Saturday, December 28, 2013

Scottish Independence

As a native of the U.S., I can assure anyone on the fence about whether Scotland should break free of the tentacles of England that they should most assuredly. We fought a revolution in this country to throw off the long arm of England and King George's egregious grip on the Colonies, but while we threw the English out physically, we still have the effects of the City of London through our IRS--the collection arm of the Federal Reserve. 

The latter has about as much usefulness in our country as a pet rock being put before Congress to declare a referendum or investigation into all the corruption our government engages in. We have too much tax and our money and financial structure is an absolute mess and much of this is due to external influence, which our Congress critters go along with. Too many cooks spoil the stew and no one has a greater interest in driving Scotland toward a stronger state than Scotland itself.

No country having a hand in the finances of another is likely to give a rat's ass about the true interests of that country, and the history of England extending itself into too many countries only helps support that statement.

There is no question to me and many who know the score in this country as to whether Scotland would do better on its own. Go for it Scotland! Listen to the video and understand why; your future is at stake--most assuredly.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Patents-The Real Story

 This article reminds me of some of the interviews I've listened to with David E. Martin...

Nine out of ten of the most important innovations are not patented, study claims


Is our formal patent system -- the wellspring of so many lawsuits and counter-suits -- even necessary to protect innovation? A recent study suggests natural competitive forces may be just as effective at securing proprietary information as the formal legalized apparatus that is our patent system.

This is the key takeaway from a study surfaced by Stephan Kinsella of the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom, showing that the most important innovations seen over a 25-year period were never patented.

In the study, a group of researchers from the University of Lisbon reviewed the recipients of the R&D 100 Awards presented by the Journal of Research & Development over three decades, and researched their related patent filings with the U.S. Patent Office. Their startling conclusion: only 10% of these highly regarded inventions -- defined as "technologically significant new products available for sale or licensing" and a significant advancement over existing products -- were patented. Among the 3,000 innovations cited were photographic equipment, communications devices, lighting innovations, pharmaceuticals, and electronic innovations.

So were most of the designers and developers behind these innovations -- brilliant minds they are -- actually being careless in not securing patents for their products? In most cases, the innovators preferred more informal methods to keep their innovations close, rather than run them through the labyrinthian patent system. Protective methods, Kinsella points out, include "trade secrecy, lead time/first to market advantages, or other strategies, instead of on the patent system."

The bottom line: "patents are not a significant driver of most innovation, if 90% of important inventions are never patented in the first place," Kinsella adds. He adds this perspective on the worthiness of the patent process as it currently stands:

"Proponents of the patent system often claim that patents are necessary to provide an incentive to innovate; some even (ridiculously) claim that without patents, all innovation would grind to a halt (the truth is the opposite: if patents were made universal and had a perpetual term, all human life would grind to a halt; no offense Galambosians). But even if the 10% of innovations that are patented would never have resulted without the incentives provided by a patent system (an absurd assumption), the great bulk of technological innovations and breakthroughs in modern times would still have come about.

— By Joe McKendrick on December 4, 2013, 4:00 PM

Joe McKendrick

Contributing Editor
Joe McKendrick is an independent analyst who tracks the impact of information technology on management and markets. He is a co-author of the SOA Manifesto and has written for Forbes, ZDNet and Database Trends & Applications. He holds a degree from Temple University. He is based in Pennsylvania. Follow him on Twitter. Disclosure

Source: SmartPlanet

Friday, November 8, 2013

Ted Gunderson

Always one to support an "underdog," listening to Gunderson speak after hearing some of the comments by Stew Webb, reminded me of the excellent video I listened to about McCarthy. Gunderson backs his comments with facts, documents, logic. Something I didn't see demonstrated by those who slandered him. 

Well, they say dead men tell no tales. But they also say the truth shall not be repressed forever and the legacy of men gone speaks for itself...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Global Frackdown

Global Frackdown: World protests shale gas production

News | 19.10.2013 | 17:38
Thousands of people worldwide are expected to join the Global Frackdown protest on October 19. ‘Fracktivists’ from over 20 countries will gather to demand an end to fracking and “dangerous” shale gas drillings.

Numerous events are scheduled to take place mainly across the US and Europe with some rallies already having kicked off in the UK, Romania, France and Spain.

