Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Resistance Continues

 Europe in Crisis
This is a heavy hitter. I've been following the NWO stuff for some time, and all I could say after listening to these two British gentlemen is wow!

The facts, figures, history, planning, and deeds of the NWO farts are laid out here. If you had any doubts about the existence of the NWO agenda, this should dispel them. If it doesn't, consider that you may have cultural inhibitions placed there by the ones controlling the major media, our educational institutions, our medical institutions, the equitable expression of law, and our money. Do you believe it's right to tax a person's labor, to interfere with your right to choose alternative health or alternative energy, to access education under a usury nickel and see less than efficient use of technology to provide it for us? Do you believe we should have a central bank owned by private banking interests control the issuance of our money? If so, you have a long ways to fall through the rabbit hole. Let the journey begin.

To Peter and Rodney: Godspeed to you both. You  have a fight, but you have an enormous number of people in need of redress who would and do readily back you, and the world's a brighter place for your presence.

Trillion Dollar Suit Inside Story
The entire interview is worth listening to, but from the 55 minute point on there is a good explanation of banking. The suit that Peter refers to in the first video is this one Neil Keenan, Keith Scott, and Winston Shrout are working on in the U.S and both are tied into uncovering the scams of the NWO interests.

Alternative News Sources