Sunday, June 23, 2013

Frank Dux--the Life of a Fighter

We live in a world where paradigms get created all the time and at different levels of society. They get created through education, through media, through peer communication, through upbringing, through religion, and a through a myriad of other ways. When I was very young I learned how wrong ideas can get created, spread like a fire, and damn the innocent.

This was a very interesting documentary on the life of Frank Dux who I have no doubt has been the expert martial artist he and others say he is. I remember seeing him years ago on (I think) “That’s Incredible,” teaching a guy in a wheelchair how to defend himself. 

In the movie about his life, “Bloodsport”, there is a scene in which the kid who plays him stands unflinchingly before his future teacher as his hat is cut by a samurai sword. The sensei says, “You did not flinch. You have fighting spirit.” I believe this line characterized Frank Dux, who was not only praised by the Russian military for his work on an “impossible” mission but fought back when it would appear the PTB felt a need to do a hit on him. This was a devastating hit. He lost his wife and family, his functionality on parts of the left side of his body, his ability to remember certain things, and some of his ability to fight. In addition, he was cheated and had his reputation mutilated by some who had once been friends. Against all these overwhelming odds he fought back.

Yeah, I think Dux is what he says is…

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Indian Ocean: Recipient of Syrian Rebels Arms

BREAKING: Container Ship Carrying Weapons for Syrian Rebels Splits in Half/Sinks

This will put billions of US taxpayers' dollars at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.  Or....could the congressionally-funded NED be the conduit for this cost of US-sponsored terrorism and furnished by the CIA, US Treasury & Fed Reserve thru their secret ESF ?
A large fleet named “Mol Comfort” carrying Arms for FSA from the U.S. has crashed in the Indian Ocean as it made its way from Singapore to Jeddah, on board were 4,500 containers loaded with arms for the Syrian rebels’ ‘MOL Comfort sank due to yet unclear reasons, sailing from Singapore to Jeddah and after that to North Europe, leaving behind hundreds of drifting containers and a huge aftershock hitting liner sector and all of the maritime industry.

Even the scale of the consequences is hard, impossible, to estimate, not to mention consequences themselves. This is the 1st case in liner sector, when modern ocean-going liner container vessel (built in Japan!) sank in the ocean after breaking in 2 parts, like a poorly built and managed bulk carrier or over aged coaster. Nothing like this ever occurred, and no one believed it was possible, even theoretically. It just could not happen, but still, here it is.’

Source: Charleston Voice

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Snowden Response

“Truth is coming and it cannot be stopped”: NSA Whistleblower Snowden Issues defiant Response to Government Threats and Media Lies


 By Eric London

Whistleblower Edward Snowden spoke publicly yesterday for the first time in a week and issued a defiant response to denunciations of his actions by both corporate-controlled parties in the US. He declared, “All I can say right now is the US government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming and it cannot be stopped.”

Since releasing documents exposing secret spying programs targeting Americans and non-Americans alike, Snowden has been the target of an increasingly vicious campaign in the media and from government officials. The Obama administration is preparing criminal charges, and Democrats and Republicans have denounced him as a “traitor.” Meanwhile, polls show broad public support for the 29-year-old former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA).

In comments posted Monday on the web site of the British Guardian newspaper, Snowden maintained that he is not deterred by the political establishment’s slanderous campaign or the fact that he could be targeted for assassination by US intelligence agencies.

Snowden issued a stinging response to accusations from former Vice President Dick Cheney and others that he is a “traitor.” He said, “[I]t’s important to bear in mind that I’m being called a traitor by men like former Vice President Dick Cheney. This is a man who gave us the warrantless wiretapping scheme as a kind of atrocity warm-up on the way to deceitfully engineering a conflict that has killed over 4,400 and maimed nearly 32,000 Americans, as well as leaving over 100,000 Iraqis dead.
“Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honor you can give an American, and the more panicked talk we hear from people like him, [Democratic Senator Dianne] Feinstein, and [Republican Representative Peter] King, the better off we all are. If they had taught a class on how to be the kind of citizen Dick Cheney worries about, I would have finished high school.”
Denouncing the role of the press, Snowden noted that the “mainstream media now seems far more interested in what I said when I was 17 or what my girlfriend looks like rather than, say, the largest program of suspicionless surveillance in human history.”

Asked whether analysts can listen to the content of calls without a warrant, Snowden refuted the lying denials of administration and intelligence officials and indicated that he has proof to the contrary.
“More detail on how direct NSA’s accesses are is coming, but, in general, the reality is this: if an NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc. analyst has access to query raw SIGINT databases, they can enter and get results for anything they want. Phone number, email, user ID, cell phone handset ID (IMEI), and so on. It’s all the same…

“The reality is that due to the FISA Amendments Act and its section 702 authorities, Americans’ communications are collected and viewed on a daily basis on the certification of an analyst rather than a warrant. They excuse this as ‘incidental’ collection, but at the end of the day, someone at NSA still has the content of your communications.”
He added: “Even in the event of ‘warranted’ intercept, it’s important to understand the intelligence community doesn’t always deal with what you would consider a ‘real’ warrant like a police department would have to. The ‘warrant’ is more of a templated form they fill out and send to a reliable judge with a rubber stamp.”

