Saturday, July 14, 2012

False Flags, Nukes, Nazi Checkpoints

Could we witness a major “False Flag” at the London Olympics?



Whistleblower Reveals Himself: Warns of False Flag at Olympics



Whistleblower Reveals Plan To Evacuate London During Olympics


Freedom Radio Interview of John Lear

Lear talks about 911, holograms, molecular degeneration, Einstein's and Newton' theory, e-cat system (free energy), ETs, anti-gravity devices, satellite capabilities, and soul evolution. This is a fascinating interview but he sidesteps certain issues like chemtrails, and Israel and 911, and denies the use of jump rooms, time travel, or thermite at the WTC, which has already been discovered by scientists. He also denies the accounting of events recorded in Sean Morton's book The Sands of Time. Another thing he said was that Phil Schneider had his fingers blown off in an explosion when he was younger, but if I'm not mistaken Schneider said it was the result of an ET encounter in an underground base. So, while I find Mr. Lear an interesting person  and obviously very knowledgeable, I have problems with some of the things he says.




BREAKING: Netanyahu Worked Inside a Nuclear Smuggling Ring Targeting the U.S.

 Guy defies the police state

 Yahoo Passwords Hacked But Only 5 Percent Reported as Still Valid
 Confirmed: Nearly a Half a Million Yahoo Passwords Were Hacked (See If One Was Yours)