Monday, June 11, 2012

ET/ED Related

I listened to this interview the other day, and though I may sound naive to those that don't believe that which they haven't seen or haven't experienced, I would rather walk into the future with a logical and open mind versus a logical and have to hold it in my hand and secure it in my pocket mind. What I was able to glean from this interview while working on something else was that Kettler makes a good overall statement about why the ETs have not stopped or prevented all of the horrific things that take place on our planet.  

I look at it this way. If we look at all the things the nefarious cabals, groups, and interests have done or used against others--wars, mass murders, weaponized weather, magnified earthquakes, hijacking of currency and governments, murders and incarceration of whistleblowers, the use of inventions and technology against us, and attempts to destroy the people on top of the planet with a neutron bomb while they made a mad dash underground--one can begin to see that given the capabilities of what is referred to as the shadow government, there could indeed have long ago been a much larger loss of the population than currently. What Kettler is putting forth is the idea of a limit of resources on the part of the ET/ED (extraterrestial/extradimensional). This would seem plausible if one accepts the premise of intervention.

In the case of furthering the likelihood of these beings assisting us, one has only to look at the officers who came forward and relayed to the public an event which took place on a military base when, while a UFO was hovering over the base, no less than five thermonuclear devices went off line. The odds of one of these going off line is high enough. For all five to go off at the same time is off the chart. 

UFO - Military Wittnesses at Nuclear Sites (Nuclear Weapons Compromised by UFOs)

John's website:
John Kettler Investigates

 Crop circles 2012: Woodborough Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK

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