Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Fracking Fraud

Anyone that might be thinking of allowing a fracking operation on their property, will likely think twice about it after watching this video. In a word, fracking is a farce. It will destroy your property, very possibly effect your water table, and leave you unable to live on it or sell it. Don't let the greed-for-everything interests bamboozle you with false scientific information or government propaganda. There's all kinds of sharks that stand to gain something from this practice, and they will leave you holding the bag and feigning a false argument when their lies come unraveled. 

There's other videos put out there by obvious interests in maintaining the fracking fraud. One of them is called ironically Truthland, and it's full of lies by no less than government officials and college professors. When was the last time you knew of these groups of society to always tell the truth? Watch the above video put together by regular people who have nothing to gain but peace of mind and a cleaner environment by not having these hell holes drilled in their areas of the country. It will be time well spent. 

For additional info on this topic, I would recommend some of Suzanne Posel's interviews such as the one I have linked to in the month of August to the right. (Mortgage Fraud, Fracking, and U.S. Implosion)