Tuesday, September 11, 2012

911 and Dr. Judy Wood

I have to admit I'm sick of hearing about 911 and seemingly no one getting arrested, but while listening to some interesting interviews with Richard Hoagland and Joesph Farrell, I kept hearing the name Judy Wood and her research regarding 911, so this morning I looked at part I of one of her videos. She has some very interesting things to say. Among them:
  • The buildings did not collapse. Seismic records would have recorded this and the water wall protecting lower Manhattan would have come down and flooded the area.
  • There was very little debris for the size of the structures which were effected
  • Cars both in the area and not were effected in strange ways. For instance, there were intact tires while some parts of the car showed extensive damage and other parts showed none. These effects were not consistent with burning though.
  • Several people who were at the bottom of one building thought that they would never be found after the destruction of the towers until...the wind had blown away enough dust that they could see daylight
  • Dr. Wood puts forth the idea that the structures were turned to dust and that the buildings did not collapse but were effected by something unusual. I haven't listened to the second part yet, but I believe this gets into the technology of torsion field physics and the ability to effect something at a distance
There is much info in Dr. Wood's first video to open one's mind to other avenues of thought regarding this event, but more than that is the suggestion given below:
They've been trying to keep this technology from us since at least the time of Tesla. It could shatter multi-billion dollar empires!
Joesph Farrell discussing Torsion Physics and 
Judy Wood's research

Dr. Judy Wood's presentation in the UK
 Where did the Towers Go(Part I and II)