Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dennis Cimino

Recently I made a post on someone’s blog about a radio interview Cimino did with the host. I made comments that I disagreed, or at least questioned, some of the things he was saying. One of the parties I mentioned in my comments was the Jesuits, who Cimino seems to nearly deny any wrongdoing by. In any event, he launched into a vitriolic rant in which he made one patently false statement after another about me.

First off, he said that I made the comment that the host was the only one who made sane statements and that was not what I said, but was taking issue with some of the things he seemed to be going off the rails on.

Second, he makes the comment that I tried to derail the comment section—another totally false accusation and at that point I had only made one comment, while a number of others had made multiple posts that I didn’t even reply to. Then he goes one better and defends someone for her racist comments. For the record, I’m not Jewish or God forbid Zionist, which are other patently false claims he's made about me.

Third, I did not say I “liked” certain parts of the show, as though I were giving a purely emotional reaction to it, which obviously was his response to my post. I said I agreed with some of what he said and thought he made blanket extrapolations on other things.

Then he makes the comment that he has the prerogative to be able to ask the host to have comments removed! It’s not even his blog! He overturns one statement with another when a poster says he wants censorship of posts and Cimino says that’s not going to happen. Well, if Cimino's directing the host to remove comments, that’s censorship okay. To further that point, he goes on to tell the commenters not to make posts about Jesuits in a comment that demonstrates not only bad English but his unrealistic rage.

Apparently, if one makes a comment about Jesuits, Cimino considers them to be “closeted Zionists.”

Then he goes on to tell everyone they should “have at it,” but once again gives his directive to not speak about the Jesuits.

His next comment is that if you only “like” part of what he says and say that, you are considered by him to be a “saboteur.”

He ends his tyrannical rant with yet another order that he will have comments removed per his directive to the host of the blog if he doesn’t like them. Amazing!

Well, suffice it to say that this pathological liar has had his credibility dumped in the toilet for me. He’s a raving lunatic whose comments should definitely be held with suspicion; he’s obviously capable of lying with impunity.

Thought police-a group of people with totalitarian views on a given subject, who constantly monitor others for any deviation from prescribed thinking

Paranoia-a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.

It's interesting to observe the human mind that says openly you can debate and comment, but on my watch, you can't talk about certain things, and by God if you do, I'll label you. This is not only double standard, but totally devoid of integrity.