The Newtown School Tragedy: More than One Gunman?
It is
now beyond question that the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert
F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. all involved patsies, additional
gunman and perhaps most importantly, mass media complicity to achieve
their political ends. Along these lines and in a fashion now
characteristic of how such public executions are framed, the
observations and analyses of citizen journalists and alternative media
suggest how coverage of the Newtown Connecticut school shooting was
substantially altered in the several hours and days following the event.
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And from The Waterman Files comes this interview with Mike Harris, Gordon Duff, and JB Campbell that better than half way through brings up more good points on the CT massacre. It is time we woke up to these massacres from Wisconsin to Connecticut to Colorado as being staged events. There are too many holes in the official stories and too many inconsistencies in how things are handled by the police and the media. Does this sound a little too familiar to an event that occurred in September of 2001?
The interview gets expectedly into the issue of gun control. One of the interviewees says that we will only be able to address those that ask for us to give up our guns by killing them. This reminded me of the French rebellion when the French would not tolerate the tyranny of their rulers. It also reminded me of how Jefferson seemed to concur.
While the gun sales go off the charts, one can hypothesize that this is because people are waking up to the BS of the official media lies or that people want to defend themselves against the "lone gunmen" types. Whichever the case, the effect is the same--the people seek to defend themselves amidst a rising tyranny.
And from Dr. Paul Roberts we have another cogent piece on the agendas that swirl about us. I say cogent, as there was an appeal to reason. Unfortunately, it butted heads with something less appealing. Ironically, some of those that don't believe the official story of 9/11, believe the trip-over-themselves media presstitudes. If logic took center stage in media reporting, if truth prevailed over greed, we'd not only have an informed populace but a bulwark against violent agendas. We'd stop dithering on issues of gun control, when the criminals are the ones exercising the use of them, having obtained them legally or illegally. Of course it is not only the media who is complicit when someone with demonstrated logic in their writing is denounced by those who fail to do even a surface scratch of research before shooting off their emotional assertions. It is the populace itself who is guilty of not making use of the research resouces they have available to them. Alas, an agenda is carried out by too many aiding parties and sadly for some of them unknowingly.