I've put together a number of important points, articles, and audio links on a previous page related to this case at:
Well, I kicked myself for not looking at Veteran's Today sooner regarding this case in which a young man, by the name of James Holmes has been arrested and charged with a massacre shooting in Colorado. It is another 9/11 rife with holes in the official (BS) story.
Aurora Shootings – Who Is the Real Joker, and Where?
This asks some good questions related to mind control, mail packages that Holmes is said to have ordered, the paranoia of the court, a ban against cameras and court appointed reporters, the erecting of a chain-link fence complete with a green screen around the building where the shooting took place, and a flimsy confession.
AURORA: Asking the Right Questions
This poses questions about the fact that someone held the door open for the shooter, that thousands of dollars had to have gone into a cache of weapons, ammo, bulletproof clothing, and the devices and chemicals used to booby trap the apartment, as well as the timing coinciding with the Small Arms Treaty.
I wish someone would describe the person that sat down. Not necessarily for the rogue cops and the kangaroo court so much as for the rest of us as another piece of the whole story.
My thanks to Alex Jones for bringing this issue back to front and center...
Dave Mustaine: Obama Staged ‘Batman’ Massacre
The second comment here from the police transcripts seems a little suspicious.
At 1:16am on the police audio recording from the scene,
an officer states, “Talking to people making statements, sounds like we
have possibly 2 shooters, one that was in Theater 8 seated, another one
that came in from the outside into Theater 9. Sounds like it was a
coordinated attack.”
“Every unit, possible 2nd shooter still at large… Keep the media away from them,” said another officer.
The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary)
This is an interesting video that largely seems to promulgate the idea that Holmes was possibly one of the shooters but as the result of a drug/mind control induced state. I'm not convinced by the video in that regard, but I do open my mind to the possibility; they made a pretty good case. I'm more inclined to agree with what was said at about the 59 min mark. That being that Holmes was possibly drugged and placed and left in his car for the police to find and while still wearing a gas mask no less.
One thing the viewer takes away from the video is that there is a lot of cover-up going on--by the police, the courts, etc. The above video, in fact, is said to be blocked in Ireland, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Italy, and the UK.
Something I got from the vid that I hadn't seen anywhere else was a brief description of the guy that held the door open to the fire exit after he got a cell call in the theater. The witness said he had a goatee, and I didn't hear any mention of red hair.