Not to put a damper on the festivities, but this is a must hear interview! Among the topics (to just name a few of the health issues) are what wheat causes--acid reflux, inflammatory conditions, joint problems, gastrointestinal issues, diabetes, and obesity, and mental issues like anxiety and rage.
Modern wheat is a highly hybridized version of what our grandparents may have eaten, and it is causing all sorts of problems that people don't realize are related to it. The glycemic reading for consuming 2 pieces of whole wheat is in the stratosphere. Its worse than several tablespoons of sugar. Listen, I was raised on all the propaganda everyone else was--whole grains are good for you. We get this from the American Heart Association, the American Dietetic Association, and the American Medical Association. Well, we don't get it from the gone rogue Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist. He reminds me of Dr. Robert Nara, a retired dentist, who used to tell his patients the truth about bacteria and how addressing it would address a variety of issues that people go to the dentist for.
Ok, back to wheat...
When you have an agricultural industry that weighs in with a $10 billion "budget" to lobby the government with in order to keep GMO labeling off our foods, you can see the wheels turning the machine. If you're a conspiracy theorist/realist like me, you don't have a problem believing something's going on here and that something's definitely afoul of the laws of human nature--from a health perspective anyway.
The medical industry makes big bucks treating not curing (and having more patients from modified consumables), farmers have greater yields, and at the top of the pyramid, well, let's just say their efforts to reduce the population might fall along these lines.
Let me mention something else. There is an entire industry related to gluten-free foods. The problem is these foods may contain rice, tapioca, potato, or corn starch, all of which send the blood sugar higher than wheat! That's something I had to think about when I looked at a can of Stax or Pringles. One can has a huge number of calories too. Unfortunately, nearly everything you look at these days, from cereal to bread, muffins, cookies, pies, cakes, and even licorice, seems to contain wheat.
Ok, so what are the alternatives? For that I would recommend Dr. Davis Wheat Belly blog and the advice regarding food and recipes you can find there, but he mentions in the interview basic foods like veggies, fish, meat, eggs, cheese, and olive oil being good for us. One thing he mentions in this interview that I disagree with and I just emailed him on is the use of Stevia in lieu of sugar. I had serious foot pain from consuming that stuff until I stopped taking it. This is apparently the reaction that a number of other people have had. Others have had delayed reactions, but serious ones. I would not recommend that stuff.
In addition to the interview, I would strongly recommend his book Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight. You will get an amazing education on food and health!
If you think you don't have time to read it, you might want to take a look at my previous postings related to wheat:
Thank you Dr. Davis!