Wednesday, November 28, 2012

An Owl Visitor

It was a little after 2 in the morning, and I’d been working on my computer while munching on grapes. An owl began to hoot outside and was doing so rather forcefully, so I couldn’t help but notice. I turned down the music and tried to listen. I have often thought that when I hear an owl nearby that I’m being brought a message of something about to happen—something not good.

The owl continued to hoot some but not as much, and a little while later I stopped hearing it altogether. I turned the music back up and went back to doing what I’d been doing including munching more grapes. It was a cold night in the 20s, and I was more tired than usual at that hour and decided to turn in. A couple of hours after hitting the sack, and after tossing and turning from a mixture of cramps in the stomach and an occasional desire to barf, my system said it wasn’t going to take this offensive agent I’d put into it any longer, and I got up to take care of things in the can.

About 15-20 minutes later, I emerged feeling about 80 percent better and looking forward to going back to a warm bed and getting some rest. It wasn’t to happen though. The cramps returned and eventually the desire to wretch again. This time a trip to the can resulted in a purge even more forceful than the first, and I emerged from the bathroom about 90 percent better but exhausted.

It took some time to finally fall asleep and indeed an experience like this induces a sense of reflection and appreciation for the things we take for granted. It also seemed to induce a royal invocation to pay the hell attention to things that the universe is telling me. I believe we are being brought messages more often than we realize, and indeed the Native Americans believe that birds are messengers.

After a synchronicity like I just experienced this morning with an owl right outside my backdoor and a bag of “Pristine” grapes, I believe so too.