The global movement will be also joined by activists from Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Indonesia. So far, a total 26 countries are listed to be taking part in the protest.

“Climate scientists warn that continued extraction and burning of fossil fuels will lead to catastrophic climate change,” the Global Frackdown protest organizers said in press release.

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the extraction of oil and gas by injecting water to break rock formations deep underground.

Fracking a single well can require between two and nine million gallons of water combined with sand and chemicals. Much of the used water returns to the earth’s surface, but contains radium and bromides - cancer-causing, radioactive substances. The toxic chemicals can then float into lakes and rivers or contaminate the ground.

On Saturday, Fracktivists in all participating countries will call on elected officials to open their eyes to the consequences of fracking, which they say is a risky technique. They will demand action to protect the public.

“It is critical that our elected officials hear the truth from their constituents,” the organizers said.


Anti-fracking protesters in Canada have held demonstrations over the past week to protest shale gas exploration in the region.

Thursday’s protest descended into violence when an estimated 100 police officers sought to control Canadian activists, who began setting cars on fire.  

At least 40 people were arrested for firearms violations, threats, intimidation, mischief, and violating a court-order injunction, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said.

An online petition calling on the RCMP to pledge it will not use excessive force against peaceful protest, has been signed by over 21,000 people since its publication on Friday.


Recent demonstrations have also been held against US oil giant Chevron in Romania, where around 200 villagers stayed overnight at a fracking site equipped with food, warm clothes, and tents.

The company has since suspended its search for shale gas in the country.


In one of its latest reports Environment America revealed that bromide, when mixed with chlorine, produces chemicals that cause cancer and increase the risk of reproductive or developmental health problems.

According to scientists, fracking generated 280 billion gallons of toxic waste during 2012 alone.

Despite warnings, the method has increased rapidly in the US in recent years, making it the worldwide leader in fracking.

The report also estimated that over 80,000 wells have been drilled or endorsed across 17 US states since 2005.


Criticism of fracking in the UK has grown rapidly since 2007, when Cuadrilla Resources – an independent UK energy company jointly owned by American, Australian, and local investors – was awarded a license for shale gas exploration in Lancashire, England.

Critics say the British government is turning its head to the risks because of the money it brings with it.

British Prime Minister David Cameron recently insisted the country could benefit from 74,000 new jobs that would be supported “by a thriving shale gas industry in this country.”
UK firm IGas said that according to a June estimate, roughly  4,810 cubic kilometers of gas could lie in the areas licensed for exploration in northern England.  

But despite promises of cash and energy, many people continue to believe fracking carries more dangers than benefits.

“It’s time to expose the oil and gas industry’s desire to profit at the expense of our communities and our environment. It’s time to hold our elected officials accountable. It’s time for another Global Frackdown,” an anti-fracking activist said.

The October 19 protest will be the second worldwide Global Frackdown to take place. The first-ever protest was in September 2012 and brought together more than 200 community actions from over 20 countries.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Subversion of Educational Practices

This video helps explain why we have become such an insane society just blindly following orders.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Dan Phillips--an independent thinker

I like this guy! Says it like it is. I've seen Dan before in another video. He is the antithesis to the insanity of the modern day society.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Another unarmed execution victim

Well I, like a lot of people who know the score, am getting sick of all these executions. I don't own a T.V., but I went to the doctor today, so I saw some of the live video feed on the so called capitol shooting that wasn't. That is, they kept saying someone had fired shots at the capitol building, and later that the suspect was caught and they kept showing all the cops in the area. Ok, I was spared the audio, because I didn't put the headphones on, so I don't know what the newscasters were spinning, just what the text at the bottom of the screen said.

Well, later I found out first it appears the lady who was supposed to have been the shooter, never had a gun. Second, the cop that went to the hospital seems to have damaged his car himself, and an airbag deploying is said to be the reason for the hospital visit.

Ok, back to the news feed...I said to the doc when he came up that they said they shot the suspect, and then I said what they aren't saying is they probably executed her as she's the one witness to what actually went down there. Sure enough, I got home and watched the video below, as I don't own a propaganda machine (t.v.) and a zillion cops following a woman who supposedly hit a barricade and was fleeing the cops was executed. No gun, no attempt to injure police, and no attempt by police to take her any other way.

