I don't know why all the investment gurus keep shouting about gold going up. When? Why? How?
First of all what manipulates corporate sectors, finance, media, education, etc, manipulates mining. They can create a surplus or abundance as they see fit. Remember back when people were standing in line at the gas pumps to get fuel? Well, there were tugboat captains saying they had fuel, and they were tied up at the dock unable to unload. Also, there is far more gold than they tell us. That is, even more than the commodity manipulators have within the mines they control. So, I'm left thinking that yes it seems a good idea to have physical possession of a metal versus buying it and letting something supposedly maintain it in a vault (sound familiar) but what the hell difference does it make when they get to manipulate it all with their software, their commodity trading that drops the value of something to the tune of several points in a single day, etc.
So, overall one has to think that commodities may merely be another way for the NWO dregs to yet take more wealth from the populace as Burien is saying in his article above.
It is hard to fathom that we share the planet with something that must understand right and wrong in order to carry out a deed, a scheme, an act which of course they would not want perpetrated on them, but then one wakes from the dream called reality and realizes the real reality--the rules put there to ensure our bondage:
Thou shalt pay their share--taxes
Thou shalt hold a j.o.b--servitude to the corporations
Thou shalt go to school--propaganda tool for cattle thinking
Thou shalt be entertained with movies of violence and prejudice--Mason distraction and division tool
Thou shalt believe the lies the men of the cloth have been taught to dispense--blind faith subjection
Thou shalt follow orders without question from the military and the police--gestapo enforcement of rules are getting sleepy...very sleepy