Friday, September 21, 2012

What's Going on in San Francisco?

UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco

Joint Fleets Fend Off UFO Threat


by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast, Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied. 

Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.”
The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore.  The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.
  • Extraterrestrial craft are operating from underwater bases.
  • Advanced US sub-orbital weapons platforms represented as “tested” have actually been deployed from Vandenburg Air Force Base.  These are armed with energy weapons.
  • UFO tracking has been moved from conventional to nano-technology with microscopic sensors being used to detect behaviors such as dimensional rifts and distortions in time, things only discussed in TV shows like Fringe and X Files.  (all Fox oddly enough)
The actual classified memo on very short distribution mentions only the following:
    • Opposition is extraterrestrial and extremely aggressive and unfriendly
    • The threat represents a “clear and present danger” and is isolated to the Pacific Basin
    • China is forced to carry US responsibility because our own naval capability is sitting in the Persian Gulf when America is under a very real threat.
    • Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these operations will lead to fatal consequences.
Our confirmations limit us to this response which I have chosen to represent in a highly deniable form out of personal interest.  Others in the US have better information and sources and have been silenced with warnings only.
As to this being a total “hose job,” I don’t see any advantage in it.

For several months earlier this year, there had been disclosures tied to the UFO issue.  One real sighting had been made over South Korea.

After that, the internet had been flooded, yes, Google’s “YouTube” with manufactured phony UFO videos, some of “beyond next generation” quality.

All information given on how UFO video or photos are analyzed is totally false, childishly so, especially that from the UFO “networks.”  They are professionally “self discrediting.”

About 6 weeks ago, a “study group” was appointed out of NATO and another one in Asia to look at the pattern of UFO videos.  A decision was made to aggressively investigate one or more groups.

Being aggressively investigated on such an issue is not recommended.

I would love to be more entertaining, invent things, speculate or, perhaps, include some fascinating videos.

I either have to give this a 70% or reclassify a reliable official source as purposefully leaking something that makes no sense.  My suggestion is that readers follow other stories for verifications or information that would help in some way, add it to the comment section and see if we can get a better grip on what may well be an extremely dangerous situation.
I have had one implied threat, which is almost laughable as I am a board member of a multinational defense firm larger than most armies.  I have also had several contact of a very suspicious nature, had one verified Homeland Security computer attack which the software the DOD supplied me with caught, quite embarrassing also.

Then, yesterday, Press TV in Iran called on my wife’s mobile.  It flashed US Government for a second.  It seems DHS’s bugging capability crashed.

If they hire us, I am sure we can fix that for them.

Source: Veteran's Today 

And from John Kettler...

And from Kerry on Project Camelot...

Re:  Disclosure ala ET Wars :  Word is that the Bush cabal has made deals with 5 ET races.  One of those has now become disenchanted with their deal and gone rogue.  This is supposedly at least one group of Reptilians.  

The Navy ships reported off the coast, in international waters off of San Francisco bay are there along with the Chinese "vessels" (read: subs) handling the situation in the Pacific where they are dealing with the undersea bases.  Gordon Duff's article is alluding to this. These are considered the 'most hostile' of the hostile races.

Note:  Gordon was asked to remove my name from his Veteran's Today article because he was told I was in "danger"…  However, considering Camelot's motto is "the best place to hide is out in the open" I am not sure that is the real reason and is not contributing to making me feel uh, "safer".  I was told he is not being threatened over his disclosure because he is not a 'civilian' and I am... From what I am told he in theory has the weight of an intel agency behind him.

Duff's article is one version of the story.  From an intel pov this is like offering the crown jewels in order to placate someone for stealing the silverware.  

The other side to the story is about bankers being arrested by Army rangers, acting under orders from the Hague (operating on Nuremberg protocols) and being held off shore in U.S. Navy ships in international waters 12 miles off the coast of California.  No real evidence of this exists as of this writing.  At least that I am aware of.  In other words, no one is reporting their banker dad or mother, aunt or uncle, is being detained or disappeared.  

However, I do have someone reporting having flown over that area of the coast "recently" and seen "battleships"...

Further to this story is the rumor (at this point this is all it is) that there are secret trials being held… under Admiralty law.  This of course goes against everything America has stood for, for decades.

I have received threats, persuasive offers and other red herrings to get me off this story.  As of this writing I have a few undisclosed "protectors" of the earthly sort and several others of the ET variety who are behind the scenes.  I have also been told, if someone or some group wishes to threaten me they should bring IDs, proper credentials and present them to me (or to one of my 'friends') and make  a proper request by appealing to me as a patriot and law abiding journalist with the best of intentions towards humanity in mind.

On the other side, seemingly unrelated to bankers being arrested, is the claims about a sudden war with ETs being conducted off the California coast and in the Pacific...

The war with various ET races and extra/intra dimensionals is ages old and our secret space program has been dealing with both the good the bad and the ugly on that score for many decades.  Camelot whistleblowers have documented in testimony aspects of this ongoing war in many interviews for those that think this is "new" information....

If there are arrests, real evidence will obviously surface, if indeed they are happening, at some point.
The undersea "battle" going on and by the way -- in our skies and out in space battles will need more evidence if anyone is to believe this beyond the testimony of whistleblowers and other witnesses and dare I say, channelers.  This is what of course, Gordon Duff and his Adamus group as well as the current MJ-12 group whatever they are calling themselves now, are banking on, so to speak.  That is, that PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY on the side of the ET question is in place and protecting them from any real disclosure that would alter the world view of the majority of the populations regarding reality.  If such a disclosure becomes common place and widely recognized (and that is happening as we speak) then the fall out and ultimate loss of power and/or possible resulting closing down of business as usual as we know it is inevitable.  I for one, am not looking to governments to tell the truth about anything in this regard.  Even "after disclosure".

I was interviewed about all this yesterday by an internet TV show called "Wake up Shift is Happening" …The show is set to air either tomorrow or next week.   My host was Deborah Ariel Pietsch an intuitive and contactee who is also a TV producer.  Just prior to me, Rich Dolan, who was in the area, was also interviewed regarding his book, After Disclosure.  An interesting synchronicity with regard to the above story….

Whichever it is, or whether none or at least some of the source info is correct is yet to be seen.  In the meantime, I can say the floodgates appear to be opening as information is flowing from all sources and in many different and seemingly contradictory directions at once.

Ringmakers of Saturn:  Addendum
Another source is claiming 3 objects around 19% the size of the moon are headed here containing another race of beings who do not have the best of intentions… I have been told by the same source that craft in the Rings of Saturn are now on the way here as well and tracking these objects (just as Norm Bergrun originally claimed in my interview with him).  This information has some photos associated with it which I will post sometime tomorrow for your review.  At this time this information is unconfirmed other than the interesting synchronicity regarding the craft in the rings of saturn…