We have become a nation of mentally ill. Clad in our uniforms and carrying out the orders of despots we will fight to the end of that unholy paycheck that keeps us in that expensive house, driving that ridiculously expensive car, and maintaining a lifestyle at the expense of what? --a lost soul. Well, if one could say there was a hell, one could certainly say it was by our own contrivance, and they'd be hitting the bullseye.

Some time ago, I did a post on insanity. What is it? Separation from our true selves. The power factions are good at that and while we're watching out for our next meal, they're taking pains to feed us their lather, rinse, repeat line of bull.

Beef anyone?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Nick Bunick<>St. Paul

Many years ago, I read a book about Nick Bunick called The Messengers. It talks about a hypnosis session in which Nick is regressed to a previous lifetime and discovers that he was St. Paul. Well, one can decide for themselves, as always, on that. I think he probably is the reincarnation of him, but what he says here in the video is particularly notable about the Catholic church--its origins and how the Bible was interpreted, as well as deliberately misinterpreted, up until the modern day. 

Among the topics in the video are how the Romans put the many religions of their time under one umbrella known as the Catholic church. They forbid the practice of other religions. They dispensed upon the people the idea of hell and that people needed to be baptized to be saved from going there. Also, that Jesus died on the cross to save us from this very thing as well.

Also mentioned are Paul's administration, half of which was comprised of women, but the church (Catholic of course) changed the names to that of men and declared for posterity that there were only 12 disciples--all men. In addition, women could not be priests.

If all this wasn't enough, they misinterpreted (deliberately probably) what Paul had said about faithfulness. That is, he wanted men and women to be faithful in marriage and abstain from romantic relationships outside of marriage. Well, this got put forth by the church as the need to be celibate within the Catholic administration--that is the priests and the nuns had to maintain celibacy. Good luck with that.

Man, if the Romans didn't screw things up enough, I guess we had the Nazis to pick up after them. And for those who don't know, yes the Nazis are still with us. They infiltrated our intel, took over the CIA (Crooks In Action), and commandeered the Montauk project--among other things.

On that note, I would just say it's convenient for the CIA (or the govt) to say it's a religious war here or there, but one can look at Syria and see how different religious beliefs can co-exist. Exist, that is, until the sniper fire, the nuclear weapons, and the rabble of the outlying areas invade, once again creating a war from without, while calling it one from within. While the many victims of false flags and propaganda  are slain by these twin dragons, the truth shall never completely rest in peace and Mr. Bunick is a testament to this.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


This is a well put together video on chemtrails and geoengineering and how it is effecting the environment, the atmosphere, the various species, and the weather. At the end of it, the gentleman that does the presentation, Dane Wigington, has some good suggestions for what we can do to help stop things. This is insanity folks, absolute insanity, and anyone participating in these efforts needs to know what effect they are having.

The Fracking Fraud

Anyone that might be thinking of allowing a fracking operation on their property, will likely think twice about it after watching this video. In a word, fracking is a farce. It will destroy your property, very possibly effect your water table, and leave you unable to live on it or sell it. Don't let the greed-for-everything interests bamboozle you with false scientific information or government propaganda. There's all kinds of sharks that stand to gain something from this practice, and they will leave you holding the bag and feigning a false argument when their lies come unraveled. 

There's other videos put out there by obvious interests in maintaining the fracking fraud. One of them is called ironically Truthland, and it's full of lies by no less than government officials and college professors. When was the last time you knew of these groups of society to always tell the truth? Watch the above video put together by regular people who have nothing to gain but peace of mind and a cleaner environment by not having these hell holes drilled in their areas of the country. It will be time well spent. 

For additional info on this topic, I would recommend some of Suzanne Posel's interviews such as the one I have linked to in the month of August to the right. (Mortgage Fraud, Fracking, and U.S. Implosion)


Friday, August 16, 2013

Mortgage Fraud, Fracking, and U.S. Implosion

The intention behind the mortgage fraud, the house stealing, the job exporting, fracking, and the implosion of the U.S....

Friday, August 2, 2013

World Bank Whistleblower

This lady doesn't take no for an answer...

