Friday, September 28, 2012

Assange, Intrigue, and Ecuador

Julian Assange,
International Intrigue
and What’s Going On With Ecuador 


 2012 AUGUST 29

Julian Assange, International Intrigue and What’s Going On With Ecuador

This article was found by Jeannie, a member of The 2012 Scenario Discussion Group. It is from an Italian-language blog called ‘Free Thought: The Home of the Italian Exiles at Home’ by Sergio Di Cori Modigliani . The original is in Italian here:

Sergio describes his blog’s philosophy thus: “the purpose of this blog is to contribute to the spread of free thought without ideological ties, without party affiliations, without economic dependence on [sources] more or less hidden. Independent and connected to groups of international bloggers operating in California and South America”.

Assange and the Attack on the Republic of Ecuador
By Sergio Di Cori Modigliani i – August 18, 2012

Important Note: Re-edited in English from Google translation by Sandhya Jain.

Today we talk of geo-politics and the freedom of information. But what is happening today technically (i.e. politically) began on 12 December 2008, though some say September of that year, but it took four years for the shock waves to reach Europe and America.

The issue relates to Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and the Republic of Ecuador. Mind you, it was assumed in the entire American continent, Australia, and Europe that the world was the same as ten years ago. But the world does not work that way anymore.

In Italy, no one was told of the fight growing between Brazil and the United Nations, badly managed by Christine Lagarde who heads the International Monetary Fund, whereby Italy was officially relegated from the eighth largest to the ninth largest economy in the world. It was overtaken by Brazil. So at the next G8, Italy will not be invited, but Brazil will. So we had the decision to abolish the G8 and G10 becoming the new standard.

Europe, with England and Germany at the helm, simply cannot accept the “Keynesian” triumph of South America. In essence the western guideline remains: “Let them stay home and remain grateful that we let them survive like the Africans. Otherwise one by one they will all end like Gadaffi.”

This is the warning in a nutshell So, quietly, South America has in the last 40 days sent three powerful messages; the last and most important was on August 3, and it was televised live from the New York office of the International Monetary Fund. Now for some facts.

On 15 June 2012, Julian Assange understands that for him it’s over. He knows that he will be arrested in Stockholm, picked up at the airport, not by police forces of His Majesty the King of Sweden, but by two officers of the CIA and a US diplomat, using specific formal agreements between the two nations to claim that Assange “actively intervened” in the NATO conflict in Iraq while the war was in progress. He will then be taken directly to the US, to the state of Texas, and subjected to criminal prosecution for terrorist activities. There will be a demand for the death penalty based on the provisions of the Patriot Act.

So Assange consults with his group, and at 9 a.m. on 19 June, enters the Embassy of Ecuador. His team opens negotiations with British agents in London, with the Swedes in Stockholm, and American diplomats in Rio de Janeiro. They agree to let the Olympics pass, after which he can quietly go to South America, ‘just do not talk about it.’ But somehow they don’t trust the Anglo-Americans and rightly so. So they carry out two masterstrokes on 3 August and 4 August.

On 3 August 2012, 16 months ahead of schedule, Argentina President, Cristina Kirchner, arrives at the headquarters of the IMF in Manhattan, accompanied by finance minister and foreign minister of Ecuador, Patino, representing ‘Alba’ (Labour Alianza Bolivariana America), the economic union between Latin America and the Caribbean.

On that occasion, Kirchner hands a cheque of €12 billion to the IMF (whose loan was due on 31 December 2013). She announces that with this instalment, Argentina has shown itself to be solvent, to be a responsible nation, trusted and reliable for anyone who wants to invest money. Argentina in 2003 went in default of $112 billion, but refused to seek cancellation of the debt; it declared bankruptcy and sought 10 years to return the money, including interest.

For 10 years, Argentina fought IMF’s attempts to impose restrictive measures of economic austerity. It opted for a different path, in line with Keynesianism, and based on financing infrastructure, research, innovation, instead of cutting expenditure. And it recovered. And it paid off the last instalment of the IMF loan 16 months in advance. It thus proved once more that the ideas of the IMF and World Bank on economic ideas are noxious and wrong headed. TINA (“There is no alternative”) is a lie forced upon the majority of the world’s population by the oligarchic elites.

Fifteen minutes after making the payment, Kirchner lodges a formal complaint against the US and UK to the World Trade Organization, on the basis of files made available by Wikileaks, that is, Assange.

Argentina, having settled the debts, now wants damages; with compound interest. It’s a fight between Kirchner and Lagarde. Thanks to Assange, as his team has the transcripts of several conversations in different governments of the globe, involving the US, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, the Vatican, where money is the master: Osama Bin Laden has been sent to the attic and replaced as the arch villain by John Maynard Keynes in the minds of the financial hegemons.

Assange has become public enemy number one of the great powers since he has gained the classified records of these long conversations about how to cripple the economies of South America, how to take away their energy resources and prevent their recovery; how to prevent their governments from pushing through Keynesian economic plans instead of applying the dictates of the IMF, whose sole purpose is to pursue a neo-colonialist policy principally for the benefit of Spain, Italy and Germany, with British capital.

