Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Money Masters

The Money Masters - the Rothschild mafia controls the Fed
and the national Central Banks

This is a excellent educational video of what central banks are, how they control money, manipulate markets, instigate wars, fund both sides, and create depressions and poverty. It is a very good chronology of how the Federal Reserve and Bank of England came into existence as well as what the IRS is, where the power of banking resides, what their plans are for a world bank, a world court, and world executive branch. There is a good description of bonds, fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, and the overall deception that has gone on to maintain this entire financial farce under the guise of various financial instruments and the use of acts presented to the Congress which has approved some of the most egregious laws. 

The interesting thing in the video is the mention of scrip during the American Revolution and the use of Greenbacks during Lincoln's presidency. Neither of these were backed by anything---nothing! They simply were produced in a balance which allowed for a producer/consumer relationship instead of the idiocy of fractional banking and the expansion or contraction of a money supply at the whim of privately owned central banks.

The recurring theme is that people will never be free as long as we are under a system of usury. This is the theme which speaks to me anyway and rather loudly. Usury is the getting of something for nothing. It is the theft of a civilization. You can have all your bullshit economic rhetoric that attempts to make it useful. IT IS NOT. NOR WILL IT EVER BE.

Suggestions are made at the end of the video for Congress. The Congress my dear Mr. Still is deaf. Not only must we remove the Federal Reserve, we need to abolish the Congress and put something else in charge. My respects to Bill Still for the making of this most educational video.