Russia and all you BRICS countries can take a listen and lend a hand...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Enemies of the State

Developing: Top NSA and DOJ Officials Have Fled the U.S. - Obama Admin. Files Espionage Charges

by David Harris Gershon Jul 17, 2013 5:26pm PDT

In a stunning development, Deputy Director of the NSA, John Inglis, along with Assistant Attorney General, James Cole, have fled the United States after their participation in a contentious congressional meeting on Capitol Hill.

In that meeting, both Inglis and Cole revealed that the depth of NSA spying far surpassed anything that whistleblower Edward Snowden has made public to date. The unauthorized leaks to Congress by Inglis and Cole, which exposed more about NSA spying than anything Snowden has revealed, shook congressional leaders to their core.

The National Security Agency revealed to an angry congressional panel on Wednesday that its analysis of phone records and online behavior goes exponentially beyond what it had previously disclosed. 

John C Inglis, the deputy director of the surveillance agency, told a member of the House judiciary committee that NSA analysts can perform "a second or third hop query" through its collections of telephone data and internet records in order to find connections to terrorist organizations.
                                                                                                            John Inglis
"Hops" refers to a technical term indicating connections between people. A three-hop query means that the NSA can look at data not only from a suspected terrorist, but from everyone that suspect communicated with, and then from everyone those people communicated with, and then from everyone all of those people communicated with.

The Obama administration, blindsided by the leaks, immediately announced that the two would be charged under The Espionage Act, and declared them enemies of the state. 

Eric Holder, in a hastily convened press conference, admitted that the two had fled the United States on private jets immediately after the hearing, and that     their whereabouts where unknown. 

“The national security of the United States has been damaged by those leaks. The safety of the American people and safety of people in allied nations is at risk." 
               James Cole
“I am confident that the people who are responsible will be held accountable.”

Rumors are that the two senior intelligence officials have fled to Venezuela, where like Snowden, it is anticipated they will seek asylum. However, much speculation is swirling at this stage regarding their location and fate. 

While President Obama, in a short session before reporters, said, "We won't be scrambling any jets to catch these middle-aged leakers," diplomatic channels were already furiously at work, trying to close off all international airspace.

Updates on this story as details emerge will appear below the break.  

Updates (EST):

11:01 pm - It has been confirmed by multiple sources that Inglis and Cole have fled to Hong Kong.
Despite this revelation, mainstream media is fawning over news that Cole's wife was once a hand model for Palmolive.

10:24 pm - CNN is reporting, per an anonymous government source, that Inglis and Cole intentionally took their respective posts at the NSA and DOJ in order to leak surveillance information to Congress.

"They engaged in a decades-long, career-building venture just for today's leak," the source said.
9:57 pm - MSNBC pundit Melissa Harris-Perry has called for Inglis and Cole to return to the States and face the consequences of their actions, apparently already tired of talking about the two whistleblowers.

9:42 pm - As the world searches for two of the nation's top intelligence officials, President Obama referred to them as "hackers" in a brief media appearance, attempting to recast the Deputy Director of the NSA and Assistant Attorney General as basement-dwelling, Ramen-noodle-eating cyber thieves who were never employed by the U.S. government or affiliated contractors.

9:16 pm - David Gregory has asked this evening whether congressional leaders, who asked the questions that led to Inglis and Cole's whistle-blowing, should be arrested.
"It was just a question," Gregory Tweeted after coming under fire for suggesting U.S. legislators be jailed for doing their jobs. "I was just echoing what others were wondering."

9:03 pm - After rumours began swirling that Inglis and Cole were aboard a plane with the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, several European nations closed off their airspace and forced Nazarbayev's twin-engine aircraft to land in a field in Lithuania.
"We have not been this humiliated since that Jew Borat's movie!" screamed Nazarbayev after Lithuanian officials announced Inglis and Cole were not aboard the president's plane.

8:42 pm - Wikileaks has Tweeted that it has been in touch with Inglis and Cole, though refused to reveal their location or whether or not the organization is helping the two asylum seekers.

8:24 pm - A furious Venezuela has denied that intelligence officials are in the country. "The airspace around Latin America is closed. Nobody can get in or out!"

