Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cyborg Implants

They beat like real heart cells, but the rat cardiomyocytes in a dish at Harvard University are different in one crucial way. Snaking through them are wires and transistors that spy on each cell’s electrical impulses. In future, the wires might control their behaviour too.

Versions of this souped-up, "cyborg" tissue have been created for neurons, muscle and blood vessels. They could be used to test drugsMovie Camera or as the basis for more biological versions of existing implants such as pacemakers. If signals can also be sent to the cells, cyborg tissue could be used in prosthetics or to create tiny robots.

"It allows one to effectively blur the boundary between electronic, inorganic systems and organic, biological ones," says Charles Lieber, who leads the team behind the cyborg tissue.

Artificial tissue can already be grown on three-dimensional scaffolds made of biological materials that are not electrically active. And electrical components have been added to cultured tissue before, but not integrated into its structure, so they were only able to glean information from the surface.

Electrically inflamed

Lieber’s team combined these strands of work to create electrically active scaffolds. They created 3D networks of conductive nanowires studded with silicon sensors. Crucially, the wires had to be flexible and extremely small, to avoid impeding the growth of tissue. The scaffold also contained traditional biological materials such as collagen.

The researchers were able to grow rat neurons, heart cells and muscle in these hybrid meshes. In the case of the heart cells, they started to contract just like normal cells, and the researchers used the network to read out the rate of the beats.

When they added a drug that stimulates heart cell contraction, they detected an increase in the rate, indicating the tissue was behaving like normal and that the network could sense such changes.

Lieber’s team also managed to grow an entire blood vessel about 1.5 centimetres long from human cells, with wires snaking through it. By recording electrical signals from inside and outside the vessel– something that was never possible before– the team was able to detect electrical patterns that they say could give clues to inflammation, whether tissue has undergone changes that make it prone to tumour formation or suggest impending heart disease.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Power II


The Western Onslaught Against International Law

By Dr. Paul Roberts 


A new film, "Compliance," examines "the human desire to follow and obey authority." Liberal institutions, such as the media, universities, federal courts, and human rights organizations, which have traditionally functioned as checks on the blind obedience to authority, have in our day gone over to power's side. The subversion of these institutions has transformed them from checks on power into servants of power. The result is the transformation of culture from the rule of law to unaccountable authority resting on power maintained by propaganda.

Propaganda is important in the inculcation of trust in authority.The P*ssy Riot case shows the power of Washington's propaganda even inside Russia itself and reveals that Washington's propaganda has suborned important human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Chatham House, and Amnesty International.

P*ssy Riot is described in the western media as a punk rock group, but seems in fact to be a group known as Voina (War) that performs lewd or scandalous unannounced public performances such as the one in the Russian cathedral, a sexual orgy in a museum, and events such as this and also this.

Three of the cathedral performers were apprehended, indicted, tried, convicted of breaking a statutory law, and given two-year prison sentences. The Voice of Russia recently broadcast a discussion of the case from its London studio. Representatives from Human Rights Watch and Chatham House argued that the case was really a free speech case and that the women were political prisoners for criticizing Russian President Putin.

This claim was disingenuous. In the blasphemous performance in the Russian cathedral, Putin was not mentioned. The references to Putin were added to the video posted on the Internet after the event in order to turn a crime into a political protest.

The human rights representatives also argued that the women's conviction could only happen in Putin's Russia. However, the program host pointed out that in fact most European countries have similar laws as Russia's and that a number of European offenders have been arrested and punished even more severely. Indeed, I recently read a news report from Germany that a copycat group of women had staged a similar protest in support of P*ssy Riot and had been arrested. An analysis of these issues is available here.

The human rights representatives seemed to believe that Putin had failed the democratic test by failing to stop the prosecution. But a country either has the rule of law or doesn't have the rule of law. If Putin overrides the law, it means Putin is the law.

Whether Washington had a hand in the P*ssy Riot event via the Russian protest groups it funds, Hitlery Clinton was quick to make propaganda. Free expression was threatened in Russia, she said.

Washington used the P*ssy Riot case to pay Putin back for opposing Washington's destruction of Syria. The overlooked legal issue is Washington's interference in internal Russian affairs. The close alignment of human rights organizations with Washington's propaganda hurts the credibility of human rights advocacy. If human rights groups are seen as auxiliaries of Washington's propaganda, their moral authority evaporates.

The prevalence of the English language, due to the British domination of the world in the 18th and 19th centuries and American domination in the 20th and first decade of the 21st century, makes it easy for Washington to control the explanations. Other languages simply do not have the reach to compete.

Washington also has the advantage of having worn the White Hat in the Cold War. The peoples who were constituent parts of the Soviet empire and even many Russians themselves still see Washington as the wearer of the White Hat. Washington has used this advantage to finance "color revolutions" that have moved countries from the Russian sphere of influence into Washington's sphere of influence.

