Thursday, January 10, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty

"The CIA is a nest of spies and murderers who are responsible for crimes throughout history—assassinations, fomenting coups, torturing people in the sickest of ways and other crimes throughout the globe… in the service of U.S. imperialism." --Annie Day

The CIA’s Hollywood Release: “Zero Dark Thirty”, or How People Lose Their Humanity

By Annie Day


I was shaking as I walked out of Zero Dark Thirty, the new film about the CIA’s 10-year search for Osama bin Laden. Shaking and queasy. Wanting to hear from others in the audience, I asked people questions as they streamed out… What did they think of the film? Overwhelmingly, people answered positively… with smiles. 

Did they think the film upheld or condemned torture? Some answered that it didn’t take a stand, just showed the facts. But many said they felt it upheld torture, that it portrayed it as essential to Osama Bin Laden’s capture. And what did they think of torture? While a couple people answered that they supported it outright, many said they didn’t think it was right, that America shouldn’t use torture. So how did they feel about liking a film that upholds something they would otherwise find deplorable? Several people said it’s just a movie and shouldn’t be taken so seriously. One woman said she appreciated coming to understand, from the CIA’s perspective, why they used torture. And far too often, the answer was, “It’s complicated.”

And here you have the point of this highly ideological film: to make acceptable, or perhaps “complicated,” to people who consider themselves progressive the acts of this empire, to celebrate revenge against “America’s enemies,” to get you to sympathize with the criminal monsters who are carrying out these acts and to cheer for the “protection of the homeland,” no matter the price. “For god and country,” says the Navy SEAL after killing Osama bin Laden.

While there has been some controversy about the film from different quarters, and a too small handful of sharp critics, it’s getting rave reviews from a whole range of liberal journalists. It’s already being nominated for awards, and there is buzz about Oscar nominations.

Zero Dark Thirty begins with harrowing audio recordings from people inside the World Trade Center as it’s on fire and about to collapse.

It portrays the CIA in a heroic fight to get the bad guys, with one agent in particular, Maya (played by Jessica Chastain), with enough grit and determination to see it through. After hearing the voices from 9/11, we are transported to a CIA black site where a detainee is being tortured, strapped up by the arms. The torturer in charge, Dan (played by Jason Clarke), explains to Maya that the detainee “has to learn how helpless he is.” And then we watch as he is thrown to the ground and waterboarded.

And what is waterboarding, exactly?

A towel is thrown over the man’s face and a jug of water poured directly into his throat without pause. This makes the tortured feel as if they are drowning to death, suffocation by water. New York magazine quoted a doctor who works with survivors of torture: “Some victims were still traumatized years later.” One patient he described couldn’t take showers, and panicked when it rained. “The fear of being killed is a terrifying experience.”

But if you are watching Zero Dark Thrity, and have begun to feel uncomfortable, you are reminded that the person that this is happening to helped to “murder 3,000 people” on September 11. “Your Jihad is over, this is what defeat looks like,” says Dan. No need for concern, these are the just deserts. And if the detainee wanted it to stop, he could just give Dan the information he wants.
It doesn’t stop there. There is sleep deprivation, stress positions, the use of dog collars, humiliation and shoving a man into a tiny box where you can hear only his screams.

There has been a great deal of controversy about whether the film shows a connection between this torture and the supposed victory in capturing Osama bin Laden (including from sections of the bourgeoisie who want to disassociate themselves from the Bush regime while furthering his policies with a different face). But if you watch the actual film, it is undeniable. The way the story line goes, the detainees give information because they’ve been tortured. While the film portrays the first detainee we witness being tortured only giving the needed information over a quiet lunch, it is the fear of being tortured again that gets him to speak. Another detainee is told he can stay imprisoned in Pakistan or be sent to Israel. “I have no wish to be tortured. Ask me a question, I’ll answer.”

And what do the filmmakers say? Director Kathryn Bigelow said: “We depicted a variety of controversial practices and intelligence methods that were used in the name of finding bin Laden. The film shows that no single method was necessarily responsible for solving the manhunt, nor can any single scene taken in isolation fairly capture the totality of efforts the film dramatizes.”

