This was an hour and a half well spent! This is a fascinating documentary on a topic one would think was a scientist's musing on the fictional, but it was a job well done on a re-creation of the facts regarding the research a number of scientists had done on a well hidden topic.
I've read that mermaids were the result of transhuman experiments during the time of Atlantis. I've read the Sphinx is also the result of that. In any event, the last thing I think one should do is assume a defensive posture and say well this is different and frightening therefore it is bad. How often do humans do that, and how often do we give into the cabal way of thinking--wars, prejudice, suppression of ideas, following orders--when we do that?
This documentary is moving in that the message is that we have a modern day ancestor so to speak and that is assuming the idiot cabal has not assassinated them all with their sonar kills. This other half human species is a friend and fellow traveler of dolphins and whales. Thus, when the mass beachings occurred some years ago it was probably in an effort to kill this species but along with them whales and dolphins were killed. If one can watch this video and not believe there is a negative presence akin to that of a sorcerer interfering with progress, creating massive destruction, and leaving behind a trail of death and desire for control of this planet, you're not paying attention.
Another thing I've read is that those aiding Earth have taken the time to create and maintain seed banks of all of the species here. So, I guess I'll say it the way Mr. Lear said it in a recent interview. We come here to evolve as souls on a prison planet and indeed this is a most awesome task, but one takes heart when they know this is not all there is to our existence. That is, to merely watch the destruction of all we hold dear. Consider in the doing this calls to the collective consciousness an almost holographic reality of what we seek in the future of our species as we continue to unmask the darkness that calls the light to bond and grow and stand against the tide of a dark menace that takes the temporal but forges the soul.