Tony Cartalucci concludes that "Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda." Cartalucci notes that Amnesty's executive director is former State Department official Suzanne Nossel, who conflates "human rights advocacy" with US global hegemony.

Amnesty does seem like an amplifier for Washington's propaganda. Amnesty's latest email to members (August 27) is: "As if the recent trial and sentencing of three members of P*ssy Riot wasn't shameful enough, now Russian police are hunting down others in the band. Make no mistake about it: Russian authorities are relentless. Just how far are the Russian authorities willing to go to silence voices of dissent? Tell the Russian government to stop hunting P*ssy Riot!"

Amnesty International's August 23 email to its members, "Wake Up World," is completely one-sided and puts all blame for violence on the Syrian government, not on al Qaeda and other outside groups that Washington has armed and unleashed on the Syrian people. Amnesty is only concerned with getting visual images damning to the Syrian government before the public: "We are working to get this damning footage into the hands of journalists around the world. Support our work and help ensure that our first-hand video is seen by influential members of the media."

At least P*ssy Riot got a trial. That's more than US Marine, Brandon Raub, a veteran of two tours of combat duty, got. Raub posted on Facebook his opinion that he had been misused by Washington in behalf of an illegal agenda. Local police, FBI, and Secret Service descended upon his home, dragged him out, and on the authority of a social worker, committed him to a mental hospital for observation.

I did not see any protests from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, or Chatham House. Instead, a Virginia circuit court judge, W. Allan Sharrett, demanded Raub's immediate release, stating that there was no reason to detain and commit Raub except to punish him for exercising his free speech right.

continue reading  "The Western Onslaught Against International Law"

Secessionist Movements Grow Across U.S. 

 With dissent higher in this country than it has been in decades, a number of secessionist groups are asking the question: Would certain states or territories be better off if they seceded from the union?

On August 16 AMERICAN FREE PRESS interviewed Thomas Naylor, the founder of the Second Vermont Republic, which is at the forefront of America’s secessionist movement.

“There is no moral justification for this country to exist any longer,” said Naylor. “The U.S. has lost its moral authority. It’s corrupt to the core. Today, the U.S. is owned, operated and controlled by corporations, the military-industrial complex and the Israeli lobby. Ultimately, I’m calling for Vermont to become an independent entity and for the dissolution of this empire.”

Sunday, August 26, 2012


"A gang is a group of men under the command of a leader, bound by a compact of association, in which the plunder is divided according to an agreed convention. If this villainy wins so many recruits from the ranks of the demoralized that it acquires territory, establishes a base, captures cities and subdues peoples, it then openly arrogates to itself the title of kingdom, which is conferred on it in the eyes of the world, not by the renunciation of aggression, but by the attainment of impunity"   --St Augustine

Local governments consolidating into one merged power hub
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

I noticed this first per Massachusetts. The State consolidated control and ownership of all counties in the state by merger of all counties into the State. This happened over a decade ago in Massachusetts.
The 'kicker" in addition to merger of the counties the "State" before this was done the "State" changed their government status from the "State" government of Massachusetts to the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts. This transition was implemented by the "State" prior to 1995.

The big point here is that: "Private Associations" were used over the last 75-years to transition local governments from what we use to know government as into "Corporate" for profit enterprises and did so by direct consult over the years. 

The structure of the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts over the "State" government of Massachusetts, at the stroke of the pen overseen and checked off on by key player "Attorneys", implemented the transition from a "government" entity into what could be more closely considered a "Private Association". 

The implications here are grave specifically as would apply to the transfer and masking of public wealth. The People own government, they do not own private associations. The same would apply to wealth transferred from "State" holdings transitioned into the "Private Association" holdings of the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts..

Leave the liabilities under the "State" government shell and transfer the wealth holdings to and under the "Commonwealth" association.

This was done right under the noses of the Massachusetts residents and done without a clue given that it was being done to the Peoples of Massachusetts. The same is covertly taking place in NJ, PA, CT, and many other states.

The shell structure of government is being left in place as the wealth and stewardship responsibilities are transferred to the Private Association, or as in Massachusetts  case when transitioned from the "State" government of Massachusetts into the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts. 

When this transition took place about two decades ago, Massachusetts no longer produced a "State" government CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report). The CAFR was now produced under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The State Court  System and Financial operations were also transitioned into and under the same "Commonwealth" structure.

Mit Romney is the Presidential pick to be promoted by the syndicate being the prior governor of Massachusetts. He is versed on operating procedure to implement the same nationally. That will be his primary mission if elected President and thus the Syndicate is moving forward full steam utilizing all of their contacts and tactics to force Mitt Romney's win as President. 

I note Barack Obama as an attorney and as current President is attempting to consolidate through restructuring federal government into the same transition.

This communication needs to go viral in all circles. Let all comprehend what is taking place right in their face and under their noses.

