Soul Recovery: Dreaming the Soul Back Home
Dreams of Healing
I've read some of the works of Robert Moss, a dream researcher, who has a voracious appetite for literature--on a par with Emerson I would say. He has written several books on dreaming and walks the talk so to speak; He lives what he talks about, and I can relate to much of it. He experienced NDEs (near death experiences) as a child and had vivid memories of these events in which his soul left his body.
He is considered a modern day shaman, but whether you are into new age stuff (which is more like old age stuff) or not, he speaks from a practical venue that we all can relate to if we are open to the idea that our dreams are telling us much more than a psychology class I once took said of them--that we go quietly crazy for several hours every night. Not!
He is considered a modern day shaman, but whether you are into new age stuff (which is more like old age stuff) or not, he speaks from a practical venue that we all can relate to if we are open to the idea that our dreams are telling us much more than a psychology class I once took said of them--that we go quietly crazy for several hours every night. Not!
There are still many among us, I believe, who are quick to dismiss what their dreams are trying to relate to them, and because of this, a vast arena for knowledge goes untapped. When I was a teenager, I could remember seeing events in my dreams which foretold the future. This is old hat to some folks, but back then, if I related such things to some people, they would dismiss it as coincidence or imagination. They couldn't handle it; they thought linearly so to speak. Didn't Einstein say something about the imagination being greater than the intellect? Well, this was beyond imagination. It was real! These events, good or bad, would take place. That is not to say that what our dreams relate is carved in stone. What they tell us may well be warnings that leave us with choices, such as whether we really want to board that plane or undertake a particular transaction.
I think we once had this sort of society. When one thinks of the Druids and how they communicated mind to mind and where we are now, one can readily see the dissociation between the conscious mind and the subconscious and indeed the dissociation between ourselves and other souls of the planet and yes this includes the animals. Some people don't think they have souls. They do, and they dream too! I've shared dreams with some of the beautiful animals that have honored my life.
Right now I think there is a catastrophic war between the light and the dark on this planet and the more we are in touch with our souls, our subconscious, and our dreams, the more we will move toward an enlightened society. Why do I feel like my words just disappeared into a wispy vapor?
We have a long way to go, but having read the works of great remote viewers, I know this planet will not vanish, nor its people... no matter how screwed up we are now.