So torture, what she calls an “intelligence method,” wasn’t solely responsible for bin Laden’s capture, it was partially responsible. Jessica Chastain admitted that there was a link made in the film to the needed information and the torture to get it, but went on that this was a “murky, gray area we’re still learning about.”

And once again we find ourselves feeling that “it’s complicated.”

There is nothing complicated about torture.
To quote from Alan Goodman in Revolution newspaper: “Let’s make it plain: torture is, literally and in essence, a crime against humanity. Like rape, it is a systematic attempt to violently degrade people and rob them of their very humanity. Any government which not only tolerates such things but which, from its highest offices, justifies and insists on them as ‘instruments of policy’… any government which does not, once this has been exposed, prosecute the perpetrators but instead provides them in advance with immunity…reveals itself as a system that requires such crimes, and such criminals, for its functioning. Any people that does not resist such crimes, and demand prosecution of the torturers and, even more so, those who formulated the policy at the highest levels, reveals themselves to be complicit in those crimes. And in passively allowing the humanity of others to be degraded and attacked, they lose their own.” (The Torture Memos … And the Need for Justice,” Revolution, May 17, 2009, online at

To go along with this, to obfuscate this with a haze of “complexity,” is to let great crimes take place in your name.

Who Is the CIA?

But there is a larger question that has to be asked about the whole premise and point of the film. Who the hell is the CIA anyway? The filmmakers have tried to argue that this is a film that doesn’t take a stand, they’re just showing the facts.

In an interview, Kathryn Bigelow said: “I think it was important to humanize the hunt… These are people who have sacrificed a great deal, live in arduous conditions, risk their life in some cases for our safety. So I think it’s an interesting portrait of dedication.” Or elsewhere, Bigelow has said: “at the heart of this story is a woman with tenacity, dedication and courage.” Chastain gushed about the character she played: “She’s such a bad-ass, capable and strong, standing on her own, it was an honor to play her.” And she later called her character a hero.

Let’s get real. The CIA is a nest of spies and murderers who are responsible for crimes throughout history—assassinations, fomenting coups, torturing people in the sickest of ways and other crimes throughout the globe… in the service of U.S. imperialism.

In 1953, working with the British, the CIA engineered a coup against Iran’s elected president, Mohammad Mossadegh, in part because he threatened U.S. and British oil interests. They then went on to install the Shah of Iran who created a special police force which tortured people for decades. What was heroic about that? In 1960, the CIA helped stage a coup in the Congo to get rid of the nationalist government headed by Patrice Lumumba, which came to power after decades of colonial rule. With the CIA’s assistance, Lumumba was murdered by Mobutu Sese Seko, who brutally presided over the newly named Zaire as a U.S. neocolony, violently crushing attempts to build rebel movements. What was heroic about that? In 1965 in Indonesia, as a military regime headed by General Suharto came to power in a CIA-engineered coup, hundreds of thousands of people (up to a million according to some accounts) were massacred—communists and people accused of being communists. What was heroic about that? On a different September 11, in 1973, the CIA orchestrated the overthrow of the elected government of Salvador Allende in Chile by the fascist general Pinochet. Mainstream sources document the death of some 3,000 people at the hands of Pinochet, and Chilean revolutionaries have said that 30,000 people were killed. Many more were tortured or forced into exile during Pinochet’s 17-year rule. Again I ask, what was heroic about that? And I could keep going… Vietnam, Laos, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Nicaragua…

Or look at the CIA in relation to Afghanistan and how Osama bin Laden got his start in the first place:
The fact is that the U.S., and the CIA’s “work” in particular, had everything to do with the growth of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in the whole region. In 1979, the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The Soviet Union at the time was a revisionist (that is, a phony “communist”) country, an imperialist superpower that was seriously contending with the U.S. for dominance in many parts of the world. The U.S. deliberately provoked the invasion of Afghanistan, in order to (in the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security advisor to then-President Jimmy Carter) give the Soviet Union “its Vietnam War.”