For government to be: "For the People by the People" this transition needs to be stopped cold in its tracks and reversed. It is well under way and if the roots of its structure hold it will no longer be: "For the People by the People" but For the Association by the Association" under the direction of the association's minions of attorneys direction.

As quoted from the front page of as the bottom line at the end of the page:
"It appears that many attorneys have now taken over the House, Senate, and Governor's office. The separation of powers doctrine mandates attorneys being officers of the court (Judicial branch) that they should not be able to run for public office (Executive / Administrative branch)

Stop this now!

The ROOT of the corruption / graft / destruction of our country is coming from this breeding grounds. Here is why you are being bled dry! The very corrupt from the judicial branch have slithered their way into elected and appointed positions within the executive / administrative areas of government.

Again, it is the nature of this beast to bleed you dry, if they can that is..

If you from this point forward VOTE for an attorney running for office, you are more than foolish, you aid in the assured degradation  and plunder of your own country.

Remove these attorneys from public office NOW! Mandate a ten year lapse from being an officer of the court BEFORE an attorney can run for public office and ten years after leaving office. This is a must to do NOW. It is NOT an option. Make this the LAW NOW in your City, County, and State. You now know why you are being bled dry. It is the NATURE of this beast.



Friday, August 24, 2012


“All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not from defects in their constitution or confederation, not from a want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and  circulation.”                           --- John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson (1787-08-25)

This was another really interesting piece by Bill Still. I've listened or watched a few interviews and videos that he's been in and they are always interesting. Bill mentions that he is coming out with a documentary on Jekyll Island later this year. I can't wait to see it!

This interview covers:
  • The early goldsmiths and the king of England
  • Fort Knox reserves
  • Bank leveraging
  • Banker contributions to presidential campaigns
  • Kennedy and the CIA
  • Fiat money
  • Banks that don't use fractional reserve banking
  • and other topics 
Also on the site of this interview is a link to the excellent video Bill did called the Money Masters which explains in layman terms the workings of the banking interests and his suggestions for monetary reform.

 Haven't yet listened to this one , but it looks interesting

William Dean A. Garner was formally trained as a research biophysicist, with a background in physics and electrical engineering. Following his tour in Army special operations, he worked for international private military companies. He’s the bestselling author of 17 ghostwritten books and has also has edited many books, including Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. In addition to ghostwriting and editing, Dean has mentored six NY Times bestselling authors and is currently a book publisher. He joins us to discuss his latest book, Who Really Owns Your Gold: The Intended Global Meltdown of 2012 - 2014. Garner argues that the Jesuits hold more power and influence over world affairs than any other group. The Vatican has called for a reform of the global monetary system and a global public authority, a world central bank, to rule over the world’s financial affairs. We’ll talk about the philosophy of the Jesuits and how they incorporate celestial physics into their model to rule the world. Dean urges that “We the People” have one last golden opportunity to defeat the first sphere of influence, a global dark and sinister cabal that rule together with the House of Rothschild and their extensive network of sycophants and minions.

Source: Red Ice Creations 

This interesting interview covers:
  • Gold owners in Rome (not the Vatican)
  • Jesuit control over religion and social infrastructure
  • Rothschild accountants
  • Alexander Hamilton--traitor of the people
  • Synchronization of celestial physics by the dark occult workers
  • Off-planet influences affecting cycles on Earth that the nefarious use for their own purposes
  • Cycles book on celestial influences
  • The facade of philanthropy
  • Partial vs full collapse of the U.S.
  • Long-term planning of the Jesuits
  •  Advertising that sways the masses

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Silent Running 
(about the Russian sub in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks) 

This is an interesting chronology of Russia, the Jewish influence, and the NWO, though he comes to a rather squirrely conclusion at the end.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


"If Americans wake up to the fact that they are being dispossessed economically, politically, and socially, while Washington is leading them into World War III, and take to the streets in protest, they will encounter extreme military force."
                                                                                                 --Dr. Paul Roberts


Amerika's Future is Death


By Dr. Paul Roberts


Conspiracy theories have now blossomed into what the smug presstitute media calls a "conspiracy culture." According to the presstitutes, Americans have to find some explanation for their frustrations and failings, so Americans shift the blame to the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the New World Order and so forth and so on.

Readers will not be surprised that I disagree with the presstitutes. Indeed, the conspiracy culture is the product of the presstitute media's failure to investigate and to report truthfully. I am certain that the Western media is worse than the Soviet media was. The Soviet media devised ways for helping the public to read between the lines, whereas the Western media is so proud to be confidants of the government that they deliver the propaganda without any clues to the readers that it is propaganda.

Americans have been fed lies by "their" government and the government's presstitute media for so long that it is not surprising that Americans increasingly believe that there is a conspiracy operating against them. Millions of Americans have been evicted from their jobs, careers, and homes while the crooks who stole from them run free and bankroll the presidential candidates. The world as millions of Americans knew it has come to an end, and no one has been held accountable. The explanation that Americans get from the media is that it is their own fault. They bought houses they shouldn't have bought, and they didn't train for the right jobs. It is not unreasonable for Americans to conclude that a conspiracy is operating against them.