Sunday, July 14, 2013


This was a fascinating video about Joe McCarthy a former senator, circuit court judge, and ex-marine who earned a Distinguished Flying Cross and a reputation, but probably not the one you think
The propagandists and disinfo agents that reach through the media and the history texts notwithstanding, a little history lesson with facts and figures provides a world of illumination!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Sunlight Foundation: Internet Subversive

Sunlight Foundation: Tax-Exempt Subversive to Shackle the Open Internet, Soros-Funded

Assets: $2,066,772 (2009)
Grants Received: $7,111,704 (2009)
Grants Awarded: $2,640,282 (2009)
The Sunlight Foundation (SF) was established in 2006 with the goal of “using the revolutionary power of the Internet and new information technology to enable citizens to learn more about what Congress and their elected representatives are doing, and thus help reduce corruption, ensure greater transparency and accountability by government, and foster public trust in the vital institutions of democracy.” The Foundation derives its name from former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis’s assertion that “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.” 

SF's executive director (and one of its co-founders) is Ellen Miller, who previously served as deputy director of the Campaign for America's Future, where she headed its Project for an Accountable Congress. Miller also established Public Campaign[1] and the Center for Responsive Politics[2], both based in Washington, DC. Moreover, she is a former publisher of, a former fellow with The American Prospect, and an occasional contributor to The Nation.

SF's other co-founder and current chairman is Michael Klein, a retired attorney who now serves as a trustee of the American Himalayan Foundation and the Shakespeare Theatre Company.

SF currently oversees four major projects:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Putin Dresses Down The Group of Eight

      Putin Dresses Down The Group of Eight


By (about the author)     Permalink    

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Below is a translation from As-Safir, a Lebanese newspaper, July 6, 2013, by Arabic-English translator Eric Mueller. As the translator was not present at the Group of Eight meeting, he cannot vouch for the accuracy of the report, only for the accuracy of the translation. The report by Dawud Rimal does reflect Putin's no-nonsense manner of speaking. The report from As-Safir contrasts with the US coverage.

By Dawud Rimal
Diplomatic sources: Putin tells G8 "You want Assad to resign. Look at the leaders you've made in the Middle East."
Beirut: A diplomatic source has reported that the West has been discussing for some time the issue of the escalating role of Islamists in Lebanon and the Arab countries. The source reports that this discussion might wind up concluding that there is a need to rein in the role of the Islamists. It is along this line of thinking that the West has been encouraging the Lebanese regular army since the 'Abra Battle. [A two-day battle between Lebanese regular army forces and the gang of a Sunni Salafi Shaykh Ahmad al-Asir 'Abra near the southern Lebanese city of Sidon in late June 2013. Translator's note.]

The diplomatic source reports that the changes underway in Egypt were expected by the Western countries and that the leaders of the G8 discussed the matter of Islamists coming to power in a number of Arab countries, including Egypt, in their recent meeting in Northern Ireland. [The Group of Eight or "G8" (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USA, and Russia) met in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, on 17-18 June 2013. Translator's note.]

The diplomatic source reports that during that G8 meeting, Russian President Putin delivered a long intervention on that subject.

The prominent European diplomatic source reports that in his statement, the Russian President addressed the leaders participating in the G8 meeting, saying:

"You want President Bashshar al-Assad to step down? Look at the leaders you've made in the Middle East in the course of what you have dubbed the "Arab Spring." Now the peoples of the region are rejecting those leaders. The revolution against Muhammad Mursi in Egypt continues and anybody who knows the character of Egyptian society is aware of the fact that it is a deeply rooted secular society of varied cultures and civilizations with a history of advanced political activity. It will never accept attempts to impose things upon it by force. As to Receb Tayyib Erdogan [in Turkey], the street is moving against him and his star is beginning to wane. In Tunisia the Muslim Brotherhood-Salafi rule that you formed there is no longer stable and the fate of Tunisia won't be very far from the army seizing power, because Europe will never accept chaos on its borders and Tunisia is an entry way to Europe." (Putin said this before the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Tunisia resigned to declare his candidacy for president of the republic. Note by as-Safir.)

Putin went on: "You have spread anarchy in Libya after Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi. Nobody can put together an authority capable of working to rebuild the state there. Yemen after the departure of Ali 'Abdallah Salih lacks stability in government and there is no peace in the streets. Military and security unrest continues to prevail in all the regions of the country. As to the Persian Gulf, the whole area from Bahrain to the rest of the states there is sitting atop a volcano," Putin said.