Most files have already been published on the internet. Those and others were handed over by Assange in Britain to the Ecuadorian ambassador there.

On August 3 in New York, Ecuador became the first nation in the Americas and only nation in the Western world since 1948, to apply the concept of “immoral debt” or the political and technical refusal to pay foreign debts because they were made by previous governments through corruption, in violation of constitutional laws and requirements.

On 12 December 2008, Rafael Correa the new president of Ecuador (whose GDP is around 50 billion euros, or 30 times less than Italy’s) announced on television that he had decided to cancel the national debt considering it illegal, because it violated the constitution to oppress the people. Today in Ecuador, the new constitutional principle is that what is right for the community is legitimate.

Amount of debt: € 11 billion. The IMF literally expunged Ecuador from the list of civilized nations. “The country is isolated,” declared Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then IMF Director General.

The very next day, Hugo Chavez announced that Venezuela would contribute free oil and gas to Ecuador for ten years. Four hours later, President Lula announced that Brazil would give 100 tons/day of wheat, rice, soy and fruit free to feed the population, for a long as the nation takes to recover. In the evening, Argentina announced it would give 3% of its beef production free to Ecuador to ensure adequate protein for the population. The next morning, in Bolivia, Evo Morales announced the legalization of cocaine for domestic production and collection, and free coca leaves to Ecuador with a loan of 5 billion interest-free, repayable in ten years in 120 instalments.

Two days later, Ecuador denounced the United Fruit Company and Del Monte & Associates for “slavery and crimes against humanity”, nationalized the agricultural industry in bananas (Ecuador is the world’s biggest banana exporter) and launched a national organic label.

Ten days later, Bavarian Green of Schleswig Holstein, Conad in Italy, and Denmark, and Haagen Daaz were prepared to sign contracts with the new entity on the basis of “fair trade”. On 20 December 2008, taking note of the protest of the United Fruit Company, President George Bush (still in office until 17 Jan 2009), denounced the ‘criminal decision’ of Ecuador and called for its expulsion from the United Nations.

Bush said that the US was even ready for a ‘military option to safeguard US interests.’ The next morning, the powerful New York law firm of Goldberg & Goldberg submitted that there was a legal precedent for Ecuador’s action. Six hours later, the US gave up and called on the international community to challenge the legitimacy of the concept of “immoral debt”.

The United Fruit Company has a record in systematic political corruption; it was ordered to pay damages of $ 6 billion.

Interestingly, the legal precedent was dated 4 Jan 2003, and signed by George Bush. Yep. This happened in Iraq, which at that time was’technically’ an American possession since it was occupied by US forces and the interim government was not yet recognized by the UN. Saddam Hussein had left debts of 250 billion euros (40 billion euros against Italy, thanks to the transactions concluded Tareq Aziz, deputy to Hussein and an ally of Vatican’s Opus Dei), which the US erased by applying the concept of “immoral debt”, thus creating the recent historical precedent.

New York lawyers for the government of Ecuador offered Washington a choice: either accept and be silent, or if you challenge the decision of Ecuador then also cancel yours for Iraq and get the US Treasury to immediately pay the €250 billion, including compound interest for four years. Obama, not yet in office but already elected, asks Bush to throw in the towel. The New York lawyers are paid by the Brazilian government.

Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s president-elect, is not a farmer like Morales, or trade unionist like Lula, or a military officer like Chavez, he comes from an upper class family and is an intellectual. He is a graduate in economics and economic planning from Harvard, and self-described as a “Christian socialist”. His first official act was to freeze all bank accounts of the Church’s IOR in Quito’s banks and divert the amount into a social welfare program for the economically disadvantaged.

He put on trial the entire political class of the previous government, most of whom were sent to jail, with average sentences of 10 years, confiscated their property and nationalized it and and redistributed it in ecological agricultural cooperatives. Correa sent a letter to Pope Ratzinger in which he called himself “always the humble servant of Your Enlightened Holiness” and in which he officially bade the Vatican send to Ecuador only “clerics gifted with deep spirituality and eager to serve the needy, avoiding profiteers who would incur the rigor of human laws”.

Today, the new South America says no to colonialism and slavery of the European and US multinationals. For 400 years, ever since Europeans discovered bananas rich in potassium, Ecuadorians have lived in poverty, exploitation, destitution, while for hundreds of years a group of brutal oligarchs got rich at their expense. It is no longer the case. And it never will be again. The example of Ecuador is alive and can be replicated in any African or Asian, or European, nation in the world.

But the decisive blow to the system was a bombshell made public on 4 Aug 2012, when Julian Assange assigned the Spanish judge Garzón, the public enemy number one of organised crime, the most ferocious enemy of Silvio Berlusconi, and absolutely the most dangerous enemy of the global banking system, to defend him.

The Spanish judge has 35 years experience and has been responsible for the prosecution of the most important cases of his country for the past 25 years. He is an expert in ‘media and finance,’ and rose to international prominence in 1993 after Interpol issued a warrant on his behalf against Silvio Berlusconi and Fedele Confalonieri (Berlusconi’s right hand man) regarding transactions involving Telecinco, Pentafilm, Fininvest, Reteitalia and La Cinq.