Americans are told that "their" government cannot afford to help them because of the budget deficit and the burden on our grandchildren. But Americans see the trillions of dollars that are lavished on banksters, on wars, and on Homeland Security. Why is a police state and another attack on another Muslim country more important than keeping Americans in their jobs and in their homes?

The 11th anniversary of 9/11 is less than a month away. Will the presstitute media remind Americans that the government has spent $6 trillion of Americans' money in out-of-pocket and already incurred future costs as the expense of invading and trying to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, all to no effect except to enrich the managements and shareholders of the military security complex at the cost of destroying the reputation of the United States and putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block?

No, of course not. The spiel will be about our brave troops who are fighting and dying to make the world safe for democracy and women's rights. Washington will wrap itself in the flag and exhort Americans to "support our troops" in the orchestrated war of the day. Hitlery Clinton still gets on the moral high horse and rails at China and Russia, but all the world sees is hypocrisy. No one, not even Washington's puppet governments, any longer takes Washington's moralizing as anything more than a mask for domination by force alone. Democracy, Washington declares, comes out of the barrel of a gun.

Today moralizing is all about money, but not for the 99%. The 99% cannot find good jobs or earn anything on their savings, because the economy is run for the 1%. University graduates cannot get jobs and pay off their student loans. Retraining for the millions of Americans whose jobs were shipped offshore or filled by foreigners brought in on H1-B visas has proved to be a fraud, as there are no jobs for the retrained displaced long-term discouraged American work force. The official jobs projection by the US government is that few university graduates are needed in the work force, so the old mantra that "education is the answer" is just another lie from the Ivy League economic departments who sell the establishment's lies for money.

Any American citizen accustomed to travel America's "wide open spaces" prior to 9/11 must be astonished by the sudden rise of the intrusive Homeland Security, a gestapo-sounding name if there ever was one. Porno-scans and genital feel-ups have spread from airports to bus and train stations and to the public highways, despite the absence of terrorist events. No one in their right mind could possibly think that a 90-year old grandmother in a wheel chair is a terrorist whose diaper needs to be checked or that blond, blue-eyed parents would have strapped a bomb around their 5-year old daughter's waist. No one except the gestapo Department of Homeland Security.

Even some of the gullible flag-waving patriotic conservatives are beginning to wonder about all the security. The reports that the Department of Homeland Security has ordered 750 million rounds of people-killing ammunition are puzzling even those conservatives who have been taking vicarious pleasure in the slaughter of "towelheads."

Why does the Department of Homeland Security need enough ammunition to shoot every American 2.5 times? Why is Homeland Security equipping itself with full-body armor? Why is Homeland Security acquiring new laser technology that can "instantly know everything about you from 164 feet away?" A new army manual for "Civil Disturbance Operations" describes how the military is to be used domestically within the US to put down protests, confiscate firearms and kill citizens.

The police state that is being constructed in "freedom and democracy" America is without parallel in history. When the only terrorists are dupes organized by the FBI, it is clear that the purpose of the police state is not to protect Americans from Muslim terrorists. The purpose of the police state is to terrorize US citizens.

It is not only Homeland Security that is being militarized. The government reported that a large ammunition order was made by the National Weather Service, later updated to have been the Fisheries Office. If you are surprised at this, why has the Social Security Administration ordered 174,000 rounds of hollow-point bullets?

Lists of Homeland Security's ammunition order are available online. Clearly, it is not ammunition for target practice. It is ammunition for killing people: hollow-point bullets for the military rifle, the M-16. Match grade bullets for .308 sniper rifles. 12 gauge shotgun buckshot and slug ammunition. Hollow-point bullets for .357 magnum and .40 caliber pistols.

As there have been no terrorist attacks in the US since the 9/11 attack (itself suspect by experts), except for those organized by the FBI, this massive purchase of firepower is obviously not to protect Americans from Muslim terrorists. So what is it for?

Perhaps this film explains what is in store for the American people who trusted "their" government. War protestors and critics of the government are being redefined as "domestic extremists" who can be arrested for aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States. If Americans wake up to the fact that they are being dispossessed economically, politically, and socially, while Washington is leading them into World War III, and take to the streets in protest, they will encounter extreme military force.

The liberal-left is even more delusional than the flag-waving conservatives. No matter what the government does, conservatives will come down on the government's side. This is because conservatives confuse patriotism with support for the government, not with defense of the Constitution, a suspect document that coddles criminals, terrorists, and war protesters who cause America to lose wars. The liberal-left regards Obama with his half-black origin as a member of the oppressed class, personages endowed by the liberal-left with higher morality. The liberal-left continues to regard Obama as the redeemer even as Obama sits in the Oval Office approving lists of American citizens to be executed without due process of law. Not even Naomi Wolf can wake up the liberal-left.