Then through the 1980s, the CIA, in partnership with the reactionary regimes in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, carried out a massive covert war in Afghanistan by funneling more than $3 billion in arms and aid to the reactionary Islamic fundamentalist fighters. The U.S. strategy was to make the war much longer and more violent, destructive, and costly for the Soviets. By the time the Soviets were forced to withdraw in 1989, more than a million Afghans had been killed and one-third of its population driven into refugee camps. This CIA-led insurgency against America’s imperialist rivals is where Osama bin Laden got his start. This is where the seeds of al Qaeda and the Taliban were first sown.

The current U.S. war in Afghanistan has never been simply a response to 9/11. The 2001 invasion grew out of a decade of U.S. planning before 9/11 aimed at seizing greater initiative and hegemony in the Middle East and Central Asia. In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union (in which the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan was a big factor), the U.S. imperialists faced a new obstacle in dominating this crucial region of the world—the very same Islamic fundamentalists that the U.S. had built up in the 1980s. The Taliban is a reactionary force that brings down horror on the people. But that is not why the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in 2001—and why Obama is now greatly expanding that war. And of the two opposing reactionary forces, U.S. imperialism and Islamic fundamentalism, the U.S. has done—and is doing—much greater harm in the world, as even the partial list above of CIA crimes shows. (“CIA’s Decades of Criminal Service,” Revolution, February 7, 2010, online at

There is nothing to uphold about any of this! And let’s be clear: this is not about “our safety”—this is about the extension and defense of the American empire. But even if it were about the safety of American lives, letting all this go down would be wrong and immoral. It would be to make a devil’s bargain: “You can go do what you do to the people of the world, just keep me safe and we’ll not only go along with it, we will cheer.” No! As Bob Avakian has said, “American Lives Are Not More Important Than Other People’s Lives.” (BAsics 5:7)

CIA “Heroes” Raining Death From the Sky

In a quickly passing moment in the film, we watch Maya reviewing a drone strike. Watching a missile fired from afar. Later in the film, the CIA station chief in Pakistan, Joseph Bradley (played by Kyle Chandler), has to be sent back to the U.S. because he’s been named in a lawsuit filed by the family of a victim of a drone strike. We see protesters but know nothing about what’s happened or really why they’re protesting. “The ISI [the Pakistani intelligence agency] fucked you,” says Maya, painting the station chief as the victim.

But what’s the real story here?

A Pakistani journalist sued the CIA station chief because his brother and son, both government employees, were killed in a CIA drone strike on their home in North Waziristan in December 2009. No warning, no due process, the CIA rained death from the skies. Thousands of people have been killed in these drone strikes, hundreds of civilians among them, including children.

But the film does not tell this story. This is not about the blood on the ground, the tears of the children who lost their parents, the lives of the people who lost limbs… this is about “the heroes on the ground” who are perpetrating these crimes.

And I have to say here that the filmmakers can’t have it both ways. Bigelow said the film does not uphold torture, they are just showing what happened, that it “doesn’t have an agenda and it doesn’t judge.” Bullshit! While it can actually be important to show what happened, this film is not doing so to expose the crimes. If you call the criminals perpetrating torture and war crimes “heroes” who sacrifice on our behalf, what are you saying about the acts they are committing?!

History Did Not Begin With September 11

While this film begins with the events of September 11, 2001, and this is the only context provided for the film, this is not where history began. In a dramatic speech in the film, one CIA official says, “They attacked us on land in ’98, by sea in 2000, and by air in 2001. They murdered 3,000 of our citizens in cold blood. Your job is to bring me people to kill.”

This is the logic of a wounded conqueror, the top-of-the-heap gangsterism—you poke me in the eye, I have to burn down your whole village. The death of 3,000 people is a genuine horror, but the powers-that-be were not horrified at the loss of human life. That number means nothing to people who preside over the deaths of many hundreds of thousands times more than that as part of the normal workings of their system worldwide.

Continue reading  Zero Dark Thirty

Source: GlobalResearch