From this it came out that the Pentafilm (Berlusconi and Cecchi Gori members, namely PD and PDL together) bought at $100 the rights of a film that it sold to Columbia Pictures for $500 to Telecinco that sold them at $1000 to an Italian network which then ultimately sold for $2000 to Rai, and so on a total of 142 times. The same film.

That is, the Rai (or us) paid the rights to a film 20 times the value of the market and bought it three times, so that all parties were taken care of. When it came to the crux of the matter, Berlusconi was prime minister, and so Garzón was stopped by the European Union. He got a half victory. Heclosed the Telecinco and sent its Spanish executives to jail.In 2003 the battle re-opened, with Berlusconi’s new front Mediaset. Garzón was always there.

In 2006, the Italian government at the time (Prodi & co.) helped Berlusconi to escape conviction. In 2004, Garzon opened a dossier against Pope Wojtyla and against the management of the IOR in Spain and Argentina, in relation to funding and support from the Vatican to the military juntas of Pinochet and Videla in South America.

In 2010 Garzón resigned under pressure from the Spanish Government, but before he retired, he opened a law firm dedicated exclusively to international ‘media & finance’ in The Hague, The Netherlands. And now as official legal eagle to Assange, judge Garzón has access to 145,000 files still in possession of Julian Assange that have not been made public. He has already made it known that his office is prepared to denounce several Western heads of state to the court of civil rights in The Hague. The charge will be ‘crimes against humanity, crimes against the dignity of the person.’

The battle is therefore open. It is going to be decisive for the future of freedom in the network [internet]. In the US, they make no secret of the fact that they want him dead. So do the British. But they are having trouble because Assange has taken steps to bring about a global group that deals with counter-information (real, not the Italian one). Its members are anonymous. They do not have an identified site. They simply enter the data, news, information and events. Besides, who wants to know where to look and who wants to understand? When the temperature rises, everything comes to the surface.

The British Empire has lost its composure and wants to seize Assange who has access to direct source material. And the mere fact of releasing it in public turns the tables on those who rule, and reminds the people that we are caught in an invisible war. The rulers do not know how to stop the dissemination of information about what is happening in the world.

There are people who risk their lives by the mere act of uploading information from some anonymous Internet location in Canberra, Bogota or Saint Tropez. Wikileaks should not be read as gossip. It is not. Its anonymous team deserves our respect.

We can no longer say tomorrow, “but we did not know”. Whoever wants to know today, is well served. Just try.

Translated, this means: until we send home the foul political class that poorly represents us, the chatter will have no effect. Because now we all know how things are. Otherwise, you cannot complain or be surprised that in Italy no one has ever spoken before of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, or of what happens in South America, the furious battle taking place between the Argentine President and Brazil on one hand and Christine Lagarde and Merkel other. Why wonder then, that the British want to invade a foreign embassy? This never happened even in the hottest days of the so-called Cold War. As they say in South America when someone asks “What do they do in Europe, what’s happening there?”, you answer “In Europe they sleep. They do not know that there is life out there.”

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Israeli Eyes,Spies, & Lies

Source: The Waterman Files

 More from Dr. John Waterman on Israel and those who would oppose it...

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Gold Lies

Sterling Seagrave - Hour 1 - The Secret History of Asia & Gold Warriors

Sourece: Red Ice Creations 


Get Your Fake Tungsten-Filled Gold Coins Here

Zero Hedge
Sept 25, 2012

In the aftermath of the recent stories about Tungsten-filled 10 ounce gold bars discovered in midtown Manhattan, there have been two broad sentiments expressed by the precious metals community: i) that this is as many have expected, and that of the physical inventory in circulation, much is fake (particularly that held in official hands, either via ETFs or in sovereign repositories which for various reasons still can not be publicly assayed) and ii) is the comfort that while it is relatively easy and cost-effective to use tungsten to falsify larger gold bars and bricks, those who own primarily gold coins are safe as for some reason, it is less economic, feasible or widespread to counterfeit smaller precious metal denominations. Sadly, while i) may be true, ii) is patently false. The proof comes courtesy of a firm called ChinaTungsten Online which proudly markets its broad “tungsten-alloy services” including, you guessed it, the gold plating of various tungsten formulations among them “gold” bricks, bars and, yes, coins. Oh did we mention a Chinese company openly advertizes its tungsten gold-plating and precious metals replication services, something which thetabloid media’s CTRL-C/V majors openly mock as improbable conspiracy theory. Well, as they say, it is only conspiracy theory until it becomes conspiracy fact.
From the website’s Tungsten Heavy Alloy Scan Gold Coin section:
Tungsten is the only lower value metal that has a specific density close enough to gold to fabricate passable counterfeit pieces of the same size and weight as genuine Pictures of tungsten fake gold coins and ingots. Over the years, there have been a few isolated reports of smaller tungsten fake gold coin found to have been drilled to remove some of the gold which was replaced with tungsten. However, tungsten fake gold coin is far more profitable to fabricate larger original bars of tungsten that are then scanning gold.

