"At what point does the host recognize it is being drained..."
--Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot talking about the secret space program
So, I'll ask again the question Kerry so astutely asked: "At what point does the host recognize it is being drained?" I write these words as they paint the chemtrails across the sky. Who is they? Another definer of insanity. --Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot talking about the secret space program
Kerry has put together some very interesting points on her latest blog post along with some important questions. These are things that all of planet Earth is being affected by.
For some time now, I've been thinking of doing a post on insanity, and after reading Proj Cam's blog above it really confirms my thoughts regarding this infused intention into our society.
Having studied a variety of subjects, including higher math, and having seen a procedural, formulaic, and rote driven manner of "educating" that is often divorced from conceptual understanding, I can say with certitude that there is an intention to create this. When one can buy books for $12-$50 that explain a subject better than a college text that costs$150-$200, one can see two things going on here. First is the intention to control what and how we learn as well as how many will learn, since many will give up along the way and perhaps give up feeding the insanity. Second is the more obvious intention of greed thru usury and escalating costs.
Of course, education is not the only institution manipulated. Religion, financial houses, healthcare, and of course government fall under the sway of the manipulators. But I'm digressing here. The point I wish to make is that after listening to interviews on the Montauk projects, knowing how the Nazis infiltrated our intelligence ranks after the war, and after knowing various sociopaths personally as well as those in the main purview, knowing the drive by so many humans to manipulate, and being aware of the secrecy in which projects get carried out as well as the complicit manner of the stand down media and those that pass or enforce bad laws, I can honestly say it all combines to maintain a society on the edge of insanity.
To make my point:
- Thoreau once said that the white man calls the Indian a savage and he lives in a tent and has no mortgage, but the white man lives in a house that he takes years to pay on with the money he gets from a job he may not like. Who is the savage?
- We may go to college and accumulate thousands in debt for an "education" that may merely define itself on paper as a credential, and I have often had the thought, whenever I've taken college classes, that I can't wait to finish so I can go back to learning.
- We allow some character in a robe thousands of miles away in a place that is a country unto itself and dripping with gold and expensive art, to say nothing of expensive edifices that house that robed being, to tell us how to conduct ourselves while the world starves and suffers another day under the thumb of the greed mongers.
- We say we need drugs for every ailment known to humans, yet the Native Americans were all too aware of the use of herbs for the various conditions that ailed them. We allow someone to brainwash us into thinking something like laetrile is snake oil, because if it worked they'd be using it right?
- And the same intention behind keeping drugs going and unpatenable cures (not treatments) out of our society also defines our energy uses. Do we need internal combustion engines? Not since the steam engine, which was as good as the IC engine in the early days of automobiles have we. They put in a radiator and starter and the funding went to the oil car. Do we need hydroelectric plants? Not since Dr. Tesla outdid himself by giving us the capability for free communication and electricity, and that was the early 1900s. But you see here in this, as in all of the above, that we help define insanity by being the other half of the equation.
In all fairness, one must acknowledge the good things as well as the negative. If they really could completely control us, wouldn't they have shut down the Internet by now? And there are those like Robert Monroe and others, such as shamans, who can go to other realms with intention and who share this knowledge freely with others. They are the true teachers of our society who help heal by providing a venue for cohesion, wholeness, and expansion of heartfelt intention. They pose an obstacle to a machine that strives forever to separate us from our true identity. For when we lose that, we truly define insanity.