Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ukraine and the Blood on American Hands


All I can say about those so called Nazis is that they must be confused, since the leadership from Tymoshenko to Yats has been Jewish. So the illusions being created in so many venues only point to the usual problem; someone's got an agenda, it's not in the interest of the majority of people, and the ones with the agenda aren't people; they're sociopaths. What else is new?

It's an ironic time in history. I'm on the side of the Russians and the Russians want to do to us what we did to them--crash our currency. But what else can you do with a fiat economy (THAT'S TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL) and a dead hand on the throttle as the train roars toward the broken bridge?

The American hand in this? What else--the damn intel services and the former Blackwater, not to mention our moola.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014