Because the existence of counterfeit tungsten fake gold coin could have such a huge impact on the financial markets, there is a huge potential for deception and misinformation to be passed around. Be very careful about automatically believing any story you may hear. For your own protection, tungsten fake gold coin would be better to take physical possession of the smaller sizes of tungsten fake gold coins and now, and know that what you own genuine solid tungsten fake gold coin. [ZH: reread that sentence: "genuine solid tungsten fake gold coin"]

Notice: Chinatungsten Online (Xiamen) Manu.& Sales Corp. is a very professional and serious company, specializing in manufacturing and selling tungsten fake gold coin and other tungsten related products for more than two decades. We are a professional tungsten fake gold coin manufacturer. Our tungsten gold fake coin is only for souvenir and decoration purpose. Here we declare: Please do not use our tungsten fake gold coin and other fake gold coin products for any illegal purpose. We can provide all kinds of tungsten fake gold coin as your requirements.Our tungsten fake gold coin products are qualified.

            Pictures of Tungsten Fake Gold Coins:

Therefore, if you are interest in tungsten fake gold coin, please feel free to, or telephone 86 592 512 9696.
Well at least the company that markets itself as proving “all kinds of tungsten fake gold coin” has extensive disclaimers. The point is that anyone wishing to, can procure tungsten-plated gold coins with one simple telephone call.

Of course, for those for whom gold coins are not enough, the Chinese firm is happy to provide every other imaginable formulation. Such as Tungsten fake gold bars:
Detecting a high-quality tungsten fake gold bar would be extremely difficult. It would likely require significant and material alterations to the bar being tested and this would negatively affect the marketability if its hallmark veracity were vindicated. Some applications require the tungsten to be fake gold. The main reasons for tungsten fake gold bar are to protect the wire from corrosion or to solder it to other metals.

Besides, tungsten alloy products could also made as tungsten fake gold bar which posses a better electric conductivity, and contribute greatly to the world industry development. Also tungsten fake gold saves the energy and poses no pollution threat to the environment and thus to achieve a sustainable development.

Notice: Chinatungsten Online (Xiamen) Manu.&Sales Corp. is a very professional and serious company, specializing in manufacturing and selling tungsten fake gold and other tungsten related products for more than two decades. Our tungsten fake gold product is only for souvenir and decoration purpose. Here we declare: Please do not use our gold-plated tungsten alloy products for any illegal purpose.
Pictures of Tungsten Fake Gold Products
There are many more options, for those who are so inclined, to reinforce their inventory of gold-plated tungsten products on the company’s website. And naturally, in addition to the bolded applications of tungsten gold bars, one can conceive of some more. Especially in verticals in which the actual end product does not exist, and all that does exist is a receipt claiming gold is at the end of a rehypotehcation chain. One wonder how many invoices CIF Liberty 33 or various other gold ETF secret “warehouses” one could find upon rummaging through the garbage behind the firm’sheadquarters in Xiamen.

With all that said, perhaps the best use of the abovementioned services would be for a contingency case in which the government of country X, Y and/or Z were to decide to replicate a certain 1930′s executive order in a global coordinated attempt to devalue the fiat system not on a relative basis, something which fiat printers are more than capable of, but on an absolute basis by confiscating all the gold in circulation. It just might make such a confiscation more complicated if all the usual suspects were to hand over to said governments not gold but gold-plated Tungsten, which in turn would make the endgame, i.e. the terminal currency devaluation of fiat, that much more problematic.

It would be truly ironic if in the end the same Tungsten that is now the bane of precious metals dealers everywhere would be the reason why central bank X, Y and/or Z was unable to destroy its currency sufficient fast.

Note: Zero Hedge does not advise, encourage nor endorse its readers to hypothetically exchange their gold inventory for a comparable but worthless yet prominently positioned inventory of “rehypothecated” pseudo-equivalent products – note that only bankers have been known to rehypothecate valuable assets into worthless liabilities – in advance of an even more hypothetical physical gold confiscation order endorsed by the authorities.

Source: Prison Planet

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Why Support the Troops?

This article reminded me of the time I saw Peter Falk (from the old Colombo series) sitting in the bleachers eating a hotdog at a ballgame while those around him were standing to the Star Spangled Banner. The expression on his face, the irreverence, oh, I couldn't quit laughing.

by Jacob G. Hornberger

One of the most fascinating phenomena of our time is the extreme reverence that the American people have been taught to have for the military. Wherever you go — airports, sports events, church — there is a god-like worship of the military.

“Let us all stand and express our sincerest thanks to our troops for the wonderful service they perform for our country,” declare the sports broadcasters.
*       *      *
“Let us pray for the troops, especially those in harm’s way,” church ministers exhort their parishioners.

“Let us give a big hand to our troops who are traveling with us today,” exclaim airline officials.

Every time I see this reverence for the military being expressed, I wonder if people ever give any thought to what exactly the troops are doing. No one seems to ask that question. It just doesn’t seem to matter. The assumption is that whatever the troops are doing, they are protecting our “rights and freedoms.” As one sports broadcaster I recently heard put it, “We wouldn’t be here playing this game if it weren’t for the troops.”

