Thursday, June 7, 2012

Painful Economics

 "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere." --Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 1787.

Another excellent article by Peter Eyre, who never ceases to amaze me with his knowledge bank and research skills. I would love to see the British do just what he proposes. God knows I'd love to see the U.S. do the same, but my guess is what will happen is ever increasing arrests. There's all kinds of things our so called public servants could be arrested for--porn, pedophilia, sedition (yes against the people not the gov), illegal wars, and crimes against humanity in the form of murder and torture both here and abroad. The change will not come about from within the houses of government, and as Jefferson said, it is the duty of the people to overthrow it when it has become destructive to the people's ends.

Queen´s Jubilee Flotilla is over but will the waters ahead remain calm?


This an excellent article by Stephen Lendmen...

 America's Student Loan Racket

Ok, I'm putting the below out there for anyone that wants to look, do their own analogies, and hopefully connect some dots. There's a good degree of disinfo floating around on the net and so one has to use discernment and multiple sources sometimes to corroborate something they hear or read.

First up is an interview with Stew Webb and if you know anything about Mr. Webb he always presents a plethora of info about behind-the-scenes topics, so there's a lot of info here. Kerry and Stew talk about CIA kill teams, banks, the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocol, and how this relates to what's going on right now financially, and the satanic rituals that are practiced in castles around the country by the illuminati banker types and that there may be one soon to occur in Colorado. The second video talks about false flag assassinations on American people which will then be blamed on Iranians as well as the issues on the Proj. Cam interview. I'm listening to that one currently, so don't know what all's on it.


Stew Webb: CIA Kill Teams Activated, Coming Bank Collapse, Occupy Kimball Castle!

Next, is the briefing blog update from Tom Hennigan who describes himself as an intelligence expert, and here you can find more about the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocol as well as the so called "global settlement accounts."

Tom Heneghan's Intelligence Blog


There are a number of articles in the Financial Times about the Federal Reserve. I don't subscribe to this paper but here are some of the headlines:

 Federal Reserve set to unveil capital proposals

Fed officials look to easing option

Chances of central bank action this month rise

This is related to Germany's gold and dispelling falsehoods about German gold deposits in the U.S....

Ka-Boom! Secret Central Bank Gold Agreements between Fed and Bundesbank!



This is from a practical and well known U.S. economist, Paul Roberts, and he talks about the metals market manipulation among other things, but also he makes the suggestion to remove the toxic trillion dollar derivative debts. 

Collapse At Hand

I would add we may as well do away with the debts incurred by banks in regards to student loans and mortgages and write off the so called debts of the people of Greece, Spain, and other European countries. Ok, I'm not economist and I'm not detracting from the article, which is an excellent one. I'm just someone who doesn't give a shit about usury, and not taking the tiger by the tail means the collapse here or across the pond is coming. When are we all gonna get some balls and declare a referendum like Iceland and say we're not going to put up with this shit! In the dither dather of "postering" my guess is we've given the bankster thugs time to continue their move to a collapse closer to when they want it. Oh, I think it's been headed that way a long time, but you understand from a level-headed population that takes its future into its own hands what can happen when people put the bullshit aside and get what needs to be done taken care of. 

Another good article on metals manipulation...

How the US Government & Federal Reserve Rig the Gold Price by Perception


Regardless of one's take on this info, it would appear that just what Stew is saying is going to happen--something very significant in the weeks ahead. He's saying a collapse. Obviously, he's not the only one talking about collapse, and there are a number of things going on right now pointing to something serious about to happen in terms of the mass of people knowing about it.