US dictatorship and its free fall
By Gordon
Duff and Press TV
“New information on the 2000 election, information now in
the hands of top military officials in the US, conclusively proves that
America’s government is in “free fall.””
In 2000, a criminal conspiracy
overthrew the government of the United States through violence, threats of
violence and massive fraud.
In light of what many believe to be the upcoming collapse,
world war, economic meltdown, climate sabotage, global pandemics and radiation
threats, key evidence has been brought forward.
The oft spoken of New World Order is now much more than
conspiracy or myth. The United States is now and has been little more than a
colony, to be bled dry.
It is now clearly recognized that this organization stands
ready to destroy the last vestiges of human civilization in service of some
indiscernible goal. Ascribing the term “reptilian” to these machinations is an
insult to a viper.
Some Have Had “Enough”
In recognition of the current state of emergency, leaders of
America’s military and intelligence community loyal to constitutional authority
have taken exception with the continuity of governmental and command
This is not a specific challenge to the Obama presidency but
rather a clear recognition of the seizure of political authority in the US (and
most other western nations) has ended all representative government.
By this standard, all governmental actions of the United
States since that time will be “null and void.” However, the dead will still be
dead, the maimed and despondent, countless in number, may look for what solace
they can.
The old dialectic, “republic or democracy” is passé, much of
the world exists under the slavery of a New World Order or is awaiting doom.
Not all will pass into the darkness as sheep, as happened in America and her
“The People against the New World Order”
Legally, George W. Bush was never the President of the
United States, according to legal opinions now under broad acceptance with
America’s top commanders.
Authorities now cite the election of former Vice President
Al Gore. The same authorities demand both the restoration of the Gore
presidency and the impeachment of Gore for failure to assume office though
legally elected.
Records of Supreme Court deliberations during their bizarre
move against the constitution in 2000 show that they were aware, not just of
broad electronic vote rigging but that five court members were fully involved
in a plot against the United States, knowingly complicit in a coup that
involved broad threats of violence, blackmail and bribery on a massive scale.
New information on the 2000 election, information now in the
hands of top military officials in the US, conclusively proves that America’s
government is in “free fall.”
The evidence, leaked by top Pentagon commanders, tells a
story now very easy to believe, a story of hate, of greed and, especially of
brutal totalitarian intent.
A group closely aligned with a “not so hidden” world
government made up of financial criminals, oil and defense corporations, groups
like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderbergers
and extremist groups that penetrated all western military and intelligence
commands exercised a violent overthrow of the government of the United States.
The operational planning group was the Project for a New
American Century (PNAC), tasked with rigging the 2000 election, organizing the
corporate media behind the coup.
As some may remember, the Supreme Court appointed George W.
Bush as president, on a 5/4 vote on pure party lines. Retired Justice Sandra
Day O’Connor, in recent public revelations has “strongly hinted” at the court’s
legal misconduct in 2000.
Less publicly, secret deliberations, now in the hands of key
leaders, penetrate the secrecy behind this critical time. The Supreme Court,
led by a five-member cabal at the heart of the coup, knowingly abrogated
state’s rights, separation of powers and equal protection provisions of the
constitution to empower a criminal conspiracy intent on unleashing an American
dictatorship on the world as a “super-cop.”
As early as 1999, PNAC had announced the need for “a new
Pearl Harbor” to condition the American people to accept a consolidation of
totalitarian authority and a permanent state of warfare.
The subsequent planning and execution of 9/11 was only one
aspect of the broader plan; seizing the government, 9/11, suspending civil
rights, rigging congressional districts, instill “true believers” in military
and government and setting up a multi-national world government to manage a
quasi-global slave state.
Experts in nearly every field all agree on one thing,
collapse is imminent.
Correcting Course
Restoration of constitutional authority, the basis of all
“oaths of allegiance” for those serving with the authority of “the republic”
requires the restoration of said republic and its last elected president. Thus,
Albert Gore is the last legally elected president and must, by law, fulfill his
term of office.
Two branches of government are, technically, in rebellion
against the United States.
The Supreme Court of the United States has strayed, an
understatement of Olympic proportions.
Evidence of a conspiracy against the court to overthrow the
government exists. Dissenting members of the court were subject to threats of
violence against their persons and families as was President Gore.
This has been confirmed.
Subsequent acts of the court, the utter and absolute failure
to uphold constitutional guarantees time and time again has been a travesty.
It has been treasonous, from Citizen’s United to the congressional
redistricting which denied “equal protection and representation” to over 100
million Americans.