The diplomatic source reported the Russian President as saying: "You want Russia to abandon Assad and his regime and go along with an Opposition whose leaders don't know anything except issuing fatwas declaring people heretics, and whose members -- who come from a bunch of different countries and have multiple orientations -- don't know anything except how to slaughter people and eat human flesh. You use double standards and approach the crisis in Syria using summer and winter styles under one roof. You lie to your own peoples so as to further your interests. This is none of our business. But it is impermissible for you to lie to us and to the countries and peoples of the world, because the international stage is no longer yours alone. Your ability to monopolize it the way you did two decades ago is now gone for good."

Putin continued: "In Syria all of you are standing on the side of the forces that for the last 10 years you have claimed to be fighting against under the rubric of 'terror.' Now today you are with them, helping them to take power across the region. You declare that you're going to arm them and work to facilitate sending their fighters to Syria to bring it down, weaken it, and break it up." Putin asked, "In God's name what kind of democracy are you talking about? You want a democratic regime in Syria to take the place of the Assad regime, but are Turkey and the countries you're allied with in the region blessed with democracy?"

Putin addressed US President Obama specifically, saying: "Your country sent its army to Afghanistan in the year 2001 on the excuse that you are fighting the Taliban and the al-Qa'idah Organization and other fundamentalist terrorists whom your government accused of carrying out the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington. And here you are today making an alliance with them in Syria. And you and your allies are declaring your desire to send them weapons. And here you have Qatar in which you [the US] have your biggest base in the region and in the territory of that country the Taliban are opening a representative office."

Putin turned to the President of France [Francois Hollande] to ask, "How can you send your army to Mali to fight fundamentalist terrorists on the one hand, while on the other you are making an alliance with them and supporting them in Syria, and you want to send them heavy weapons to fight the regime there?"

British Prime Minister David Cameron came in for some of Putin's sharpest remarks, when the Russian President told him: "You are loudly demanding that the terrorists in Syria be armed and yet these are the same people two of whom slaughtered a British soldier on a street in London in broad daylight in front of passers by, not caring about your state or your authority. And they have also committed a similar crime against a French soldier in the streets of Paris."

The diplomatic report indicates that the leaders gathered at the summit were surprised then when German Chancellor Angela Merkel supported every word that Putin said in his address. She declared her rejection of any solution in Syria other than a peaceful one, saying "because the military solution will lead Syria and the whole region into the unknown." She strongly opposed arming the Syrian Opposition, "so that these weapons don't get into the hands of the terrorists who plan to use them in attacks against cities in the European Union." She also indicated that she did not want to see some of her European partners getting involved in military and political adventures that would only serve to further deepen their financial and economic deficits, "because Germany is no longer able to serve as a financial and economic rescue line for those countries in order to help cover up their mistakes."

As-Safir newspaper, No 12522, Saturday, 6 July 2013.

Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration. He was associate editor and columnist with the Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He is a contributing editor to Gerald Celente's Trends Journal. He has had numerous university appointments. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is available here:

Source: OpEdNews

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dr. Preston James

Interesting interviews with Dr. James:

I don't agree with the info passed to Dr. James regarding all ETs being demons. I think that is absurd. Just because they don't appear to be helping us doesn't mean they don't, and plenty of people have communicated benevolent experiences with them. Are all humans good or bad? Personally, I think they have helped keep the planet from losing the population entirely through a nuclear or neutron bomb. I think they've assisted in a myriad of other ways as well, such as with the Fukushima disaster and the resulting radiation. One must remember the issue of freewill. An issue which is not infringed upon by interference by them with our thermonuclear devices. This is so because these technologies affect other dimensions.

Hidden NSA/Thermonuclear Site

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Vatican Rats Departing

Top Vatican bank managers resign after Monsignor's arrest

By Philip Pullella
VATICAN CITY | Mon Jul 1, 2013 7:18pm EDT
(Reuters) - Two top managers of the scandal-plagued Vatican bank resigned on Monday following the arrest of a high-ranking cleric with close ties to the financial institution, in the latest of a string of embarrassments for the Holy See.

Director Paolo Cipriani and deputy-director Massimo Tulli stepped down three days after the Vatican was rocked by the arrest of Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, who is accused of plotting with two other people to smuggle 20 million euros into Italy from Switzerland.