There is at least one big problem with this phenomenon, however: The troops are engaged in actions that are harmful to the American people, including most of the people who have a reverential attitude toward them.

Consider the following hypothetical. Suppose a family lives out in the country on a 50-acre spread in the middle of a wooded area. In the trees are dozens of hornets’ nests. The hornets leave the family alone because the family leaves the hornets’ nests alone.

One day U.S. troops arrive, come on to the property, and begin poking every hornets’ nest they can find. For the next several days, the members of the family and their friends and visitors are stung by the hornets.

The following week, the troops arrive and do the same thing, with the same results. This goes on indefinitely.

Suppose we were to encounter the family and ask them how they feel about the troops. We could easily imagine them saying, “Oh, we love the troops and we support them. Without them, we wouldn’t have this nice property. Thank goodness for the troops because they are keeping us free.”

What about all weekly stings from the hornets? We could easily imagine the family responding, “Oh, that’s not the troops’ fault. For some reason, the hornets are just mad these days, but it has nothing to do with the fact that the troops are poking their nests. Anyway, the troops are just following orders. It’s not their fault. We love the troops.”

Does that make any sense? It seems to me that when people are doing the right thing, they are entitled to be supported. But when they’re engaged in wrongful or harmful conduct, then they shouldn’t be supported. Why should the military be exempt from normal moral and ethical principles?

Consider the threat of terrorism, which Americans have lived under now for some 11 years. Did you ever think that 9/11 would change our country so fundamentally? There wasn’t any “war on terrorism” before 9/11. Torture and assassination weren’t official policy. There was no detention center at Guantanamo Bay. There were no official kidnappings, rendition, and torture partnerships with brutal dictatorial regimes. There was no indefinite incarceration without trial.

So, why must everything be different just because of 9/11? Why can’t we live in a normally functioning society, one in which people are not living under the constant fear of terrorism and one in which the government isn’t adopting and employing permanent “emergency” powers that constitute severe infringements on the freedoms of the people.

What was it that produced the anger and rage that brought on 9/11? Was it hatred for America’s “freedom and values,” as U.S. officials maintain? Or was it anger and rage arising from what the troops and other U.S. officials were doing to people in the months and years leading up to 9/11?

That obviously gets us into U.S. foreign policy, an area that makes many people who support the troops very uncomfortable. Why? Because if they conclude that the troops are doing things to people overseas that are producing the anti-American anger and rage that culminates in anti-American terrorism, then that presents a problem for them. How do they in good conscience continue supporting the people who are causing their problems?

Yet, the reality is that the troops are doing things to people overseas that are making people angry at the United States. Examples include the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and ever-increasing drone assassinations. As everyone knows, such actions have succeeded in killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of people, including women and children. On top of that has been the torture, the kidnappings, Gitmo, the support of brutal dictatorships and the Israeli government, the U.S. troops on Islamic holy lands, the illegal no-fly zone over Iraq, the sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children, and the current sanctions on Iran. It’s the troops who enforce many of those programs.

Now, it might be said that the troops aren’t at fault because they’re just following orders. Even if that’s true, is that any reason to support them? For one thing, no one forced them to join an organization that would require them to do whatever they were ordered to do. They did that on their own volition.

Moreover, even though they’re following orders, the fact remains that what they’re doing is nonetheless counterproductive to the best interests of the American people. That is, for those of us who want a normally functioning society, rather than the aberrant post-911 society in which we now live, what the troops are doing is an obstacle to the achievement of our goal, whether they are doing it willingly or simply on orders of their commanders.

For those Americans who like the direction our country has been taking for the past 11 years and would like things to continue as they are, the best thing they can do is simply continue supporting the troops.

But for people who are sick and tired of all this, for them it’s necessary to confront the root causes of America’s problems. And like it or not, one of the root causes of America’s woes is the U.S. military establishment and the entire national-security state, not only with respect to the anti-American anger and hatred they produce by their actions overseas but also by contributing to the out-of-control spending and debt that now constitute a grave threat to the economic well-being of our nation.
Why would anyone want to support people who are doing things that are detrimental to us and our country?

Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation.

Friday, September 21, 2012

What's Going on in San Francisco?

UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco

Joint Fleets Fend Off UFO Threat


by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast, Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied. 

Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.”
The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore.  The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.
  • Extraterrestrial craft are operating from underwater bases.
  • Advanced US sub-orbital weapons platforms represented as “tested” have actually been deployed from Vandenburg Air Force Base.  These are armed with energy weapons.
  • UFO tracking has been moved from conventional to nano-technology with microscopic sensors being used to detect behaviors such as dimensional rifts and distortions in time, things only discussed in TV shows like Fringe and X Files.  (all Fox oddly enough)
The actual classified memo on very short distribution mentions only the following:
    • Opposition is extraterrestrial and extremely aggressive and unfriendly
    • The threat represents a “clear and present danger” and is isolated to the Pacific Basin
    • China is forced to carry US responsibility because our own naval capability is sitting in the Persian Gulf when America is under a very real threat.
    • Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these operations will lead to fatal consequences.
Our confirmations limit us to this response which I have chosen to represent in a highly deniable form out of personal interest.  Others in the US have better information and sources and have been silenced with warnings only.
As to this being a total “hose job,” I don’t see any advantage in it.

