efforts to preserve and uplift the lives of domestic and wild animals. Ingenuity, perseverance and cooperation to overcome financial adversity and other hardships.
And please do not overlook the power of your prayers! Prayer is not reciting familiar words in church or personal messages to God, by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe. Prayer is the energy sent forth by your every thought, feeling and deed, and you have been sending out "peace, prosperity, health and harmony" energy in great abundance!
We want to mention other factors that also pertain to "waiting patiently." In previous messages we have explained what has prevented mass landings for the past decade or so, and it is most unfortunate that much confusion and disappointment has arisen due to blatantly false information given to some channels by dark entities that claimed to be well known respected sources. The dark ones do this specifically to cause negative reactions because they feed on the energy of negativity and to survive, they must keep creating it.
It didn't help that the very few actual plans for a small number of ETs to make a public appearance had to be postponed—we assure you that the fleet commanders' decisions were wisely made for your safety and theirs.
Because of that and the many instances of deliberate falsehoods about extraterrestrials' arrival and intentions as well as claims of imminent planetary disasters, Hatonn has asked us to expound on his statement in a previous message: "If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we'll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we'll show up soon afterwards."
"We" refers to members of the off-planet contingent that has been negotiating with some of your government leaders and others in the vanguard of paving the way for the Golden Age. This visiting group would be introduced prior to the arrival of our family who will bring technologies and remain as long as you want and need them to work with you.
The decision about timing of that momentous day is the province of the highest universal council, and it acts upon God's mandate. Only at that ultimate peak of awareness can soul contracts of everyone involved, individual and global karmic completion, and your population's reactions be known.
There is still another aspect to the "waiting game," if you will. Animals whose soul contracts provide sufficient longevity have a free ride into fourth density with the planet, but humankind does not—you have to earn your ticket, so to say. Whether your contract choice is to live in Earth's Golden Age or to enjoy its full panorama from Nirvana, it is prudent to use this time to prepare spiritually. Live from your heart—love is the key!
Only in the United States is one day each year designated Thanksgiving Day. Should not every day be a time of thanks-giving throughout your world?
Thanks to our universal family who are in your midst or in your skies, and all who are beaming intense light from afar to you and your world.
Thanks to Gaia for crying out for help so her body and all of its resident life forms could survive.
Thanks to God for His unconditional love and for never judging what you do or don't do.
And thanks to each other for providing the opportunities for experiences that you needed for spiritual and conscious growth.
Always and in all ways, the respect and love of lighted souls throughout this universe are with you, our dear Earth family.
Suzanne Ward

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Robert Potter Interview

There's some interesting nuggets of info in this Coast-to-Coast show about a variety of topics from ETs to lightbodies, to vibrational levels to alternative energy, to vaccines, to MK Ultra, to divine intervention, and a variety of other topics. I question some of it, but I certainly wouldn't dismiss all of it.

The first interview with Craig Hulet goes over the $43 trillion Spire lawsuit.