Ernst von Freyberg, a German [with Krupp-Thyssen ties -AK] who earlier this year became president of the bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), will assume the role of bank director until a permanent replacement is appointed.

The bank has also established a new position of chief risk officer who will be charged with improving compliance with financial regulations at a bank which has long been a byword for secrecy and lack of transparency.

Scarano, 61, who worked as a senior accountant in the Vatican's financial administration, was arrested along with an Italian secret service agent and a financial intermediary.

According to transcripts from a judge's report, Scarano, who is under two separate investigations by Italian magistrates in Rome and Milan, mentioned the director in phone conversations tapped by police investigators.

The judge's report, obtained by Reuters, says Scarano controlled vast amounts of money and felt he could act with impunity because of his connections to the Vatican bank.

Only last Wednesday, two days before the arrests, Pope Francis set up a commission of inquiry into the Vatican bank, which has been hit by a number of scandals in the past decades.

Scarano was for years a senior accountant for a Vatican department known as APSA, whose official title is the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See.


Magistrates have said there is no indication so far that the Vatican bank was directly involved in the attempt to bring the money into Italy, but that the investigation was continuing and more searches were under way.

Scarano was suspended from his duties several weeks ago when he was placed under investigation by magistrates in Salerno.

In that investigation, his lawyer Silverio Sica said wealthy friends had donated money to Scarano in order for him to build a home for the terminally ill.

According to Sica, his client wanted to use that money to pay off his mortgage so he could sell a property in Salerno and use the proceeds to build the care home.

Scarano has been accused of taking 560,000 euros in cash out of his account in the Vatican bank and giving various amounts to friends who gave him checks in exchange, apparently in a bid to cover his tracks. He then deposited the checks into an Italian bank account to pay off the mortgage.

The case against Scarano came as an embarrassment to Francis, who, since his election in March, has pointedly eschewed many of the trappings of office and sought to stress the importance of a simple life of devotion.

The IOR, tarnished by accusations of failing to meet international transparency standards intended to combat money laundering and tax evasion, is trying to clean up its image after a long history of scandals.

Its most notorious incident came in 1982 when it was enmeshed in the bankruptcy of Italy's Banco Ambrosiano, whose chairman Roberto Calvi was found hanging from London's Blackfriars Bridge.

In 2010, Rome magistrates investigating money laundering froze 23 million euros ($33 million) held by the IOR in an Italian bank. The IOR said it was transferring its own funds between accounts in Italy and Germany. The money was released in June 2011 but the investigation continues.

The European anti-money laundering committee, Moneyval, said in a July report that the IOR still had to enact more reforms in order to meet international standards against money laundering.

The Vatican is due to give Moneyval a progress report this year.

Source: American Kabuki

Monday, July 1, 2013

Public School is Brainwashing

...and when it gets to the college level, they're stealing more than minds; they're stealing lives with their usury of course. From mortgages to credit cards to student loans, the termite known as a banker will eat the substance out of a life quicker than you can say Terminix.

Repeat after me: "The bankers have a gun to our head, and the quicker we realize we're giving into parasites who get something for doing nothing, the quicker we'll be on the right path to healing a planet under siege.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Frank Dux--the Life of a Fighter

We live in a world where paradigms get created all the time and at different levels of society. They get created through education, through media, through peer communication, through upbringing, through religion, and a through a myriad of other ways. When I was very young I learned how wrong ideas can get created, spread like a fire, and damn the innocent.

This was a very interesting documentary on the life of Frank Dux who I have no doubt has been the expert martial artist he and others say he is. I remember seeing him years ago on (I think) “That’s Incredible,” teaching a guy in a wheelchair how to defend himself. 

In the movie about his life, “Bloodsport”, there is a scene in which the kid who plays him stands unflinchingly before his future teacher as his hat is cut by a samurai sword. The sensei says, “You did not flinch. You have fighting spirit.” I believe this line characterized Frank Dux, who was not only praised by the Russian military for his work on an “impossible” mission but fought back when it would appear the PTB felt a need to do a hit on him. This was a devastating hit. He lost his wife and family, his functionality on parts of the left side of his body, his ability to remember certain things, and some of his ability to fight. In addition, he was cheated and had his reputation mutilated by some who had once been friends. Against all these overwhelming odds he fought back.

Yeah, I think Dux is what he says is…