For several months earlier this year, there had been disclosures tied to the UFO issue.  One real sighting had been made over South Korea.

After that, the internet had been flooded, yes, Google’s “YouTube” with manufactured phony UFO videos, some of “beyond next generation” quality.

All information given on how UFO video or photos are analyzed is totally false, childishly so, especially that from the UFO “networks.”  They are professionally “self discrediting.”

About 6 weeks ago, a “study group” was appointed out of NATO and another one in Asia to look at the pattern of UFO videos.  A decision was made to aggressively investigate one or more groups.

Being aggressively investigated on such an issue is not recommended.

I would love to be more entertaining, invent things, speculate or, perhaps, include some fascinating videos.

I either have to give this a 70% or reclassify a reliable official source as purposefully leaking something that makes no sense.  My suggestion is that readers follow other stories for verifications or information that would help in some way, add it to the comment section and see if we can get a better grip on what may well be an extremely dangerous situation.
I have had one implied threat, which is almost laughable as I am a board member of a multinational defense firm larger than most armies.  I have also had several contact of a very suspicious nature, had one verified Homeland Security computer attack which the software the DOD supplied me with caught, quite embarrassing also.

Then, yesterday, Press TV in Iran called on my wife’s mobile.  It flashed US Government for a second.  It seems DHS’s bugging capability crashed.

If they hire us, I am sure we can fix that for them.

Source: Veteran's Today 

And from John Kettler...

And from Kerry on Project Camelot...

Re:  Disclosure ala ET Wars :  Word is that the Bush cabal has made deals with 5 ET races.  One of those has now become disenchanted with their deal and gone rogue.  This is supposedly at least one group of Reptilians.  

The Navy ships reported off the coast, in international waters off of San Francisco bay are there along with the Chinese "vessels" (read: subs) handling the situation in the Pacific where they are dealing with the undersea bases.  Gordon Duff's article is alluding to this. These are considered the 'most hostile' of the hostile races.

Note:  Gordon was asked to remove my name from his Veteran's Today article because he was told I was in "danger"…  However, considering Camelot's motto is "the best place to hide is out in the open" I am not sure that is the real reason and is not contributing to making me feel uh, "safer".  I was told he is not being threatened over his disclosure because he is not a 'civilian' and I am... From what I am told he in theory has the weight of an intel agency behind him.

Duff's article is one version of the story.  From an intel pov this is like offering the crown jewels in order to placate someone for stealing the silverware.  

The other side to the story is about bankers being arrested by Army rangers, acting under orders from the Hague (operating on Nuremberg protocols) and being held off shore in U.S. Navy ships in international waters 12 miles off the coast of California.  No real evidence of this exists as of this writing.  At least that I am aware of.  In other words, no one is reporting their banker dad or mother, aunt or uncle, is being detained or disappeared.  

However, I do have someone reporting having flown over that area of the coast "recently" and seen "battleships"...

Further to this story is the rumor (at this point this is all it is) that there are secret trials being held… under Admiralty law.  This of course goes against everything America has stood for, for decades.

I have received threats, persuasive offers and other red herrings to get me off this story.  As of this writing I have a few undisclosed "protectors" of the earthly sort and several others of the ET variety who are behind the scenes.  I have also been told, if someone or some group wishes to threaten me they should bring IDs, proper credentials and present them to me (or to one of my 'friends') and make  a proper request by appealing to me as a patriot and law abiding journalist with the best of intentions towards humanity in mind.

On the other side, seemingly unrelated to bankers being arrested, is the claims about a sudden war with ETs being conducted off the California coast and in the Pacific...

The war with various ET races and extra/intra dimensionals is ages old and our secret space program has been dealing with both the good the bad and the ugly on that score for many decades.  Camelot whistleblowers have documented in testimony aspects of this ongoing war in many interviews for those that think this is "new" information....

If there are arrests, real evidence will obviously surface, if indeed they are happening, at some point.
The undersea "battle" going on and by the way -- in our skies and out in space battles will need more evidence if anyone is to believe this beyond the testimony of whistleblowers and other witnesses and dare I say, channelers.  This is what of course, Gordon Duff and his Adamus group as well as the current MJ-12 group whatever they are calling themselves now, are banking on, so to speak.  That is, that PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY on the side of the ET question is in place and protecting them from any real disclosure that would alter the world view of the majority of the populations regarding reality.  If such a disclosure becomes common place and widely recognized (and that is happening as we speak) then the fall out and ultimate loss of power and/or possible resulting closing down of business as usual as we know it is inevitable.  I for one, am not looking to governments to tell the truth about anything in this regard.  Even "after disclosure".

I was interviewed about all this yesterday by an internet TV show called "Wake up Shift is Happening" …The show is set to air either tomorrow or next week.   My host was Deborah Ariel Pietsch an intuitive and contactee who is also a TV producer.  Just prior to me, Rich Dolan, who was in the area, was also interviewed regarding his book, After Disclosure.  An interesting synchronicity with regard to the above story….

