When one listens to an interview or reads an article in which there are experiments involving severe beatings, the murdering of animals, and the attempts to understand consciousness through experimentation that involves these things, one understands the depth and the source of the drive to move humanity toward this schism in our personalities so as to make us manipulative and less heart centered, because this is a source of madness that drives those in charge. The il_luminati have done these very things to their young. Out of this, can come the things George Carlin used to talk about regarding the constant attempts to show the differences between us in an effort to create divisiveness. When one gets this down--the understanding of the attempts to separate us from who we really are--one understands what we face and that the evolution of the human soul is in the fighting of this very thing in all its starkness right now. Stark because of the venues open to us by which to discover these things on a mass level if we have ears to hear and eyes to see, a mind willing to question, and a heart willing to help spread light. Light comes in many forms--helping the homeless, comforting the abused, enlightening the uninformed, etc.
The other day I was thinking about how we seem to be re-experiencing a time like that of Atlantis where we are once again more technologically advanced than spiritual in terms of those who hold sway over major events that take place. Last night I listened to this very interesting interview with a gentleman who was in intel for the Air Farce, sorry, Air Force. He talks about how he believes that those who lived during the time of Atlantis, who were the manipulating and controlling powers, have reincarnated and are in places of power now. This is plausible if you believe what some have said regarding the capability of Illuminati families to reincarnate into the same families. It's also been stated that that will/has changed and that that has to do with basically many things going on right now on Earth some of which haven't taken place before.
Among the things that William Stoecker did in the Air Force were to investigate downed UFOs, so Atlantis, UFOs, lost time, and conspiracy on a grand scale are among the topics in this interview.
In another interview that I listened to, the interviewee, Alex Collier, was saying that all these banker step downs and arrests were due to an effort to remove middle management so to speak. There is some truth to this in that an excellent remote viewer has said that there will eventually only be about four major banks. So, usury, a blight on our society, will not be going away soon. Personally, I think the disappearance of banks at any level is a good thing though.
The one thing that keeps making itself apparent to me, in spite of the expanding awareness of the reach of the dark tentacles is, for those of us that research these things, that there is still a need to awaken people. Why else would they continue to control the media if there was no concern regarding the mass of people becoming aware of what's really going on with religion, the IRS as a collection arm for the unFederal Reserve, war, and healthcare, educational, and media institutions? We are many and so are they, but we are larger. Who is we? That is something each one of us needs to define, but I believe lightworker, fence rider, or dark pinion, we are all facing a day of reckoning with a tough battle ahead, so it behooves us to be aware and know thyself.
This was a really interesting interview covering a spectrum of topics including DNA upgrades, a theory of how chemtrails may be interfering with that, HE3 energy (9 g of He3=1000 gals of oil), crystals, dark and light beings, transistors that interface with living matter, time travel, pyramids, Egyptian lamps, and other interesting topics. This is a Project Camelot interview with David Sereda. David also talks about how inventions that are obviously better but don't make it into the light of day (on a mass level anyway) may not even be used by the cabal controlled institutions because of the awarding of kickbacks to certain parties like generals, so the whole issue becomes a money venture.
Overall, after listening to this interview, you can tell there is an inter-dimensional war going on between light and dark beings.
This was a really interesting interview covering a spectrum of topics including DNA upgrades, a theory of how chemtrails may be interfering with that, HE3 energy (9 g of He3=1000 gals of oil), crystals, dark and light beings, transistors that interface with living matter, time travel, pyramids, Egyptian lamps, and other interesting topics. This is a Project Camelot interview with David Sereda. David also talks about how inventions that are obviously better but don't make it into the light of day (on a mass level anyway) may not even be used by the cabal controlled institutions because of the awarding of kickbacks to certain parties like generals, so the whole issue becomes a money venture.
Overall, after listening to this interview, you can tell there is an inter-dimensional war going on between light and dark beings.
Egyptian lamp
More detailed look at the war between light and dark beings...
John Kettler interview with Kimberley 4-24-2012 ET/ED assistance for 2012 transformation