They're at it relentlessly in their drive to do to Syria what they did to Libya. I can see the gears grinding--what do we do to trick Russia and China, how can we goad Syria and blame it on them--we must be careful less too many awaken to what we're about and Russia and China spoil the show, so for now, we'll fund snipers and rebels. I'd say y'all are on shaky ground with this one and though I'm no Bible thumper, Israel may just get what they least want--an invasion. Oh, the world would be put out of a major misery and many could sleep peacefully again. There's a tune in the U.S. called the Devil Went Down to Georgia, and that wouldn't surprise me, but I think he resides in Israel.
I know one thing for certain. The world will never rest until the sociopaths are driven from power. Until the power brokers who are so goddamn sure in their arrogance that the world belongs to them are divested of their influence over the world, the world will not rest. No, I'm not a pacifist. I'm not fond of war either, but as I sit in a country that was once declared free only by revolution and that is now living under a growing shadow of military occupation, I see history repeating itself. We will not all go as quietly as they did during hurricane Katrina. We do not want another WWII German occupation in our backyard. People are sick of the NWO drive for power in the form of lost homes, incomes, and blood, and those that aren't aware will certainly get a lesson when they stop mindlessly saluting a tank rolling through their backyard should it become a regular fixture. So it should be all too clear, many have nothing to lose except the one thing that gives them the strongest influence of all--survival. One must also remember that Hitler may have been popular, but Obama sure as hell ain't, and people are wary of false promises.
In this war of the light against the dark, many innocents will be slaughtered, but the light will prevail. Of that I am certain.
Well, I guess we just passed a law to remove all doubt as to whether the U.S. is an Israeli lapdog. I have an appropriate response...
I know one thing for certain. The world will never rest until the sociopaths are driven from power. Until the power brokers who are so goddamn sure in their arrogance that the world belongs to them are divested of their influence over the world, the world will not rest. No, I'm not a pacifist. I'm not fond of war either, but as I sit in a country that was once declared free only by revolution and that is now living under a growing shadow of military occupation, I see history repeating itself. We will not all go as quietly as they did during hurricane Katrina. We do not want another WWII German occupation in our backyard. People are sick of the NWO drive for power in the form of lost homes, incomes, and blood, and those that aren't aware will certainly get a lesson when they stop mindlessly saluting a tank rolling through their backyard should it become a regular fixture. So it should be all too clear, many have nothing to lose except the one thing that gives them the strongest influence of all--survival. One must also remember that Hitler may have been popular, but Obama sure as hell ain't, and people are wary of false promises.
In this war of the light against the dark, many innocents will be slaughtered, but the light will prevail. Of that I am certain.
Well, I guess we just passed a law to remove all doubt as to whether the U.S. is an Israeli lapdog. I have an appropriate response...
British media confused over Turkish fighter incident
British media, NATO and UN hype up emotions on the Turkish incident

Cameron rips off British public whilst continuing his own massive fraud!!
Another great critical topic article by Peter Eyre (6/25/12)
British media, NATO and UN hype up emotions on the Turkish incident
Cameron rips off British public whilst continuing his own massive fraud!!
Another great critical topic article by Peter Eyre (6/25/12)
Army Prepares Tanks For War On America
US-NATO "Humanitarian Intervention" in Syria: Towards a Regional War?
U.S. Tax Dollars at War
Fifty Three Percent Of All Your Taxes Are Spent on War
Fifty Three Percent Of All Your Taxes Are Spent on War