I hate to say it, and I hope it's not so, but this looks like another co-opted effort under the guise of a well-intentioned movement. These students are asking to move away from endowments granted by fossil fuel interests, but I don't see any referendums to move away from a usury endowed education that has the ongoing effect of ratcheting up the cost of education until nearly no one but the rich in this country are going to be able to afford one.
In addition, the question brought before the students was posed thusly, "do you support Harvard divesting its endowment from the fossil fuel industry in order to avert further environment and human rights crises due to climate change?" Indeed, one who has taken the campaign on the road, trumpets the dangers of climate change. Besides the fact that the issue of fossil fuels is well beyond any climate change, there is the issue of not allowing enough emphasis to be given to alternative energy education AND output from our schools. There are plenty of smart kids and smart ideas that could be put into production, but do we see these things on a mass scale?
The issue for me often comes back to priorities. Do we need fitness centers on every campus? Do we need really expensive edifices filled with expensive furniture? Do we need "teachers" who talk but don't adequately address the subject, if indeed they address it at all? These and escalating costs are all important issues that need to be addressed right now in our schools, NOT how much more and from whom can we get further funding. When the priorities are skewed, we get what we've gotten from government--self-centered agendas at the expense of those that are supposed to be serviced.
A statement released Monday by 350.org announced that 72% of voters chose yes on referendum 1 which asked "do you support Harvard divesting its endowment from the fossil fuel industry in order to avert further environment and human rights crises due to climate change?".
The referendum was the result of the Divest Harvard campaign led by the Harvard chapter of Students for a Just and Stable Future, and supported by 350.org, and is the first time in six years that a student group has secured the number of signatures necessary for a referendum question to be included in student body elections.
The overwhelming support for divestment occurred despite a recent editorial in The Crimson, Harvard's daily newspaper, which argued that "calling for universities like Harvard to divest in companies involved in the extraction or processing (of) fossil fuels goes too far".
Similar comments were also recently made by Drew Faust, President of Harvard, who, during a recent student forum claimed that divestment at Harvard occurrs "only in the most extreme of circumstances", a reference to divestment actions that were taken in response to apartheid South Africa.
In spite of the opposition, students rejoiced at the referendum result.
“In 1990, 52% of voting students supported complete divestment from apartheid South Africa. Today 72% of voting students are raising their voices for fossil divestment, telling Harvard to stop investing in companies that are threatening our future", said Chloe Mamin, a co-coordinator for Divest Harvard.
Bill McKibbon, Harvard alumnus and founder of 350.org, a grassroots climate action movement, also expressed excitement at the outcome of the referendum.
"Nothing has made me prouder to be a Harvard alum than the news that its students are leading the country in standing up to coal and gas and oil,” McKibben said.
In a recent and now widely discussed Rolling Stone article McKibbon, who is currently on the road as part of the "Do The Math Tour" (which Evolver is helping to sponsor), gave a prescient warning of the dangers of climate change claiming that despite an increasing global awareness of the detrimental effects of increasing carbon emissions there are plans to burn "five times as much oil and coal and gas as climate scientists think is safe".
Over 50 schools across the US have launched fossil fuel divestment campaigns with Harvard being the wealthiest to so far join the movement.
Source: Reality Sandwich
Image by thebadastronomer
In addition, the question brought before the students was posed thusly, "do you support Harvard divesting its endowment from the fossil fuel industry in order to avert further environment and human rights crises due to climate change?" Indeed, one who has taken the campaign on the road, trumpets the dangers of climate change. Besides the fact that the issue of fossil fuels is well beyond any climate change, there is the issue of not allowing enough emphasis to be given to alternative energy education AND output from our schools. There are plenty of smart kids and smart ideas that could be put into production, but do we see these things on a mass scale?
The issue for me often comes back to priorities. Do we need fitness centers on every campus? Do we need really expensive edifices filled with expensive furniture? Do we need "teachers" who talk but don't adequately address the subject, if indeed they address it at all? These and escalating costs are all important issues that need to be addressed right now in our schools, NOT how much more and from whom can we get further funding. When the priorities are skewed, we get what we've gotten from government--self-centered agendas at the expense of those that are supposed to be serviced.
Harvard Students Vote To Divest From Fossil Fuels
By Andrew Cameron
Students at Harvard have voted in favour of divesting the school's $30.7bn endowment from fossil fuel related assets and in doing so have made their university the first in the US to pass a student fossil fuel divestment referendum.
A statement released Monday by 350.org announced that 72% of voters chose yes on referendum 1 which asked "do you support Harvard divesting its endowment from the fossil fuel industry in order to avert further environment and human rights crises due to climate change?".
The referendum was the result of the Divest Harvard campaign led by the Harvard chapter of Students for a Just and Stable Future, and supported by 350.org, and is the first time in six years that a student group has secured the number of signatures necessary for a referendum question to be included in student body elections.
The overwhelming support for divestment occurred despite a recent editorial in The Crimson, Harvard's daily newspaper, which argued that "calling for universities like Harvard to divest in companies involved in the extraction or processing (of) fossil fuels goes too far".
Similar comments were also recently made by Drew Faust, President of Harvard, who, during a recent student forum claimed that divestment at Harvard occurrs "only in the most extreme of circumstances", a reference to divestment actions that were taken in response to apartheid South Africa.
In spite of the opposition, students rejoiced at the referendum result.
“In 1990, 52% of voting students supported complete divestment from apartheid South Africa. Today 72% of voting students are raising their voices for fossil divestment, telling Harvard to stop investing in companies that are threatening our future", said Chloe Mamin, a co-coordinator for Divest Harvard.
Bill McKibbon, Harvard alumnus and founder of 350.org, a grassroots climate action movement, also expressed excitement at the outcome of the referendum.
"Nothing has made me prouder to be a Harvard alum than the news that its students are leading the country in standing up to coal and gas and oil,” McKibben said.
In a recent and now widely discussed Rolling Stone article McKibbon, who is currently on the road as part of the "Do The Math Tour" (which Evolver is helping to sponsor), gave a prescient warning of the dangers of climate change claiming that despite an increasing global awareness of the detrimental effects of increasing carbon emissions there are plans to burn "five times as much oil and coal and gas as climate scientists think is safe".
Over 50 schools across the US have launched fossil fuel divestment campaigns with Harvard being the wealthiest to so far join the movement.
Source: Reality Sandwich
Image by thebadastronomer