Triangle UFO Caught on Tape in Moscow Russia 20 June 2012
Russia would do well to know that the U.S. has something called the TR3-B. It's capabilities are listed below. Supposedly, a while back, Israel blew one of these out of the skies when in strayed into their airspace. As far as Russia goes, we're talking about a snarky whizbang spyplane. If you can tell me something with that capability coming from the U.S. and hovering over Russian soil is a good thing, I'll eat a bug while executing a reverse Cuban 8.
Russia can consider itself warned by the presence of this thing if it is a TR3-B.
What follows comes from Dr. Richard Boylan, someone I don't always believe, but then don't always dismiss the statements of, as some of them come from people who've worked behind the scenes in special projects.
That floating Triangle craft (the TR3-B ) does
not depend solely or principally on hydrogen-oxygen rockets. It is a
highly reduced-gravity aerospace craft manufactured in secret "black
programs" by Humans. The antigravity field which is produced
reduces the vehicles weight by about 90% so that very little thrust is
required to either keep it aloft or to propel it at Mach 9 speeds.

TR-3B vehicle's outer coating is electro-chemical reactive and changes
with electrical RF Radar stimulation and can change reflectiveness,
radar absorptiveness, and color. This is also the first US vehicle to
use quasi-crystals in the vehicle's skin. This
polymer skin, when used in conjunction with the TR-3Bs Electronic
Counter Measures and, ECCM, can make the vehicle look like a small
aircraft, or a flying cylinder - or even trick radar receivers into
falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or several
aircraft at various locations.
A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field
Disrupter, surrounds the rotable crew compartment and is far ahead of
any imaginable technology. Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed
the reverse engineered MFD technology. The plasma, mercury based, is
pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees
Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive
plasma with the resulting gravity disruption [reduction of almost all of the pull of gravity and effects of inertia].
MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes
the effects of gravity on mass within proximity, by 89 percent. The MFD
creates a disruption of the Earth's gravitational field upon the mass
within the circular accelerator. The mass of the circular accelerator
and all mass within the accelerator, such as the crew capsule, avionics,
MFD systems, fuels, crew environmental systems, and the nuclear
reactor, are reduced by 89%.
The current MFD in the TR-3B causes the effect of making the vehicle extremely light, and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed - except, of course, those back-engineered total-antigravity craft which the government does not admit exist. To see the 13 known antigravity craft of US manufacture, see:
The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Once you get it up there at speed, it doesn't take much propulsion to maintain altitude.
With the vehicle mass reduced by 89% the craft can travel at Mach 9 (about 6000 mph), vertically or horizontally. Black projects defense contractor Ed Fouche says his sources say the performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%. The crew of the TR-3B should be able to comfortable take up to 40Gs.
The current MFD in the TR-3B causes the effect of making the vehicle extremely light, and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed - except, of course, those back-engineered total-antigravity craft which the government does not admit exist. To see the 13 known antigravity craft of US manufacture, see:
The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Once you get it up there at speed, it doesn't take much propulsion to maintain altitude.
With the vehicle mass reduced by 89% the craft can travel at Mach 9 (about 6000 mph), vertically or horizontally. Black projects defense contractor Ed Fouche says his sources say the performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%. The crew of the TR-3B should be able to comfortable take up to 40Gs.
TR-3Bs propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters mounted at each
bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9
vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l20,000 feet - then who knows
how fast it can go!
The reactor heats the liquid hydrogen and injects liquid oxygen in the supersonic nozzle, so that the hydrogen burns concurrently in the liquid oxygen afterburner. The multimode propulsion system can operate in the atmosphere, with thrust provided by the nuclear reactor, in the upper atmosphere, with hydrogen propulsion, and in orbit, with the combined hydrogen\ oxygen propulsion. The engines are reportedly built by Rockwell.
The reactor heats the liquid hydrogen and injects liquid oxygen in the supersonic nozzle, so that the hydrogen burns concurrently in the liquid oxygen afterburner. The multimode propulsion system can operate in the atmosphere, with thrust provided by the nuclear reactor, in the upper atmosphere, with hydrogen propulsion, and in orbit, with the combined hydrogen\ oxygen propulsion. The engines are reportedly built by Rockwell.
in service to Source,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC