Monday, June 4, 2012

Good News

(I can't believe FOX news published this) 

Latest crop circles: Manton Drove, Marlborough, Wiltshire, UK 2-Jun-2012




Matthew's Latest Letter  

For those unfamiliar with who Matthew is, this page would be helpful


Though I can't agree with Matthew's seemingly short-term prognosis for Earth, he definitely says some things that I believe are so. Among these are a need for a lot of people to wake up to the lies regarding, war, the Vatican, and religion. He provides insight from a higher perspective, and though I don't necessarily agree with his implied timelines, I do believe that we will eventually become civilized. I just think it will be a long ways in the future. I also believe that it will occur after many souls have left this plane and of course, among them, many dark ones. 


I also have no problems believing that we are receiving assistance from other beings.  I've always said humans are not likely to be able to fix the problems here by themselves. Many that aren't of dark intent simply want to live their life and be left alone. That makes us a reactionary species, and by the time we react, the tentacles of darkness have already established a foothold and a serious degree of networking. I also believe we are receiving assistance, because I've witnessed providential intervention in my own life. Another reason, would be that of the millions of people who've seen UFOs and the multiple number of people who've had encounters. This is not to imply that I think all ETs are good. I think some are opportunists and purely attend to their own short-sighted agenda, but let's face it, if they were all bad, we would have to acknowledge that something with more advanced technology could have wiped us off the planet altogether a long time ago. Humans are doing a remarkable job of this by themselves. 


In sum, I would agree with Matthew, David Wilcock, and others that we are called to task at this time to choose the light or the dark. I'm obviously no angel, and even I recognize this. To me, it is an overall sense of direction and soulful evolution and one that we have experienced as reincarnated souls for quite some time. Some among us are advanced souls and way-showers. Some of these advanced souls are not human. They may be animals, dolphins, whales, ETs, etc., but there is a merging of a vast number of influences on this plane at the current time, so it's safe to say that things are speeding up.


The upheavals we are facing, to me, are partly to get humanity to acknowledge what is important. When one asks what is really important, I think the answer comes back as what do we take with us out of this lifetime. This is a humbling thought to me when I consider how I have been honored with some very bright souls in my life.