Saturday, December 28, 2013

Scottish Independence

As a native of the U.S., I can assure anyone on the fence about whether Scotland should break free of the tentacles of England that they should most assuredly. We fought a revolution in this country to throw off the long arm of England and King George's egregious grip on the Colonies, but while we threw the English out physically, we still have the effects of the City of London through our IRS--the collection arm of the Federal Reserve. 

The latter has about as much usefulness in our country as a pet rock being put before Congress to declare a referendum or investigation into all the corruption our government engages in. We have too much tax and our money and financial structure is an absolute mess and much of this is due to external influence, which our Congress critters go along with. Too many cooks spoil the stew and no one has a greater interest in driving Scotland toward a stronger state than Scotland itself.

No country having a hand in the finances of another is likely to give a rat's ass about the true interests of that country, and the history of England extending itself into too many countries only helps support that statement.

There is no question to me and many who know the score in this country as to whether Scotland would do better on its own. Go for it Scotland! Listen to the video and understand why; your future is at stake--most assuredly.