Whichever it is, or whether none or at least some of the source info is correct is yet to be seen.  In the meantime, I can say the floodgates appear to be opening as information is flowing from all sources and in many different and seemingly contradictory directions at once.

Ringmakers of Saturn:  Addendum
Another source is claiming 3 objects around 19% the size of the moon are headed here containing another race of beings who do not have the best of intentions… I have been told by the same source that craft in the Rings of Saturn are now on the way here as well and tracking these objects (just as Norm Bergrun originally claimed in my interview with him).  This information has some photos associated with it which I will post sometime tomorrow for your review.  At this time this information is unconfirmed other than the interesting synchronicity regarding the craft in the rings of saturn…


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Last Resort--Really Good!

Last Resort (Season 1, Episode 1)
 This was good--really good! I'd say someone in Hollywood knows what's going on.

From Hollywood, to real life...


"As stated in “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives,” Brzezinski frames his strategy around controlling Eurasian landmass as a “key to world power” and that “Central Asia with its vast oil reserves as the key to domination of Eurasia”. The global controllers have drawn the doctrine, assembled the policy advisors, installed controlled presidencies, developed advance weapons systems for delivery, and contracted the mercenary to pursue a region, a country at the apex of what is considered world power. The ascendency of China as a primal force militarily and financially has the Anglo American imperialists charging into Pakistan, the center of the grand chess board, the position of central control, the life line of the opposing in the next world war."

Source: Red Ice Creations

Monday, September 17, 2012

October surprise to "Carterize" Obama

October surprise to "Carterize" Obama


Behind the frenzy unleashed by a defamatory film on Islam, Webster Tarpley scents a machination orchestrated by a Zionist-connected network with the ultimate goal of removing Barack Obama from the White House, increasingly perceived as posing an obstacle to Israel’s unfettered grip on U.S. foreign policy. A regime change, with Netanyahu’s bosom friend Mitt Romney at the helm, would pave the way for a neocon comeback to better accommodate Israel’s interests and resolidify Tel-Aviv’s influence in Washington.
 Voltaire Network

I've republished this article because of the topics related Obama, Netanyahu, Romney, and Bolton. Not because I give a rip about supporting the ideology  of a culture that denies one half of its population the true measure of life and denying others theirs completely when they say anything against their culture and of course doing their killing in the name of Allah. I don't need to explain that do I? There's a bloodfest coming from both sides of the Israeli line.

 by Webster G. Tarpley

Demonstrations have occurred in the past few days at US embassies in more than 20 cities across the world to protest the scurrilous California film originally entitled “Desert Warrior” and then “The Innocence of Moslims.”

In an attack designed to coincide with the protests, a Libyan death squad has assassinated the US ambassador to Libya and three of his associates. The US State Department has set up a crisis management center to monitor developments 24 hours a day.

The film in question was obviously designed as a provocation and nothing else. But was this film, as the US media claim, the work of the isolated Cerrito, California resident and Egyptian-American Nakoula Bassely Nakoula. aka Abanob Bassely aka Israeli citizen Sam Bacile, an ex-convict with a drug problem, and a few actors he hired? Persuasive evidence suggests that this is not the case.

Instead, we are dealing with an ambitious international intelligence operation aimed at creating an October Surprise (a few weeks early) to shock world and US public opinion for the purpose of discrediting and “Carterizing” the current tenant of the White House, and installing Netanyahu’s friend Mitt Romney in his place. Since the US public identifies Obama as the patron of the color revolutions and military interventions of the “Arab Spring,” attacks on US diplomats, assassinations, and possible hostage taking can be expected to weaken his case for reelection. If Romney prevails, control over US foreign policy would pass to the group of incorrigible warmonger neocons who are the Romney’s handlers for international affairs. The current crisis is a sign that the neocons and their friends are attempting a comeback.

The networks involved in this operation appear to be these:
The CIA Mormon Mafia
Featuring top officials across the US intelligence community who are members of Romney’s tightly-knit sect.

This group can also be referred to as the Brent Scowcroft faction. Scowcroft, Henry Kissinger’s right-hand man, used his entrenched bureaucratic position over decades to help promote many of his co-religionists. This group wants Romney in the White House because Romney and his transition team boss Mike Leavitt, also a Mormon, are visibly embarked on a policy of favoring Mormons for top positions.

On Sept. 14, Google rejected an appeal by the Obama White House to remove the controversial film worldwide. As Wired magazine noted on May 11, 2012, “former National Security Agency chief Mike McConnell told the Washington Post that collaboration between the NSA and private companies like Google was ‘inevitable,’” and has been widely reported since January 2010. So Google’s refusal to cooperate with Obama tells us about the views of the NSA, and speaks volumes about which presidential candidate the intelligence community is backing.

The Netanyahu Likud
During the past week, the reactionary Israeli Prime Minister has intervened blatantly and outrageously in US election-year politics in the attempt to secure the election of Mitt Romney, with whom he has been joined at the hip since the two worked together at the Boston Consulting Group in 1976.