Do not expect Congress or the presstitutes to do anything about the rapid concentration of power in the police state that Bush and Obama have created. Do not expect to be rescued by federal courts. Even if some judges are inclined to defend the Constitution from its domestic enemy, the courts are powerless if the executive branch does not respect the rule of law. Currently, the executive branch is ignoring a federal judge's injunction against the indefinite detention of US citizens. The Department of Justice (sic) lawyers will not even answer the judge's questions.

A gullible population is helpless if government decides to enslave the people. It is child's play for government to discredit a people's natural leaders and those who provide the people with accurate information. Most Americans have a very small knowledge base and very large ideological preconceptions. Consequently, they cannot tell fiction from fact.

Consider the case of Julian Assange. When the US government, angry that WikiLeaks had published leaked documents that revealed the mendacity and deceit of Washington, first struck out at Assange, support for Assange was almost universal. Then Washington put out the story on the Internet that Assange was an intelligence agent working for the CIA or the even more hateful Mossad. Both leftwing and rightwing Internet sites fell for the obvious lie. Here we have gullibility on the level with those who believed Stalin's charge that Bukharin was a capitalist agent.

Once the libel of Assange began, it over-rode his clearance by the Swedish prosecutor's office of sexual complaints made by the two women who seduced him. Seeing Assange on the ropes, a female prosecutor reopened the closed case, many believe at Washington's urging. Feminists jumped in, demanding that Assange be punished for his seduction by women as he had obviously tricked or coerced them in some way.

It was like Dominique Strauss-Kahn all over again. Falsely accused of sexually assaulting a New York hotel maid, the Director of the International Monetary Fund, chased on two continents by celebrity-hunting women, was knocked out of the race for the French presidency and had to resign his IMF position. The New York police, trained by decades of feminist propaganda to regard every sex charge brought by a women as the absolute truth, were made to look foolish and incompetent when clear evidence emerged that the charge was fabricated in order to extract money from Strauss-Kahn and possibly in order to knock him out of contention for the French presidency.

Many websites and normally reliable commentators were taken in by the false story. The Washington hegemons and their presstitute media have been even more successful in fooling Americans about terrorist attacks, Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, and Iran. What is astonishing is the fact that there have not been any attacks on America, despite the enormous provocations Washington has provided by murdering as many as one million Muslims, destroying three Muslim countries, conducting military operations against seven Muslim countries and preparing an attack on an eighth -- Iran.

The President of Russia, whose thermo-nuclear ballistic missiles can remove the US from the face of the earth, stated for all the world to hear that Washington has the entire world in fear of its hegemonic drive. "No one feels safe," said Putin. And certainly not the Russians with American missile bases on their borders and a Washington-funded disloyal and traitorous political "opposition" which serves as Washington's fifth column inside Russia.

America, Putin acknowledged, wants to rule the world. But Washington is not going to rule Russia and China. If the current White House moron keeps his promise to Israeli prime minister Netanyahu that the US will attack Iran next June if Iran does not close down its nuclear energy program (a non-weapons program permitted to Iran as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty), the White House will have opened the door to World War III. In such a war the US would not be immune from attack as it was in WW I and WW II. This time America could disappear in nuclear holocaust. If any of the world survives, people will be thankful for Washington's removal from the scene.

Death is what "your" government in Washington, both Republicans and Democrats, are bringing you. Both parties are driven by the neoconservatives who believe that American hegemony over the world is worth nuclear war to accomplish. If these dangerous ideologues continue to prevail, life on earth has a very short-run prospect.

Source: opednews


Amerika's Future is Death



Ecuador President Rafael "We Are Not A Colony" Correa Stands Up To The Jackbooted British Gestapo

 By Dr. Paul Roberts

A coward dies many deaths; a brave man dies but once.

The once proud British government, now reduced to Washington's servile whore, put on its Gestapo Jackboots and declared that if the Ecuadorean Embassy in London did not hand over WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, British storm troopers would invade the embassy with military force and drag Assange out. Ecuador stood its ground. "We want to be very clear, we are not a British colony," declared Ecuador's Foreign Minister. Far from being intimidated the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, replied to the threat by granting Assange political asylum

The once law-abiding British government had no shame in announcing that it would violate the Vienna Convention and assault the Ecuadorean Embassy, just as the Islamic students in the 1979 Khomeini Revolution in Iran took over the US Embassy and held the diplomatic staff captive. Pushed by their Washington overlords, the Brits have resorted to the tactics of a pariah state. Maybe we should be worried about British nuclear weapons.

Let's be clear, Assange is not a fugitive from justice. He has not been charged with any crime in any country. He has not raped any women. There are no indictments pending in any court, and as no charges have been brought against him, there is no validity to the Swedish extradition request. It is not normal for people to be extradited for questioning, especially when, as in Assange's case, he expressed his complete cooperation with being questioned a second time by Swedish officials in London.

