Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Resistance Continues

 Europe in Crisis
This is a heavy hitter. I've been following the NWO stuff for some time, and all I could say after listening to these two British gentlemen is wow!

The facts, figures, history, planning, and deeds of the NWO farts are laid out here. If you had any doubts about the existence of the NWO agenda, this should dispel them. If it doesn't, consider that you may have cultural inhibitions placed there by the ones controlling the major media, our educational institutions, our medical institutions, the equitable expression of law, and our money. Do you believe it's right to tax a person's labor, to interfere with your right to choose alternative health or alternative energy, to access education under a usury nickel and see less than efficient use of technology to provide it for us? Do you believe we should have a central bank owned by private banking interests control the issuance of our money? If so, you have a long ways to fall through the rabbit hole. Let the journey begin.

To Peter and Rodney: Godspeed to you both. You  have a fight, but you have an enormous number of people in need of redress who would and do readily back you, and the world's a brighter place for your presence.

Trillion Dollar Suit Inside Story
The entire interview is worth listening to, but from the 55 minute point on there is a good explanation of banking. The suit that Peter refers to in the first video is this one Neil Keenan, Keith Scott, and Winston Shrout are working on in the U.S and both are tied into uncovering the scams of the NWO interests.

Alternative News Sources



Monday, May 28, 2012

The Awakening

" of the biggest obstacles that can really confront the New World Order is that of 'Individualism' which is defined as moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that stresses 'the moral worth of the individual' ."   --Peter Eyre

I would add to this that that (in some measure) was supposed to be the idea of the military--to teach people to fight in defense of their country and in that regard have a strong ideology. So it would seem that many have been trained (as they awaken) to in fact fight the beast that feeds them. For if they are true idealists, they will rally stronger against the deceivers once they are made aware of the deception.

I say these words as someone who once wanted to go in the military, but was spared for medical reasons, and today you couldn't put a gun to my head and ask me to join.

The deceptions of the media, the glory of fighting, the honor bestowed upon the soldier allow this grand facade to continue, but the price is becoming known and the world is waking. We must educate our youth. We dishonor ourselves to do otherwise, and the price is beyond speech when we must reckon with the result. There is no honor in fighting for a country that wantonly takes the lives of others, that wantonly destroys the livelihood, the environment, the economy and the very fabric of another country and by so doing destroys their own. Open your eyes to what is in government. Open your eyes to what has already defined itself by its lies and lack of service. Then tell me you truly well and good seek to defend this.

To look with questioning thought upon the present events, as well as past ones, is to stop and become a spark for humanity, another light that can convey the truth, waylay the deception, and spread the ripple of light among us all. There is honor in being an Emerson, a Thoreau, a questioner. Not in blind obedience.

War Medals Of Dishonor, Battle For Peace At Home


George Carlin on critical thinking


Trillion Dollar Suit Inside Story
The entire interview is worth listening to, but from the 55 minute point on there is a good explanation of banking 

Really good interview with David Icke, who could not present the truth behind the canned out media stories/lies (after all he's been thru) if he didn't believe in himself, and I could really identify with a lot of the things he said about not seeking others approval. This takes someone with a firm resolve.

More deception...and why Russia CANNOT trust the US

Russia accuses U.S. of industrial sabotage


Mike Sparks on 'Why James Bond Is Real'

US Charity Secretly Funds Israeli Nukes - MP3


Alternative News Sources



Sunday, May 27, 2012

Alternative News Sources

Alternative News Sources
(There are a lot of excellent interviews on here, 
but, as with all news, one needs to use discernment, 
as the people at Proj. Cam. are very good at providing 
open access to info but letting others discern)
American Freedom Radio
American Kabuki
Divine Cosmos
The Waterman Files


The White Hats Report  (use discernment)
James Bond is Real

Weather Related News
Dutchsinse (news regarding soon to be experienced severe
weather can be found here thru video feed of satellite overlays
along with Dutchsinse expert descriptions)

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Takedown

"I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity is but swindling futurity [on the greatest possible scale]."  -Thomas Jefferson

Another fascinating interview exposing the tentacles of darkness on this planet and giving infinitely more reasons why it's not a good idea to join the military. This is a must hear! Kudos Kerry!

I am not a religious person, but man does this apply to this planet and the darkness that pervades it...

Be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 
                                                    --(1Peter5)American Standard version of Bible

 Ahem, please excuse my French. I really think it's time the insiders and the wannbe insiders wake up to the reality that the devil's got them by the balls, and continuing to run the planet the way they are could only see us spinning into a tighter and tighter death spiral to hell. In any event, there are plenty of people that know the law-- that is, the version taught in the schools-- but then also Admiralty law, negotiable instruments law, Constitutional law, and other forms that are all too willing to add their knowledge to the removal of the myopics from places of authority. We know you won't likely go quietly, but we also know your future is unraveling, and it's past time to stop giving into self-centered agendas...


 DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order

Scientific Ghost City To Test Future Technology

Dr. Michael Herzog Arrested By German Authorities – Has Great Voice, Sings Like A Pro

ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks

VETERANS TODAY:6 Decades of Deception, ETs Disappear German Sub equipped with 500 kiloton H-bomb with Israeli Crew

...Like I said, Russia can forget negotiating with legalized terrorists.

An amazing confluence of information by Peter Eyre who consistently unmasks the illusions and the perpetrators ...
 (Russia can forget negotiating with legalized terrorists)

There is some very good info about bees dying off because of pesticides on this Coast to Coast audio interview (the part with Linda Moulton Howe). I was sorry to hear about Kerry being cut off in her part of this audio show. She provides some excellent interviews on her site at Project Camelot and on American Freedom Radio. There are those who say that Noory's recent experience down in Mexico was a cabal warning and that he was being warned not to stray into certain subjects and Kerry goes into all sorts of subjects I'm sure the cabal doesn't like. Touche'.