Monday, May 28, 2012

The Awakening

" of the biggest obstacles that can really confront the New World Order is that of 'Individualism' which is defined as moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that stresses 'the moral worth of the individual' ."   --Peter Eyre

I would add to this that that (in some measure) was supposed to be the idea of the military--to teach people to fight in defense of their country and in that regard have a strong ideology. So it would seem that many have been trained (as they awaken) to in fact fight the beast that feeds them. For if they are true idealists, they will rally stronger against the deceivers once they are made aware of the deception.

I say these words as someone who once wanted to go in the military, but was spared for medical reasons, and today you couldn't put a gun to my head and ask me to join.

The deceptions of the media, the glory of fighting, the honor bestowed upon the soldier allow this grand facade to continue, but the price is becoming known and the world is waking. We must educate our youth. We dishonor ourselves to do otherwise, and the price is beyond speech when we must reckon with the result. There is no honor in fighting for a country that wantonly takes the lives of others, that wantonly destroys the livelihood, the environment, the economy and the very fabric of another country and by so doing destroys their own. Open your eyes to what is in government. Open your eyes to what has already defined itself by its lies and lack of service. Then tell me you truly well and good seek to defend this.

To look with questioning thought upon the present events, as well as past ones, is to stop and become a spark for humanity, another light that can convey the truth, waylay the deception, and spread the ripple of light among us all. There is honor in being an Emerson, a Thoreau, a questioner. Not in blind obedience.

War Medals Of Dishonor, Battle For Peace At Home


George Carlin on critical thinking


Trillion Dollar Suit Inside Story
The entire interview is worth listening to, but from the 55 minute point on there is a good explanation of banking 

Really good interview with David Icke, who could not present the truth behind the canned out media stories/lies (after all he's been thru) if he didn't believe in himself, and I could really identify with a lot of the things he said about not seeking others approval. This takes someone with a firm resolve.

More deception...and why Russia CANNOT trust the US

Russia accuses U.S. of industrial sabotage


Mike Sparks on 'Why James Bond Is Real'

US Charity Secretly Funds Israeli Nukes - MP3


Alternative News Sources