What is this all about? First, according to news reports, Assange was picked up by two celebrity-hunting Swedish women who took him home to their beds. Later for reasons unknown, one complained that he had not used a condom, and the other complained that she had offered one helping, but he had taken two. A Swedish prosecutor looked into the case, found that there was nothing to it, and dismissed the case.

Assange left for England. Then another Swedish prosecutor, a woman, claiming what authority I do not know, reopened the case and issued an extradition order for Assange. This is such an unusual procedure that it worked its way through the entire British court system to the Supreme Court and then back to the Supreme Court on appeal. In the end British "justice" did what the Washington overlord ordered and came down on the side of the strange extradition request. 

Assange, realizing that the Swedish government was going to turn him over to Washington to be held in indefinite detention, tortured, and framed as a spy, sought protection from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. As corrupt as the British are, the UK government was unwilling to release Assange directly to Washington. By turning him over to Sweden, the British could feel that their hands were clean.
Sweden, formerly an honorable country like Canada once was where American war resisters could seek asylum, has been suborned and brought under Washington's thumb. Recently, Swedish diplomats were expelled from Belarus where they seem to have been involved in helping Washington orchestrate a "color revolution" as Washington keeps attempting to extend its bases and puppet states deeper into traditional Russia. 

The entire world, including Washington's servile puppet states, understands that once Assange is in Swedish hands, Washington will deliver an extradition order, with which Sweden, unlike the British, would comply. Regardless, Ecuador understands this. The Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino announced that Ecuador granted Assange asylum because "there are indications to presume that there could be political persecution." In the US, Patino acknowledged, Assange would not get a fair trial and could face the death penalty in a trumped-up case.

The US Puppet State of Great (sic) Britain announced that Assange would not be permitted to leave Britain. So much for the British government's defense of law and human rights. If the British do not invade the Ecuadorean Embassy and drag Assange out dead or in chains, the British position is that Assange will live out his life inside the London Embassy of Ecuador. According to the New York Times, Assange's asylum leaves him "with protection from arrest only on Ecuadorean territory (which includes the embassy). To leave the embassy for Ecuador, he would need cooperation that Britain has said it will not offer." When it comes to Washington's money or behaving honorably in accordance with international law, the British government comes down on the side of money.

The Anglo-American world, which pretends to be the moral face of humanity has now revealed for all to see that under the mask is the face of the Gestapo.

Source: opednews 



Ecuador to Washington and Britain: Go to Hell

Ray McGovern On Assange, Ecuador: Caesar Has Spoken

August 16, 2012

‘Not even in Cold War’s darkest days’: International law scrapped in anti-Assange crusade

Ecuador’s move to grant Julian Assange political asylum has shown the true face of the current world order, highlighting more clearly than ever the line between the American Empire and the rest of the world, former CIA officer Ray McGovern told RT.
RT: One of the main reasons Ecuador cited for granting asylum was not the Swedish case against Assange, but the danger of him being persecuted and possibly even executed in the US. What reaction from Washington do you expect?

Ray McGovern: Well, this is a classic case of what has changed over the last 20 years. And that is simply that the shape of the world is now empire vs. the rest of you. What I say here now is that Caesar has spoken. Caesar is the law. Caesar is the United States and the satraps overseas – the UK in the first instance, and now Sweden in the other, do the bidding of the empire. The country that has refused to do the bidding of the empire, Ecuador, is playing a very interesting role here. Their foreign minister said this morning that “we are not a British colony, and the days of colonialism are over.

So what we see here is a playing out of the fact that there is a complete disrespect for international law. The embassy premises of all countries have heretofore been considered sacrosanct. The British Foreign Office is now saying ‘well, we may forcibly enter.’ This was unheard of even during the worst days of the Cold War. If someone sought refuge in the US embassy in Moscow or the Soviet embassy in the United States, despite the friction, despite the enmity between those two countries, international law was always honored. This is unprecedented.

RT: According to Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patina, the UK’s acts of aggression, blackmailing, and threats are in direct violation of the 1976 Council of Diplomatic Relations. Do you think that as London and Washington are in cahoots, Ecuador is considered to be meaningless, as it has a small military, and is not a significant economic power?

RM: Well, that has been the attitude. Smaller countries do not really amount to much in Washington or London’s view these days. What will be interesting is to see how much will come out in terms of the real game being played here. Nobody seems to remember that the prime accuser of Julian Assange – Anna Ardin in Sweden – used to work for extreme anti-Castro publications funded by the CIA. So there are links there, and it doesn’t require a conspiratorial attitude to see that the only way they can get at Julian Assange is by trumped-up charges of sexual indiscretions in a country that is hypersensitive to that, and they haven’t even persuaded a judge in Sweden to make those charges.

