Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Brian Allan & Rosslyn Chapel

This was an interesting little vid about a Scotsman, by the name of Brian Allan, who had a paranormal experience in Rosslyn Chapel, a chapel made famous by Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code. Allan, is an author, researcher, and paranormal investigator. At the end of this video, he makes the suggestion that the reason for the introduction of a demonic force through music may have been due to a Knight's rebelliousness toward the Catholic church. I could certainly understand such rebellion having come from a forced Catholic upbringing myself. However, I think there was  a considerable interest in the occult and the devil in regards to the Templars. My take on the energy there in the temple, as its been described by Mr. Allan, is that there may be positive energy there and a portal of sorts but both good and bad may be attempting to come through. Indeed, the spirits imploring the psychic to bring them through may be suggesting that they are seeking a higher vibrational plane and that perhaps they feel trapped.

I once had a paranormal experience while living on the east coast. A friend of mine owned an old plantation house overlooking a valley. This house had been there since the days of the Civil War and many spirits had inhabited it over the years. I was to encounter one of these late one night when my friend was off on a safari somewhere, and I was alone in the house.

Many people who had lived in the house, or knew of those who had, could testify to the experiences they had with the spirits. Experiences like doors opening and closing, doorbells ringing and no one there, a remote control thrown on the ground after the T.V. station was changed, sightings of a Confederate soldier, sightings of a slave who had been hung from a tree that still stood on the property, and of a little girl who was accidentally killed by her father when a cannon ball ricocheted off a rock.

Well, what happened to me was that in the wee hours of the morning, while in the hynopompic state, between waking and awake, a light began to pulsate, and at that point I began to wake. Then I felt something holding my arms. Not knowing its intent, I wished for it to stop, and it released my arms shortly afterward. However, it was still in close proximity, as I could readily tell from the vibration throughout my body, the ringing in my ears, and the feeling of my arm hairs standing on end. I asked it to leave, and it eventually did. 

One is without their normal sense capability in a circumstance like that, and I was fortunate not to have encountered an angry spirit. It nonetheless left me with an indelible impression and an awareness of other dimensions and/or vibratory levels.

I have no doubt Mr. Allan experienced something in Rosslyn Chapel. What we derive from these experiences, our knowledge gained from our present incarnation can be helpful in trying to form an understanding around, but history is instrumental in instructing us as well. For history is talking to the present in a most interesting way.