About a week ago, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that the United States has no “red lines” in regard to the Iranian nuclear program. Netanyahu replied with an angry outburst, raving that those who have no red lines have “no moral right” to give Israel a red light when it comes to starting a catastrophic aggressive war against Iran. This was interpreted in Washington as a call to vote for Romney. To underline the message, the deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset appeared on MSNBC cable news one morning to demand immediate US war with Iran. Republican candidates are using this material for their campaigns.

Some observers have pointed out that, while Netanyahu demands that the US specify some future set of circumstances under which war must begin, the Israeli government has never specified any red lines of its own, meaning that Bibi wants Washington to be more Israeli than the Israelis. These brazen actions by Netanyahu have evoked a wave of American resentment and hostility, even in circles which are usually prepared to go along with the Israelis.

Some have also speculated that, since Romney has shown repeatedly that he has no knowledge of world affairs, Netanyahu believes that he would be able to dictate US foreign policy through his friendship with Romney. During the Republican presidential debates, Romney promised to get Netanyahu’s approval for every US action in the Middle East.
US Neocons 

The pro-Israeli neocons of the Bush-Cheney era have attached themselves to Romney as their main hope of getting back into power. This group includes John Bolton (the likely Secretary of State if Romney wins), Eliot Cohen, Robert Kagan, Robert Joseph, and Dan Senor (who now tells vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan what to say about foreign policy).

Prince Bandar bin Sultan and the Saudi Arabian royal family
This group would likely prefer Romney to Obama. Since the Saudi royals are the paymasters for the majority of the death squads now operating in the Middle East, including Libya and Syria, their support would be valuable in organizing operations like the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

The French imperialist ideologue Bernard-Henri Lévy, who had strongly advised President Sarkozy to start bombing Libya, is praising Stevens as a “secret craftsman of [Libyan] liberation.”

BHL says Stevens had accompanied Hillary Clinton to a meeting with Libyan rebel chief Mahmoud Jebril on March 14, 2011, and had later helped convince Hillary to call Obama and recommend that he order an immediate start to the bombing. (Le Monde, Sept. 12) Given the Arabic and French language skills of Stevens, he was then well qualified to serve as contact man with the pro-al-Qaeda militant groups of the Benghazi-Derna-Tobruk extremist axis which did much of the fighting against Qaddafi. Many of these armed groups have been transferred by NATO into Syria to fight against President Assad, raising the question of Ambassador Stevens’ role in these currently ongoing operations. Less clear is why he should be singled out at this time. Perhaps he was a witness whose testimony could have proved embarrassing later.

On Tuesday evening, Stevens had left the US consular compound and taken refuge in a secret safe house nearby. Somehow, the well-trained attackers knew of the existence of this safe house and directed professionally accurate mortar fire against these premises. How did they know where Ambassador Stevens was hiding? We would need to ask the CIA and the Saudis.

Nakoula/Bacile served almost two years in jail after conviction for identity theft and bank fraud involving credit cards. He is currently out on parole, and one of the conditions is that he not use a computer. If authorities can prove he posted the incendiary video, they can immediately revoke his parole and send him back to prison for four years. Nakoula/Bacile looks like a patsy - specifically a drug informant. (Peliske and Daly, Daily Beast, Sept. 14)

As for the film, it would appear to be the handiwork of a well-known Islamophobic network reputedly inspired by US intelligence. According to the Los Angeles Times, the permit for the film originally called “Desert Warrior” was requested by a “Christian nonprofit” calling itself Media For Christ of Duarte, California. The blogger Panglozz of The Daily Kos reports that Media For Christ is owned by Joseph Nasrallah Abdelmasih, an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian activist and anti-Moslim firebrand. Nasrallah was prominent in the summer 2010 campaign to prevent the building of a mosque and Islamic community center not far from the site of the former World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. Nasrallah was a speaker at a rally held at Ground Zero on September 11, 2010, to protest the mosque. This rally was organized by a well-connected Islamophobic organization known as Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA).

The main spokesperson and organizer for SIOA is Pamela Geller, a notorious professional Islamophobe and the hostess of the Atlas Shrugs blog. Geller, despite her venom, enjoys access to the US mainstream media. The SIOA rally just mentioned was also addressed via video link by Ambassador John Bolton, a top neocon, close adviser to Romney, and widely touted as a possible Secretary of State in a future Romney regime. Another speaker at this rally was the Netherlands xenophobic politician Geert Wilders, who also wanted to block the mosque. Wilders’ party has just suffered heavy losses in the Netherlands elections earlier this week.

Bolton took a leading role in trying to turn the Stevens assassination against Obama this past week. Bolton told a Washington, DC radio station: “I’ve said for 3½ years the President doesn’t care about national security. He doesn’t think the world is terribly threatening. I think a weak reaction, a failure to demonstrate American power and resolve, will help see this stretched throughout the region.” Bolton warned particularly that a new hostage crisis would replay the “destruction of the Jimmy Carter administration,” this time at Obama’s expense. (Politico, Sept. 13)