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Parasites In Pinstripes With All Their Ideas
"The parasites-in-pinstripes argue, 'But your state is broke. Where
will you get the money to capitalize a bank?'
But are the states broke? An examination of the finances of U.S. states and municipalities turns up an astonishing fact. They keep two sets of books."
"Have you ever wondered why governments never have enough money? Have you ever wondered why taxes keep going up up up and services keep disappearing? Have you ever wondered how it is that there is money for projects like "bridges to nowhere" and $7,000 toilets but no money for school lunches? Well, there is a very good reason for this dichotomy, the reason is as old as's called governmental fraud or to use a more colloquial the books! "
"Every American citizen needs to understand that the government holds TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS of stock in Fortune 500 and other corporations, as well as additional investments in foreign companies, foreign currencies and many, many other investments."