When the Supreme Court allowed suspension of habeas corpus,
all semblance of representative government ended.
When they allowed murder, kidnapping and torture, ending all
“due process,” they became war criminals.
The “Horrible House”
The US House of Representatives is now a tyranny controlled
entirely by minority party under the control of criminal elements. Nearly half
the members of the “majority party” would lose their seats but for bizarre
gerrymandered districts, some geographies of phantasmagorical mien.
The 2012 Mob Ploy
During the 2012 election, drug cartel kingpin Mitt Romney
received over $1 billion in “contributions,” much from narcotics, human
trafficking and gambling backers.
Gambling boss, Sheldon Adelson spent $100 million, a number
personal cited by President Obama.
Prior to the election, documents were released by sources
within the FBI and Mexican intelligence agencies revealing that Mitt Romney,
working closely with the Castro government and former members of Soviet
intelligence services, managed hundreds of secret “slush fund” offshore
accounts for key government and military leaders.
These accounts were funded through the generous contributions
of the Mexican drug cartels and the CIA’s burgeoning narcotics operations in
Afghanistan and Iraq.
This relationship, which some believed began with Carlos
Salinas and Mitt Romney at Harvard, actually began generations before. The
Bush/Romney financial partnership, built, initially on profits from Nazi war
industries, now dwarfs even the Rothschild cartel for “funds under management.”
DHS, Neither “Home” Nor “Secure”
The Department of Homeland Security is an Israeli controlled
organization tasked by the New World Order to infect every aspect of American
society in lieu of a declaration of full martial law.
The Wanta, Reagan, Mitterand Protocols
As things are now, only the “Wanta trillions” can save the
United States from the grip of the New World “Dis-Order.”
Keeping America ignorant of the truth about the “protocols”
is vital to those who continue to bleed America dry.
At one time, speaking of a “trillion dollars” was considered
absurd. In recent years, despite obfuscation, psychological operations,
disinformation, propaganda and simply corrupt news “Imagineering,” the public
has learned that banks created “funny money,” amounting to what is now estimated
to be $5 quadrillion dollars.
That would be 5 million billion dollars or 5,000 trillion
Don’t worry, none of it is real. We call this money
“derivatives.” $10 trillion of the US national debt is money “invented” to keep
foreign banks alive that got confused, they were no longer able to tell their
real from their phony cash.
They were considered “too big to fail.”
The largest “poke” of real cash in the world is money
accumulated by Ameritrust Corporation, solely controlled by Lee Wanta, former
Reagan White House Intelligence Chief.
A trading platform for world currencies, including and
especially the Soviet ruble, eventually yielded a very real $27 trillion, of
which nearly one third belonged to Wanta personally.
The rest was to be used to finance the future of the United
States as a debt free nation in perpetuity. That wouldn’t be allowed!
The Wanta cash is real. Most of the $27 trillion has long
been distributed to Bush cronies, the international banking cartel that
overthrew the US government and put “little Bush” in the oval office, much to
the dismay of the human race.
Wanta sat in a Swiss dungeon as the Bush cartel plundered
the birthright of the American people.
However, well over $7 trillion has been located and legally
assigned for payment to Lee Wanta. Al Gore knows. The Pentagon knows.
The Bush family knows.
Federal courts have ordered the Department of Treasury and
the Federal Reserve to remit the funds, now deposited with the International
Monetary Fund.
Military leaders in the United States are hesitant to
continue “sitting on their hands” with Wanta’s offer on the table, a massive
pay-down of the national debt and broad private financing of massive public
works projects in the United States.
The Ticking Clock
There is a war within our own government and military. The
forces that would ask President Obama to step down from office voluntarily on
constitutional grounds are, oddly enough, closely aligned with Secretary of
Defense Hagel and Chairman of the JCOS, General Martin Dempsey.
They are, in fact, Obama supporters.
Against them are the very real forces of darkness, that
“vast conspiracy” spoken of so many years ago by First Lady Hillary Clinton.
The “grand conspiracy,” the New World Order, is playing a
new game, inventing wild conspiracies over Benghazi, a wild narrative of
conjecture and fabrication intended to ensnare those who are stupid enough to
accept “facts” from corporate controlled media.
While this dance continues, America is either being dragged
into world war over Syria or, through failure to show leadership, will be
supplanted throughout the Middle East and Central Asia by Russia and China.
America is, it seems, addicted to its own lies.
While the clock is ticking, maybe ticking away America’s
final hours, will oaths be kept, will courage take hold, will bold and daring
action confront the monster that has been feeding off so many of us for so
Source: Veterans Today