Snowden sought to refute government attempts to downplay the profound illegality of the spying operation, as exemplified by President Obama’s interview yesterday with the Public Broadcasting System’s Charlie Rose. Obama claimed once again that if US intelligence agencies want to wiretap a phone, they have to “go to the FISA court with probable cause and ask for a warrant.” He made the absurd claim that the program as a whole “is transparent” because “we set up the FISA court”—a secret court that last year approved every surveillance request submitted by the government.

Obama’s dishonest, meandering words cannot diminish the significance of Snowden’s courageous and powerful statements.

The spying operations revealed by Snowden are global in scope, with hundreds of millions of people swept up in an international dragnet that involves the complicity of other intelligence agencies. As Snowden pointed out, the claim that the programs target only non-US persons—a false assertion—is “a distraction from the power and danger of this system.” He added, “Suspicionless surveillance does not become okay simply because it’s only victimizing 95 percent of the world instead of 100 percent. Our founders did not write, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all US persons are created equal.’”

Snowden wrote that with the campaign of denunciations against him, the US government has “immediately and predictably destroyed any possibility of a fair trial at home, openly declaring me guilty of treason, and that the disclosure of secret, criminal and even unconstitutional acts is an unforgivable crime.”

Responding to claims that the leaks had undermined the “war on terror,” Snowden replied: “Bathtub falls and police officers kill more Americans than terrorism…yet we’ve been asked to sacrifice our most sacred rights for fear of falling victim to it.”

Responding to an online question about the timing of the leaks, Snowden explained that he chose to wait to release the information because “Obama’s campaign promises and election gave me faith that he would lead us toward fixing the problems he outlined in his quest for votes.”

He continued: “Many Americans felt similarly. Unfortunately, shortly after assuming power, he closed the door on investigating systemic violations of law, deepened and expanded several abusive programs, and refused to spend the political capital to end the kind of human rights violations like we see in Guantanamo, where men still sit without charge.”

The hysterical lies of the ruling class over the past two weeks reflect its growing nervousness over the prospect of an entire generation of young people forming similar political conclusions.

Edward Snowden has dispensed more truth in a few paragraphs than the corporate media has in decades of twenty-four hour news cycles. His actions and words serve as a powerful refutation of the geyser of mud, endless lies and vacuity of the entire political and media apparatus.

Source: Global Research

Whatever agenda one attaches to people like Snowden, Manning, and Assange, one can't deny they are saying things about our government that are true.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

World Bank Whistleblower

World Bank attorney and whistle blower Karen Hudes does an interview with Mike Harris on the corruption of the World Bank, and she talks about not only financial collusion but media control as well as members of Congress who have been helping her efforts. She also talks about Mark Nivitsky briefly, another Federal whistleblower, who can be heard on Mike's show.

The more I hear about how difficult it is for whistleblowers to get their story out, the more I realize we still need to continue to spread the word via the Internet. If the message wasn't important the PTB wouldn't put a clamp on the major media.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


What do the following have in common:

 (click to watch)


Monday, June 10, 2013

Death Squads in the U.S.

This is some scary stuff. James Roger Brown talks about:
types of death squads
neural profiling
Freud the scamster
weak central government and the results of this
the waste of resources by governments
attack of the family unit and the creation of the isolated individual

Brown's website: The Sociology Center
Some articles and radio interviews he's done: PPJ Gazette


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Evacuated Tube Transport--4000 mph!

 This looks like a remote viewers vision/prediction of a future monorail I read about

Unfortunately this vid talks too much about profit, but it does present some interesting stats regarding lower energy use, more efficient travel, and a much lower casualty rate due to accidents.

Futuristic High-Speed Tube Travel Could Take You From New York to Los Angeles in 45 Minutes

Traveling across the country or the world via any modern mode of transportation is a time-consuming affair. It can also be really annoying with the long lines, crying babies, armrest hogs, cramped space, etc. Would it not be the most awesome invention ever if some new type of transportation could cut that travel time significantly?

Get ready, because it may only be a few years from becoming a reality. A company called ET3 has plans in the works for the Evacuated Tube Transport, a high-speed transportation tube that uses magnetic levitation. The ETT can travel at speeds of up to 4,000 miles per hour, and each tube seats a maximum of six people and comes with a baggage compartment. How does it go so fast? It's airless and frictionless and could have you from New York to Los Angeles in 45 minutes, as opposed to the nearly five hours a direct flight would take. It could even have you depart from New York and be in Beijing in two hours.

The tubes would be set up like freeways to prevent crowding and traffic congestion problems. Plus, ET3 claims that passengers need not worry about feeling discomfort while traveling at such high speeds. The high velocity at which the tubes move is equal to 1G of force at top speed, which is similar to the force felt by someone traveling in a car on the freeway.

Daryl Oster, the founder and CEO of ET3, says that he got the idea for the tube transport system when he visited China back in the 1980s.
When and if the tubes make their debut in the next decade, they will initially be used to transport cargo, not people.

Source: Trending Now

A Rothschild Speaks Out

This was an amazing interview with Erin Rothschild