They have had ample opportunity to go to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and question Julian Assange. They said, ‘we’re not going to do that.’ Now, why is that? The reason is, there is no case against Julian Assange. In my opinion, it’s all very transparent. They want to extradite him to Sweden, and then to the United States to suffer the same indignities, the same torture of Bradley Manning – the person who allegedly gave those documents to Julian Assange – has faced. This is a violation of the First Amendment in our country and other amendments in our Bill of Rights, and I dare say that our founding fathers are rolling in their graves to see a [publisher] treated this way in violation of the right to make things known that are otherwise hidden.

Source: Stop NATO 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Those who would crash the world

The men who crashed the world 


Economic Collapse -- Why It Won't Be Stopped 



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Aurora, CO shooting Pt. II

I've put together a number of important points, articles, and audio links on a previous page related to this case at:

Well, I kicked myself for not looking at Veteran's Today sooner regarding this case in which a young man, by the name of James Holmes has been arrested and charged with a massacre shooting in Colorado. It is another 9/11 rife with holes in the official (BS) story.

Aurora Shootings – Who Is the Real Joker, and Where?

This asks some good questions related to mind control, mail packages that Holmes is said to have ordered, the paranoia of the court, a ban against cameras and court appointed reporters, the erecting of a chain-link fence complete with a green screen  around the building where the shooting took place, and a flimsy confession.




AURORA: Asking the Right Questions

This poses questions about the fact that someone held the door open for the shooter, that thousands of dollars had to have gone into a cache of weapons, ammo, bulletproof clothing, and the devices and chemicals used to booby trap the apartment, as well as the timing coinciding with the Small Arms Treaty.



I wish someone would describe the person that sat down. Not necessarily for the rogue cops and the kangaroo court so much as for the rest of us as another piece of the whole story.


My thanks to Alex Jones for bringing this issue back to front and center...

Dave Mustaine: Obama Staged ‘Batman’ Massacre


The second comment here from the police transcripts seems a little suspicious.
At 1:16am on the police audio recording from the scene, an officer states, “Talking to people making statements, sounds like we have possibly 2 shooters, one that was in Theater 8 seated, another one that came in from the outside into Theater 9. Sounds like it was a coordinated attack.”

“Every unit, possible 2nd shooter still at large… Keep the media away from them,” said another officer.

The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary) 

This is an interesting video that largely seems to promulgate the idea that Holmes was possibly one of the shooters but as the result of a drug/mind control induced state. I'm not convinced by the video in that regard, but I do open my mind to the possibility; they made a pretty good case. I'm more inclined to agree with what was said at about the 59 min mark. That being that Holmes was possibly drugged and placed and left in his car for the police to find and while still wearing a gas mask no less.

One thing the viewer takes away from the video is that there is a lot of cover-up going on--by the police, the courts, etc. The above video, in fact, is said to be blocked in Ireland, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Italy, and the UK.

Something I got from the vid that I hadn't seen anywhere else was a brief description of the guy that held the door open to the fire exit after he got a cell call in the theater. The witness said he had a goatee, and I didn't hear any mention of red hair.

Aurora, CO and Mind Control--8/16/12

 "The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of people from ever questioning the inequity of the system where most people drudge along paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return."  --Gore Vidal

This is another case, like the DSK case, that doesn't set well with me. Long before DSK's case broke wide open, I knew he wasn't guilty, and I knew this purely through logic; I'm no fan of the IMF. I don't know either of the Holmes gentlemen personally, but I've sure got strong doubts about whether James Holmes was even a trigger man on the night of the Aurora shooting let alone a lone gunmen.

These are among the things I've discovered so far in this case:
  • NO ONE has IDed James as being in the theatre. Every witness has said who they saw had on dark clothes and a gas mask
  • There was more than one gas mask found
  • It was said that the police found James in his car dazed and out of it 
  • James was said to be too drugged to even stand for a mug shot after he was arrested
  • bloody footprints that track past James car and a couple of sources say lead TO the theatre. So likely this was the evisceration victim.
  • an evisceration that likely took place outside the theater yet the body was found inside
  • multiple canisters being used on different aisles
  • police reports of multiple subjects being seen in camo outfits and carrying backpacks near the scene of the crime
  • three men seen dragging another into a car near the scene of the crime (this could have been due to one of the hit team getting hit by friendly fire) Yes! It was a team, and if you listen to the two audio interviews immediately below, it will be hard not to come to that conclusion. 
  • Witnesses stated they saw someone take a call just outside of the fire exit and appear to be signaling someone else as they held the exit door open
  • No one reported the emergency alarm going off with the opening of the fire exit
  • Witness said shooter they saw was about 5'8" to 5'9". This would be about 1/2 foot shorter than James Holmes
  • James father is Dr. Robert Holmes, a senior scientist and statistician whose algorithms are used in software which allows the tracking of money and would allow him to finger people in the LIBOR scandal. He was scheduled to testify before Congress in the next few weeks regarding this.

