Saturday, July 14, 2012

Human Potential


"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."  --Goethe

Ok, it's late--I'm a niteowl remember--but one gets to philosophizing in the middle of the nite. And so I've been ruminating on things that have been interesting personal experiences, readings of others experiences, etc.

First of all, I'll say I'm not really a follower of what I call rah rah people like Anthony Robbins, but there's something to be said for certain things that he imparts in his writings. For instance, he was taking race car driving lessons and came into a turn too fast and was sliding toward the wall. His mouth dropped open and he let out a gasp. The instructor took his head and physically turned it in the direction they needed to go while saying just that. This makes me think of how we often think about the things we don't want and find ourselves continuing to get those. 

Ok, another case in point of how we can bring to ourselves what we seek. I'm going by memory and it's been ages since I read Robbins book, but when the Aussies won the sailing cup for the first time, it was said that there was some subconscious suggestive training that they were employing. This isn't weird. This isn't esoteric. It's real. I've used it. There's different ways to use it. For instance, some suggest repeating something you seek several times. Seth, who gave messages to Jane Roberts in the series of books put out by her and Robert Butts, suggested envisioning something strongly at least once a day while seeing yourself having this. And at another time of the day stating your wish five times while envisioning it clearly. Ok, another way is through dreams. When you get ready to sleep, give yourself a statement--I will win this, I will find this, or whatever it is you seek. Ok, before the skeptics say this is pie in the sky fairy tale stuff, try it!

Kekule, the scientist who discovered the benzene ring, did so in a dream. The writers of popular programs on TV have been said to have gotten downloads in their sleep. Consider Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica and then consider that we are not alone in the universe. We aren't!

There are those who believe we should not be so segregated from our dreams as many of us are. They tell us the future, even the past, and can aid us in daily living, I believe, even when we forget their content consciously.

I'm certainly no shaman, so perhaps it's the Celtic blood in me that appreciates these things. I find the older I get the more I want to be open to possibilities in some areas of my life. The world shoots its arrows at us. Some tipped with the negative energy of you can't. Some wishing to find their mark on an open mind and the suggestion of a pathway to a solution.

Now that reminds me of when Anthony Hopkins related a story of how he wanted to get his hands on a book that was difficult to find, and I believe he wanted this for research for a character he was going to play. Well, he sat down on a bench and there was a book and low and behold it was the one he sought. I'm a big fan of Hopkins. I really think he is a remarkable actor, and I can't see someone of his caliber making something like that up.

I'm certain of one thing  regarding why we're here. In the recent Project Camelot interview with John Lear, John says something about soul evolution and how we come here to forge it in the fire of a difficult planet. I believe this, and I believe the successful understand the meaning of perseverance and success for me can be measured with or without money. I believe we create entire communities of people who are taught to fear and taught the opposite of success. Many years ago I was awarded a little commendation for having completed the studies I was majoring in at a tech college with marks high enough to be given the award of valedictorian. I was asked to give a speech. At first I didn't want to. The idea of getting up in front of a group of people scared the hell out of me, but I relented and gave a little speech. What I spoke about was failure and how the successful in history have all known it. So why do we continue to shun it as a society? Fear. It kills potential and topples nations. It imprisons the soul and steals a life. That's not to say there aren't things to fear, but that perhaps we have fears of which we are better unshackled from.

I'm reminded of a story I once heard, and I'm not sure who the person was, but he had a rather crazy mother. It seems she was always putting him to challenges. He'd be in a tree where he'd climbed to certain spot and she would praise him and say I bet you can go even farther. I bet you could go all the way to the top, and he would climb the tree. Well, once she dropped him off in a strange neighborhood and told him to find his way home! He couldn't and had to knock on a door to get back home. This young man went on to become a billionaire, and yes, I apologize for not remembering who the hell that was, but the story is really fascinating when you think about it. I think we have a lot more potential than we are brought up to believe a lot of the time, and I suppose one could look at that as a form of soul evolution too. Anyway, that's what happens when a niteowl ruminates on the state of the species on a screwed up planet.