After looking at or listening to the info below, if we were in James shoes, would we be able to say we'd want the world to just forget about it? If you do nothing else, please pass this website along to someone else or one of the videos or articles on it.

 Project Camelot interview on the Aurora, Co shooting
(Good show guys!) 


Whistle Blower Radio with Kerry Cassidy - guest Doc Waterman - Revolution Radio
(At about the 52 minute mark, Kerry and Dr. Waterman talk about the Aurora event. There is again corroboration that this was NOT an event which occurred as the result of one person)

 This is an excellent overview related to this case:

James Holmes Father Robert Holmes

Job Occupation. Senior Lead Scientist at Fair Isaac. He spent his entire life in the financial and credit services. His educational background shows exceptional emphasis on Mathematics.He has an extensive educational background. It is reported that he was about to go before Congress to testify against a banking scandal. Robert Holmes current position with FICO involves him handling Fraud.Now for those of you who don’t know FICO is a company that gives credit scores to Businesses and individuals. These credit scores helps Banks and others make complex decisions that involve investing. They come up with these credit scores and ratings by doing extensive analyzing and research. Then FICO provides this information to large companies.
Prior to Robert Holmes career at Fair Isaac he was developing Software. He was the Senior Staff Assistant at HNC Software. He worked there for two years. This company’s purpose is to provide different businesses with solutions to create growth and increase profit. The software that Holmes developed at HNC compiles research and data. With this information it helps the executives at major companies including retail create plans that will help their service, customer satisfaction and more. Robert Holmes describes his special emphasis on research and analysis that he has developed over his years of work experience.

Source: Red Ice Creations



"Robert Holmes, the shooting suspect’s father, is a senior lead scientist with FICO, the American credit score company. He was scheduled to testify in the next few weeks before a US Senate panel that is investigating the largest bank fraud scandal in world history. This banking fraud threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system."

When I look at Dr. Holmes picture, I get a sick feeling knowing that the guilty are running free and an innocent man's son is in jail with another hoodwinked populace calling for the wrong person's head.

While visiting the above blog site under Robert Holmes picture, I noticed an interesting thing in regard to the hit tracker on that site as to a visitor they had recently...

I don't own a TV, so I'm trying to piece things together from stuff I get online. There was a comment under a YouTube audio (the audio's been removed) that Holmes was found dazed in a locked car and the police busted the window to get in. If that's so, it goes along with the possibility that he was kidnapped and drugged, and then possibly left in his car.

There's obviously too much coincidence for his father to be getting ready to testify with the obviously world renown software (for which he wrote the algorithms) that could put the finger on where the money's going with these banks that have sucked the economy dry in the US and the UK and the accusation (if not actual shooting) against James.  

People are making the deduction that James is a product of mind control experiments. I definitely think he was drugged, and that comes through when one looks at the court footage. (Wouldn't you know, they have disallowed the use of cameras in that case in the court now). However, since he was found dazed in the car and there have been reports that he keeps asking why he's in jail, there is a strong possibility that he was drugged and left in his car. Why do you commit a heinous crime and then stay in your vehicle just outside the building where it took place? Also, listening to the above audio (top link) strongly suggests the likelihood of a team hit.

There was a suggestion regarding the evisceration which was a plausible one--that someone may have come upon the scene and had to be dispatched quietly. Also, there's a strong possibility that one of those in the hit team was hit by friendly fire and was the one being dragged by three other people as reported in a police report that can be heard in the above audio.

It's incumbent upon all of us to follow this story AND post on the newspapers in Colorado in the comments to get the people there thinking about these things too. 

 On this article site, a witness describes the height of the shooter as that of between 5'8" and 5'9", approximately one-half foot shorter than Holmes height of 6'3".

James Holmes Manchurian Candidate MKUltra EXPOSED!!!


 This is a potpourri of interesting info on the Aurora shooting.



3 Colorado Shooters?: Bloody Footprints Run Past James Holmes Car

(these footprints have been said to lead to the theater)

From the courtroom footage of the guy in custody it looks pretty obvious that he appears on drugs. Could they drug him enough to keep quiet in court and not blurt out what happened and who he really is?

You bet...

My thanks to Alex Jones for bringing this issue back to front and center...

Dave Mustaine: Obama Staged ‘Batman’ Massacre

This is an interesting series of videos about mind control from the perspective of someone who went through a considerable amount of it and survived it. It shows to what extent powerbrokers will go to maintain their power grab.

Cathy O'Brien (Mind Control Victim) part 1/7 

Cathy O'Brien (Mind Control Victim) part 2/7 

Cathy O'Brien (Mind Control Victim) part 3/7 

Cathy O'Brien (Mind Control Victim) part 4/7 

Cathy O'Brien (Mind Control Victim) part 5/7

Cathy O'Brien (Mind Control Victim) part 6/7

Cathy O'Brien (Mind Control Victim) part 7/7